Preserved Sheet Elizabeth Rote - The Cunning

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A totally serious person.
May 14, 2016
Reaction score






Full Name: Elizabeth Erline Aileas Rote
Nickname: Eliza, Liza, Elizabeth the Cunning, Doctor Rote.
Age: 29
Born 278 AC, January 14th.
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor (Colonial)





20 Medical Sciences (15 From Points + 3)
12 Alchemy Sciences (12 From Points + 2)
10 Ceramic Arts (8 From Hobby Points + 2 From Points)
2 Dancing Arts (2 From Hobby Points)


Body Shape

❅Physical Stat: 0
Body Shape: Average Body Shape
❅Body Fat Category: Low Body Fat



10/10 Common (Learnt through a tutor.)
10/10 Alt-Regalian (Father tongue)
10/10 Anglian (Learnt from living in Griptham, 2nd language.)




Eye Color: Pale Blue (Left), and Light Brown (Right) (This is from the view of another person.)
Hair Color:
Light Blond, basically platinum.
Hair Style: Eliza has straight short hair near a little past jaw length she prefers combed back.
Skin Color: Porcelain
Clothing: Fashionable clothing, most of the time sleek and featuring red or another fashionable color.
Height: 5'1
Extra note: She is ambidextrous but mainly uses her left.




|Lawful Good-Lawful Neutral|

A lawful neutral character typically believes strongly in lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules, and traditions, but often follows a personal code in addition to, or even in preference to, one set down by a benevolent authority. Eliza had a code that she keeps in her head, she respects those around her. Though she can become less bias in situations where a code alludes her, she can be sharp with her words when frustrated.

|The Thinker|

The INTP is usually very independent, unconventional, and original. They are not likely to place much value on traditional goals such as popularity and security. They usually have complex characters and may tend to be restless and temperamental. They are strongly ingenious and have unconventional thought patterns which allows them to analyze ideas in new ways.

|Strict Unionist|

As a Rote, Eliza was brought up to know of Unionism and it's ways. She tends to look down on some who don't practice it, but mostly those who converted and have yet shown any passion for the religion. She sees those who convert yet stick to their old ways as liars. Eliza is sort of okay with most who don't practice the religion, but they will find it very hard to befriend her. She has made exceptions before but those aren't always common. Whoever succeeded at befriending her without being unionist will still find a defensive wall that is impossible to break through, meaning the friendship would still be different from if they were unionist.




Eliza loves to dance, from a young age she preferred her alone time, and aside from studies, her alone time was spent in the ballroom dancing. She later hired a dancing instructor to fine-tune any details in her dancing.

She also has a soft spot for elegant creatures, mainly birds and cats. While she may take note of an animal and talk about its grace and elegance, she also admires it's hunting ability and calculating side.

Eliza also loves to observe things, mostly animals she keeps at her home but also people. She watches people converse and act. She reads it as a dance they all do, be it false or actually their true dance.

Eliza loves her family, she is willing to do anything for them. She can be protective of them and can be hostile to those who bear fangs at them.

Eliza loves the smell of freshly cooked food, and most commonly will be found at restaurants or any food-based event. Thought this also ties into her love of nice smelling fragrances, and also plants.

Eliza loves reading, but not really books, she loves to read newspapers. She personally has a collection from different companies so she can view what people think and also stay updated. (Thank you, Imperial Times!!!)

Eliza also enjoys Nature, it mainly comes from her childhood of outdoor adventures though she more so favors the plants than the animals.

Eliza also loves fashion, she has a book she keeps of fabrics, colors, and patterns for outfits she wears or gives to others.

She also likes cats because Leopold hates them, so she got one to tick Leopold off.


Eliza dislikes alcohol to some degree, she cannot drink it since of her low tolerance. She dislikes that she can't have it, but mostly she has a sweet tooth anyway.

Eliza mainly dislikes liars, she believes they waste their time by lying. She can read people fairly well, so when they lie to her she gets bored and annoyed fairly easily.

Eliza despises loud noise, she grew up mostly keeping to herself with a soft hum of a nearby piano playing or music box, but any loud noise is not welcome. She tends to leave any area fairly quickly once loud noise picks up, though is curious most times of the cause.

Eliza hates it when people follow her or just drift around her. This is okay when it's friends, but when it's people she doesn't know, she just automatically looks for a way to lose them.

Eliza hates when people apply too much fragrance, it just annoys her and makes her grit her teeth slightly in disgust. Any bad smell or any overwhelming smell is not welcome.

