Preserved Sheet Elijah Thornwood

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Jun 14, 2021
Reaction score
bruh.webp Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Elijah Ulfr Thornwood "The Wolf"
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half-Eronidas
  • Sexuality: Straight

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points:
(Total points: 50, Spent: 50)
  • Shielding combat: 15
  • Perception training: 10
  • Strength training: 10
  • Fist combat: 15 (+5 from race)= Total including racial boost is 20 points
Hobby points: (10 of 10 used)
  • hunting art 10 (Hobby points)
  • rogues gift 5 Counter (Perception training)
  • Super Intuition on forgeries (Perception training)
  • Gate smash 1 (Strength training)
  • Great force 1 (Strength training)
  • Skin purge 1 (Racial)
  • brawn power 1 (Racial)
  • brawn power 2 (Racial)
  • pure body 2 (Racial)
  • honed skill 1 (Racial)
  • home upgrade 1 (Racial)

Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 60
  • Body Builder type
  • Low body fat
  • Common
Visual Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Eye Color: Green with a gold ring around the iris
  • Hair Color: dark brown
  • Hair Style: long and tied back
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: fur pants and a tight shirt that hugs his muscular form. a bear fur hooded cloak.
  • Height: 6'4
  • Weight: 360lbs
Personality (Required with Choice)

The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Entrepreneur (ESTP-A/ESTP-T)
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of nothing (0/10)

Life Story (Required)
When Elijah was born his parents were traveling from city to city trying to find a good place to settle down. His parents were loving and caring but when they were making camp on the road one night they were raided and killed. Elijah was left there alone until a pack of werebeasts wandered through the area looking for food. The werebeasts took in the baby they found and raised it as if it were a werebeast pup itself. When he was old enough to crawl he started to hit things. When he was old enough to speak and walk he started to work out so he could be strong. He started to hunt with his pack and this helped him learn how to track amazingly and hunt as well. He left the pack when he got strong enough to wrestle the alpha of the pack and win. When he left he made his way to the city where he learned to communicate better and how to fight with a shield. He learned this in his spare time at the arena where he practiced with shield combat and different styles of hand to hand combat. He also learned to see through people's forgeries. He learned this by studying peoples papers when they came into the local tavern as the bouncer. He also served drinks when there was down time at the tavern so that he had something to do. This led to him meeting a man that was well dressed who talked about opening a beautiful jewelry shop near by and Elijah offering to be a guard/bouncer for him should he need it. Elijah started working for this man in his spare time which helped Elijah become more perceptive with people and how they acted. All around it gave him a new Family to be part of and a better sense of perception when it came to surprises and thievery.
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bumping because the person that submitted after me already got accepted and looked over
bumping because the person that submitted after me already got accepted and looked over
I'm not staff so you don't have to take my suggestion, but they will get to you when they get to you. Only bump your application if it hasn't been claimed after a week. If it has been claimed and not been commented on any further, then wait a week and tag your reviewer with a bump.
I'm not staff so you don't have to take my suggestion, but they will get to you when they get to you. Only bump your application if it hasn't been claimed after a week. If it has been claimed and not been commented on any further, then wait a week and tag your reviewer with a bump.
yes however it was also on page 2 which is another reason to bump as i was told by everyone in vc.
Hello there! I am not a staff member but I am giving a peer review on your application, what I write are merely suggestions and advice!

Remember to state how many Hobby Points you have as well, despite you already investing it into a proficiency, you should still just say you have ten Hobby Points to be utilized as well.

Shielding combat: 15 (+5 from race)
Fist combat: 15 (+5 from race)
You can only have one Racial Boost for your character 'Elijah', this is not a suggestion or advice, this is required, you can only have one. Be sure to look here to decide which you want.

This should be approximately fifty-three-ish, this comes from the thirty-five Body Stat from your proficiencies (excluding the extra Racial Boost) while the extra eighteen coming from Racial Ability [Brawn Power II], remember to calculate according to this and then round up.

Life Story (Required)
I would suggest adding more because 'Elijah' is in his mid-thirties and you can't really explain much about a man who lived three decades in a single paragraph but, again, just a suggestion.

Alrighty, that is all! Remember this is just a peer review and you should wait for a staff member to give an official review! Happy roleplaying, gamer!

Post Edit: You should change your Body Shape and Body Fat to Strongman Body and Built Body Fat accordingly due to 'Elijah' weighing significantly high and having Strength Training.​
Hello there! I am not a staff member but I am giving a peer review on your application, what I write are merely suggestions and advice!

Remember to state how many Hobby Points you have as well, despite you already investing it into a proficiency, you should still just say you have ten Hobby Points to be utilized as well.

You can only have one Racial Boost for your character 'Elijah', this is not a suggestion or advice, this is required, you can only have one. Be sure to look here to decide which you want.

This should be approximately fifty-three-ish, this comes from the thirty-five Body Stat from your proficiencies (excluding the extra Racial Boost) while the extra eighteen coming from Racial Ability [Brawn Power II], remember to calculate according to this and then round up.

I would suggest adding more because 'Elijah' is in his mid-thirties and you can't really explain much about a man who lived three decades in a single paragraph but, again, just a suggestion.

Alrighty, that is all! Remember this is just a peer review and you should wait for a staff member to give an official review! Happy roleplaying, gamer!

Post Edit: You should change your Body Shape and Body Fat to Strongman Body and Built Body Fat accordingly due to 'Elijah' weighing significantly high and having Strength Training.​
thank you for the review. I changed the race boost thanks for pointing that out. that was not supposed to be two of them. also i recalculated and i actually hit the stat cap with brawn 2 so thanks for pointing that out as well. as for the back story I cant add much more without going over the 800 word limit so i will leave it for now. I did change the build type to body builder thought as well. thanks for your help again.