
Should their be elf vampires?

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Aug 20, 2013
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My house
While recently playing on the server someone asked on the help channel if elves could become vampires. Not relly knowing much about the vampire plugin because i had only became a vamp once by accident i had thought all races could be vamps ( or at least humans and elves) when he got told only humans could be vampires i got a bit annoyed. Personally i think elves should be able to become vampires. It just seems right and it could have some great role play opertunitys like say a elf nobleman with a dark vampiric secret or a cursed eleven dude who loves the taste of blood! I think it would be a good thing but one person cant make a difference in this world! Vote for elf-vampires!
Erm. no... The lore says that there cannot be elven vampires and if they did like blood it would just be cannibalism. The vampiric disease is only for humans so they atleast get buffs if they PvP or want to be a vampire. If elves were somehow to be vampires it would also upset alot of the balanced classes.
At the moment, Elves cannot become vampires. But in the future, there is a slight chance of them becoming a vampire.
Even if this was spelled half correctly, I still wouldn't agree :l
Sorry, but if you want a chance, you're going to have to spell "There" correctly before your views will mean anything ._.
Like it was said earlier, this cant happen due due the disease being a human only disease, and it would overpower the class.
PS. I dont think this is in the right category and should go under ideas
Would you prefer it if i put it in a posh letter written specifically to you jack with lots of flattery and begging? Im not bloody Shakespeare dude I'm a dyslexic from the middle of essex i cant spell. :(
No. For one, Massive doesn't need any more vampires. Also, vampirism is a disease. Only humans can catch the disease, Elves are essentially immune. I see no reason for that to be changed, you have nothing to support your "idea" here.
I think this might be voted on unfairly. I meant for you to see this from a role-play point of view! All your going on is cold hard fact get some darn imagination!
Ok, from the roleplay point of view, many vampires have crappy RP, so we don't need to encourage that. Elves are fine as is, and if you want to be a vampire, be a human. My imagination is the reason I don't like this- I'm imagining a Regalia that is filled with vampires, which doesn't make sense. I simply don't see why you'd want this.
I voted based on a role play view and other wise. Vampire elves? I never heard of such a thing in ANY role playing forum or story, nor do I think should they exist. Now, I have heard of differ elves that acted like vampires and such, but that was from ONE story, and only one story and not even in a role play at all (from what I encountered). Even with that said, I don't think those should be added to the game either .-. It's just doesn't fit the race and would ruin role play I believe.
NO, just NO.
The Vampiric disease originates from the dark banshee and was made to split Humans against themselves and weaken them. There is a reason why ONLY humans can become vampires....
I suggest reading up on the vampire lore and see for yourself.
the only way i could see this is if the curse/disease had mutated, and i don't agree with that. In my honest opinion lore wise anything at least half human should be able to become cursed with the disease, however humans should stay the only race in the plugin infected by it. So now no.
As of this moment, (may change once the trait system comes out), Elves can NOT become vampires, nor do I think they should.

And, as confirmed by staff, HALF-Elves also can NOT become vampires.

One must be 100% human in order to become a vampire.
You can have an elf with the psyche of a vampire, but not one who is actually a vampire. If you want a vampire elf, I suggest roleplaying as a normal elf who thinks he is a vampire. It makes for fun awkward roleplay.
Seeing some posts about it being a human only disease, depending on the cause of the disease (maybe mycobactium causing necrosis i'm not sure?) they can learn to adapt to different species, I'm not really sure about this though, it would be interesting but would make races unbalanced, I see vampirism only for RP reasons now.
While recently playing on the server someone asked on the help channel if elves could become vampires. Not relly knowing much about the vampire plugin because i had only became a vamp once by accident i had thought all races could be vamps ( or at least humans and elves) when he got told only humans could be vampires i got a bit annoyed. Personally i think elves should be able to become vampires. It just seems right and it could have some great role play opertunitys like say a elf nobleman with a dark vampiric secret or a cursed eleven dude who loves the taste of blood! I think it would be a good thing but one person cant make a difference in this world! Vote for elf-vampires!
thing is, they said they would make vampirism applicable to all races soon, so please, before you post something like this, please just read up first, not only making your post more informative, but also more reasonable.
Oh god. I can't take anymore of this screeching. Someone better start giving vampires a ticket to hell pretty soon. When are they going to get rid of these leeches? I do NOT support this idea.
There are far too many vampires as it is, and about 90% of them don't know what "good roleplay" means. The server has very few good RPer's anymore. Adding to the problem will totally wreck it. Not only that, but this would require re-writing the lore. The lore gets changed around enough already. (I don't get why they didn't just leave some of the stuff they've changed)
Personally I dont see how a hybrid would cause anything? Nothing to really gain from it? If you want to be a vampire, then be a vampire, not much difference between an elf and a vampire physicall, so its not like you would look cooler or anything?
Now vampire orcs, the server needs more cruel ruthless evil orcs, but seeing as orcs are a corrupted form of elf, they too, as much as I think they would be cool, would make no sense with the lore.
Personally I dont see how a hybrid would cause anything? Nothing to really gain from it? If you want to be a vampire, then be a vampire, not much difference between an elf and a vampire physicall, so its not like you would look cooler or anything?
Now vampire orcs, the server needs more cruel ruthless evil orcs, but seeing as orcs are a corrupted form of elf, they too, as much as I think they would be cool, would make no sense with the lore.

