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Election Thesis By Christopher Black


Snowdonian Pirate
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score
Election Thesis
by Christopher Black

This thesis, of course, pertains to the election of a new Undercrown, following the death of his late Majesty, Archduke Charles Montagaard.

Charles Montagaard was a successful administrator. During his brief tenure as Undercrown, he enforced an efficient government, quelled the rebellions in the north in a show of force reminiscent of the Skagger Wars of old, and oversaw a successful end to the Second Regalia-Masaya War.

The empty seat of Undercrown left in the wake of his all-too-soon departure now needs to be filled. However, an examination of potential candidates reveals a unifying theme:

A majority of the potential candidates have military backgrounds as opposed to civilian ones, and are not life-time administrators.

This is not a derogatory comment by any means, as I class myself among this group. I am a born and bred man of the navy, for example; Albaer Ravenstad is a general of land troops; William Coen is a leader among the guards, as is Reynald Typhonus.

To make a definitive choice to withdraw from the military institution that one has dedicated one's entire life to, and would not be permitted back to, is not a minor thing. This is an irreversible decision that lays to bed years upon years of military training and experience. In its place, if elected to the Undercrown role, would be a new life for an ex-military individual. A new life linked to working with the civilian government, and one that would potentially require whole new skill sets to be learned.

Given the slate of military-trained individuals among the populace from whom an Undercrown may have to be found, and the definitiveness of the decisions that one of them may have to make in regards to their future path, and the time that it would then take to learn new skill sets, I propose an interim solution:

For the Undercrown position to remain unfilled in the near future, and for a small executive panel of interim decision-makers to be instituted in the Undercrown's place, until such a time that a suitable Undercrown candidate (either from this executive panel or from elsewhere) has been identified.

For the makeup of this executive panel, I would propose that the size of it contain no more than five or seven individuals: a small number so that their progress and decision-making could be monitored closely. The function of the panel; that is, the kinds of decisions that the members of the panel would make, would be those that the Undercrown would normally make. So, for example, whether a charter should be formed, etc. Finally, the members of the panel would not have to leave their other, e.g. military, positions. With a handful of decision makers on the panel and thus a sharing of the work load, each would have time to tend to their other duties as well.

I would apply to be a member of such an interim panel, if it was created.


Count of Narlas
Admiral of Regalia​
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