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Work in Progress Elaire Character Sheet

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Sep 3, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Elaire Dreathar
Heritage / Culture: Ailor
Age: 122
Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Religion: None
Occult: Vampire
Character Occupation: Artificer/technician
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: pale white
Hair: Shimmering White
Height: 5'5"
Body Type: slim but muscular enough to do some heavy lifting
Additional Features: wears a vest and a white dress shirt underneath with brown baggy-ish pants.
Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents: Shes very talented at tinkering and tech but she also loves to read
Voilenigme Mechanic I: Voilenigme Vampires can use a Guild Glamor, that allows them to participate in any Guild Meeting and fake their membership for those meetings only (should still not draw too much attention).
Voilenigme Mechanic II: Voilenigme Vampires are able to apply a Party Glamor onto any number of non-Vampire allies or collaborators when they use a Party Glamor themselves, following the common Rules for Party Glamor.
Voilenigme Mechanic III: Voilenigme Vampires have magical control over their own styling, make-up, clothing, as well as that of others, able to add, remove, change and modify anything within Emote Range.

Stance (Bruiser)
Languages: Common
The humble artificer seems to have had a humble start when she was a baby her dad took her from her noble mother and moved out to a small village out south of Amontaar. She grew up with the other Ailor learning about herself just as a normal girl living a normal life as her dad taught her all about steamtech and the artistry that comes with it. She had learned a great deal from her father and showed amazing talent for technology. She did always enjoy her fashion as well and she has created all her attire with just some simple magic (her dad also helped out with installing some protection sigils). But Her food always did seem to be extra rare though and if it was a pastry it had a seemingly dark red filling but that's surely nothing right? When she asked her dad about it he told me and said it was strawberry flavoring for the pastry and that she always liked the rare steaks. She had no reason to disagree so she kept on believing....and believing...and believing that she was a simple Ailor and nothing more. Now she heads off to the city with something like an insatiable thirst urging in the back of her mind constantly just waiting...


Since Elaire's first tasting of fresh blood she became more powerful than ever before but also some of her memory returned from before she was taken. She was running from a castle, neck in pulsing pain as red blood drips from her neck her dad in front of her holding her hand running with her urging her to follow quickly. Dark shadows fluctuate around in the dark forest reveling in the sight of fresh prey, but suddenly a flash of light and then nothing.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 5
Defense Stat:5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 5
Building Scale
Bruiser Slam
Concussive Blow
Technique Parry
Bruiser Agony
Bruiser Rampage (Ailor)
Constitution: 1
Iron Will
Breather (Ailor)
Intelligence: 6
Tech Charge
Tech Assimilate
Tech Resist
Hook Shot
Tech Auto
Wisdom: 0
[Ability Name]
Dexterity: 1
Fleet Footed
Faith: 0
[Ability Name]
Magic: 1
Magic Revenge
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