Preserved Sheet Elashor Loralynn

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
Elashor Loralynn



Basic Information
  • Name: Elashor Loralynn
  • Age: 75
  • Date of Birth: October 27th, 232 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ma'ella Sihndar
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: His Words or Throwing Knives
Skill Information
(60 points)
  • Combat
  • +5 Throwing Combat (+5 Points)
  • Study
  • +25 Diplomatic Case (+25 Points)
  • Knowledge
  • +15 Linguistics Knowledge (+15 Points)
  • Elven Pack
  • Human Pack
  • Mythic Pack
  • +12 Society Knowledge (+12 Points)
  • Ailor Culture
  • Allorn Culture
  • Western Culture
  • Extinct Culture
  • +3 History Knowledge (+3 Points)
  • Nelfin History
  • Art
  • +10 Theatre Arts (+10 Hobby Points)
Body Shape:
  • 5 Combat = 5 Body Stat
  • Type: Thin
  • Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common [Free Language]
  • Sihndar Dialect [Native Tongue]
  • Modern Altalar [Parental's Second Language]
  • Middle Altalar[1st Linguistics]
  • Alt-Regalian [2nd Linguistics]
  • Old Ceardian Dialect [3rd Linguistics/Human Pack]
  • Proto-Daen [3rd Linguistics/Human Pack]
  • Proto-Regalian [3rd Linguistics/Human Pack]
  • Twi Dialects [4th Linguistics/Elven Pack]
  • Ancient Altalar [4th Linguistics/Elven Pack]
  • Dragon Script [5th Linguistics/Mythic Pack]
  • Meraic Alphabet [5th Linguistics/Mythic Pack]
  • Seraph Dialect [5th Linguistics/Mythic Pack]
Racial Abilities:
  • Residues of Cataclysm
  • Embrace of the Spider Queen
  • Dryder Form
  • Embrace of Tainting
  • Lording of Eevth

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Snow White
  • Hair Style: Short & Well-Kept
  • Skin Color: Light Purple
  • Clothing: Fancier Styles, Depending on the Region
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Alignment
    • Lawful Evil
  • Personality Type
    • The Mastermind (INJT) - INTJs are true introverts. This personality type tends to be quiet, reserved and comfortable in their own company. INTJs are usually self-sufficient and prefer to work alone than in a group. Socializing significantly drains the energy of this personality type, causing them to need to recharge. Do not weight down an INTJ with small talk! They are more interested in big ideas and theories. When observing the world, INTJs regularly question why things happen the way they do. Uncertainty is the enemy of the INTJ. They excel at developing plans and strategies for every eventuality.
  • Religion
    • Spider-Queen (4/10)
Life Story

0-18 Years Old

Elashor Loralynn was born on Octover 27th, 232 AC within the middle of Drowda, near one of the many lakes within the area. His mother was quite old compared to Ailor standards, being 124 years old. His father, was 127 years old. Both of his parents, as well as himself, were that of the Ma'ella Tribe. They returned to Drowda only recently to give birth to a Sihndar child. His father, Belanor Loralynn, had to keep on traveling as his mother, Tsarra Loralynn, stayed within Drowda to help raise their child. Growing up felt like any normal childhood, in which he would be raised up to be diplomat and taught how to speak the native tongue as well as Modern Altalar, his mother's main language. When Elashor was 8 years hold, his distant cousin, who was named Deldrax, came along to their home. Deldrax was 10 at the time, in which they felt a brotherly bond for a time as they enjoyed each other. However, their brotherly love didn't last long as Deldrax was sent back with his father to continue his combative training. Elashor was taught the true art of diplomacy, like his father before him. His new diplomatic training had now truly begun at the age of 14, in which he kept his studies going for quite some time.

19-35 Years Old

Time was something he always thought he had, as he continued to work under his mother's wing. That was, until he got word that his father was considered a failure to the eyes of the Sihndar, since he did not bring back any type of supplies within the first half year. Elashor understood what he needed to do, in which with him now being 20, he had sent himself to the Altalar Empire, with the hopes of gaining some type of supplies there. When he arrived, he was heavily unwelcomed due to his Sihndar heritage. However, they allowed him to stay around, with the idea of allowing him to form within their society as an advisor of sorts to some of the local Conduits. One of the other advisors of the Conduit, was a female Altalar who he held some feelings for on the inside as she begun to teach him the ways of the Altalar and other Nelfin cultures, as well as the Nelfin's history. It took a lot of their time, as he always managed to convince the Conduit to help send some supplies back to Drowda, to keep the people alive there. It was more so out of piety and annoyance, as Elashor kept asking such. This last for years to come, in which he was then taught the Middle Altalar language.

36-69 Years Old

All was well within the Altalar Empire under the Conduit, in which he continued to act as the Conduit's top advisor. Surprising, the Conduit even allowed Elashor to stay within his estate for quite some time. His teachings with the female Altalar continued, in which he was sent with her to the Regalian Empire. However, they were sent to the city of Calemburg as Elashor was 44 years old. The city was large and impressive, as they went to establish a bit of trade going with the Empire. Elashor used the large amount of time to go with his Altalar friend to learn the ways of the Ailor cultures. He took this time to get closer with the woman as well. However, he was rejected. He accepted that they were only meant to be friends, in which he learnt the different Ailor cultures, as well as the New Regalian language. Their stay lasted quite a long time, in which he was 56 years old at that time. During that extra time, he studied the forgotten languages of the Ailor people. He was then sent back to the Altalar Empire, as his time was done. With many recent wars as well, he kept to his studies in the Altalar Empire, who gave what little supplies they could to Drowda.

70-75 Years Old

Unsure of what all to do, Elashor knew of nothing else but to continue his search of forgotten languages, in which he was taught his final lesson with the female Altalar. She helped the Sihndar learn and understand the forgotten languages of the Twi Dialects and the Ancient Altalar tongue. His time during his stay in the Altalar Empire had taught him enough to even learn how to work with some of the Ailor plays in secret, keeping up with an act that he knows to help with his diplomatic missions. After his training with the plays, his thoughts became to understanding the stranger side of linguistics, that being the Dragon Script, and the even stranger, Meraic Alphabet. The idea came to mind after thinking of Frist, the Undead Dragon. And with the idea of Maraya walking around, being only new to the world compared to other races, he learnt of the Meraic Alphabet to try and figure out why they only appeared after the Cataclysm. However, being of 75 years old, he decided that after 55 years worth of service, to retire himself from the Altalar Empire. He knew he held his services, in which he left the fellow advisor and the Conduit as he moved to Regalia to try and get some supplies from the nobles that rested within the Ailor Empire. As well as learning all he could about linguistics. And such, being a diplomat, he has begun to learn what he can of defending himself through throwing knives.
Last edited:
@Katiesc Just as a heads up, I moved the 5 Points from Legal Case into Linguistics, making it 25 in total. And with a new level in linguistics, I added the Mystics Pack and I added a bit into his life story to explain the reason of learning such languages.