On this server, Orcs are a separate species. Not a corrupted form of elf. The only link between the two, is that they are both descended from the Seraph (as are humans and a couple of others).
On this server, Orcs are a separate species. Not a corrupted form of elf. The only link between the two, is that they are both descended from the Seraph (as are humans and a couple of others).

I thought that WAS the server lore? I had never heard of orcs being related to elves before until someone said it was the lore o.o
No. i HATE this idea.
There are enough bloody vampires and a vampire-elf hybrid is just someone really trying to layer on the badass and angst.

Again, that little picture explains it all.
I voted based on a role play view and other wise. Vampire elves? I never heard of such a thing in ANY role playing forum or story, nor do I think should they exist. Now, I have heard of differ elves that acted like vampires and such, but that was from ONE story, and only one story and not even in a role play at all (from what I encountered). Even with that said, I don't think those should be added to the game either .-. It's just doesn't fit the race and would ruin role play I believe.

Dungeons and Dragons, the Vampire template can be added to any living race that doesn't specifically have an immunity (such as werewolves). Meaning anything can and has been a vampire at least once in DnD. It can lead to some VERY over powering characters because they keep their old race's benefits plus the vampire abilities. Adding a demon/devil template on top of that is just insane, but perfectly within the rules. (Don't go within 100 miles of a church though xD)

That being said, I still don't agree with this. DnD's Vampire isn't just a disease, it's a form of undeath and as such it overcomes any race. Massive's Vampire is just a disease, the human never dies during the change. Dwarves are very hardy against disease and poison in more lore systems, as are Elves. I imagine Orcs are very hardy as well. So none of them should really be susceptable to it. Plus a disease as complex as Massive's Vampirism would have to be very specific in the changes it makes, biologically. Even if an Elf contracted the disease, it'd probably function very differently because the genetic coding would be so different. On one hand this should rule out the possibility of having Elven Vampires. On the other, should the Vampire plugin ever be rewritten it could involve multiple races of Vampire. Similar to World of Darkness.

So basically, unless the plugin were redone, and an RP reason given for it expanding to other races (Maybe Baver has been experimenting on the idea for a long time and finally found a breakthrough?) it makes no logical sense for other races to be included.
Dungeons and Dragons, the Vampire template can be added to any living race that doesn't specifically have an immunity (such as werewolves). Meaning anything can and has been a vampire at least once in DnD. It can lead to some VERY over powering characters because they keep their old race's benefits plus the vampire abilities. Adding a demon/devil template on top of that is just insane, but perfectly within the rules. (Don't go within 100 miles of a church though xD)

That being said, I still don't agree with this. DnD's Vampire isn't just a disease, it's a form of undeath and as such it overcomes any race. Massive's Vampire is just a disease, the human never dies during the change. Dwarves are very hardy against disease and poison in more lore systems, as are Elves. I imagine Orcs are very hardy as well. So none of them should really be susceptable to it. Plus a disease as complex as Massive's Vampirism would have to be very specific in the changes it makes, biologically. Even if an Elf contracted the disease, it'd probably function very differently because the genetic coding would be so different. On one hand this should rule out the possibility of having Elven Vampires. On the other, should the Vampire plugin ever be rewritten it could involve multiple races of Vampire. Similar to World of Darkness.

So basically, unless the plugin were redone, and an RP reason given for it expanding to other races (Maybe Baver has been experimenting on the idea for a long time and finally found a breakthrough?) it makes no logical sense for other races to be included.

Wait what.......there was elf vampires in DND ....?....I have never heard of this at all in my game nights...