Eliza also dislikes horses and as well as other wild beasts, this is mainly due to the betrayal of a servant that landed her a nasty scar on her back, which has become fainter as time passes. It takes much convincing to ever see Eliza on a horse. Eliza is deathly terrified also of beastly animals, like giant hunting dogs. (>:O @julius.peirgarten)




Leopold Rote | Trusted Brother | @Optimalfriskies
Thea Rote |
Beloved Sister | @Rochelle_

Margarethe Black | Well-Liked | @Senpah
Haeddi Harhold |
Well-Liked | @AtticCat
Noelle Peirgarten |
Fellow Apprentice, Well-Liked | @mcmann
Dianne Black |
Trusted Mentor | @darkarely
Kara Haaven |
Kind Fellow Medic | @AWildResi



Elizabeth Erline Aileas Rote was born January 14th, 278 AC, younger sister to Abelhard Rote, Thea Rote, Leopold Rote, and also Octavia Rote. Eliza when she was young liked to observe things, either from afar or close. One day the family Andsrudgeiver approached her and also assigned her the trait of Cunning. Eliza began attempting to fit the trait but also at times was confused on why she was assigned it. Eliza began studying with a tutor her father hired so she could learn the military matters that Rote focused on, though that view changed to focus on medicine. She grew an interest in medical and alchemic type things and stuck with it. When she was around 7, she began to watch galas, events, or anything including dancing, which she then grew an interest in. Eliza began to wear her skirts shorter to allow her more movement as she did small dances down the halls and in the privacy of her room. Eliza when she was 10 asked her father to hire a dance instructor so she could fine-tune flaws in her dancing and as well improve. She also experimented with wearing trousers, which were only for when she danced in her room. She stopped wearing them after a while. While Eliza was studious and observant, she also while young had a fascination with exploring things, she found many things curious.

Eliza continued her studies and her adventures. Eliza during one afternoon ventured further outside the estate, she brought her stewardess with her who had helped her when she was younger, 12. Eliza ventured out with her stewardess, whom she called Rose, into a forest-plains area that was nearby. Eliza saw a group of horses and she observed them closely. Rose advised that maybe they could observe the animals closer if they both moved to another rock, Eliza was unsure at first before she headed off to the rock. One thing leads to another, Rose accidentally, according to Eliza's report, provoked one of them and they both ended up with injuries. Rose reportedly saved Eliza, Eliza only had a scar from this event that runs from her left shoulder blade to right hip. Rose was promoted for her efforts to save the child and soon left Eliza to work for a more prominent family. Eliza after this event was furious due to the fact that Rose actually, due to later realization by Eliza, provoked the animal on purpose to save Eliza and gain a positive reputation and move on to serve another, wealthy family. Eliza after this became more careful and remained indoors, she also became more alert and at times could be paranoid. Since she has grown, the scar has become fainter but still noticeable. Eliza also became more observant of those around her, trusting more her own instincts than what someone may show. Eliza continued to dance but after the event became more of a wallflower at events, or she just remained home. She decided to strictly study her medical studies more than before since she found comfort in knowing how to help someone in an event like what she experienced. After her childhood event, she also began to fit her trait as cunning more. Eliza soon dropped dancing and it became a rusty skill she possesses.

Eliza continued her studies and avoided horses. She began keeping a low number of house staff with her, due to previous events and her list of friends also grew shorter. She became more secluded, though of course she commonly conversed with siblings, but mostly only with them or those who struck a conversation with her. Eliza then saw her family head off to Regalia, some remained at the family home, including Eliza. Eliza then later went to Regalia. Eliza met Margarethe Black, and also learned new things. She met the one that is to marry her nephew, Caspian, and reunited with Caspian and her family members. She has been more social now that she finds comfort in the city, but still hides away in her room at times to read or avoid those she dislikes.
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Hello Shibani, here is my review for your character:

You will need at least 6 points in linguistic knowledge to claim a language outside of common + parental languages

The choice of languages is inconsistent in terms of parentage with this profile: which is this character's sibling. Please clarify which of these two is correct. @Optimalfriskies

Once this matter has been clarified, please tag me and I'll take another look.
Hello Shibani, here is my review for your character:

You will need at least 6 points in linguistic knowledge to claim a language outside of common + parental languages

The choice of languages is inconsistent in terms of parentage with this profile: which is this character's sibling. Please clarify which of these two is correct. @Optimalfriskies

Once this matter has been clarified, please tag me and I'll take another look.
I'll get rid of Anglian. (Tho it was there because Leopold also had it marked Fluent)
Thea (Eliza's older sister) has Skodje marked as a language from their mother with Alt-Regalian from their father. That's why there is Skodje in the mix.
Sort the language question internally at the soonest opportunity.

Sort the language question internally at the soonest opportunity.

*Last name is now only Typhonus, so I updated her name and the title.
*I added Fashion as one of her likes
*As stated the previous update, I updated her points to feature the School of Alchemy.
NUUU oh well, I'm gonna fix the points then
Updated her app to feature the proficiency update and some name edits. Bump!
@Shibani Your application seems mostly in order, there are a few things that need to be corrected however:
  • You currently have three extra languages listed, you are only allowed at most two others besides common without investing points. Please sort this out by either investing points, or removing one of the three.
  • As it stands, medical Knowledge is not one of the applicable proficiencies for Colonial exceeding 20 points, please correct this.
Make the appropriate changes in Blue, and tag me once you have done so.
@Shibani Your application seems mostly in order, there are a few things that need to be corrected however:
  • You currently have three extra languages listed, you are only allowed at most two others besides common without investing points. Please sort this out by either investing points, or removing one of the three.
  • As it stands, medical Knowledge is not one of the applicable proficiencies for Colonial exceeding 20 points, please correct this.
Make the appropriate changes in Blue, and tag me once you have done so.
Removed skodje and balanced the points
Added 2 visual arts