Preserved Sheet Brutus Erobre - The Reformed Protector

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Jan 20, 2020
Reaction score

Full Name: Brutus Erobre
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor (Velheimer - Bolven)
Sexuality: Straight (Heterosexual)
Preferred Weapon: Glaive


Information on Skills
Total Points: 50 (Base) + 10 (Hobby Points) = 60 Points

· +11 Glaive Combat Skill I Trained
· +11 Fist Combat Skill I Trained
· +5 Perception Training I Learned
· +6 Volacorum (Monster Cho'Raq & Void Threlwar) I Learned
· +6 Roguery I Taught
· +15 Two-Handed Blunt Combat I Trained + Bolven Bonus
· +10 Hunting Arts I Hobby Points


Body Shape:
- 11 (Glaive) + 11 (Fist Combat) + 15 (Two-handed Blunt) = 35 Cap for Bolven Ailor – Strongman Body Shape

· Skodje (Growing Up)
· Common (Learned in Travels)


Mutations (Von Kerle Bloodline) -Active-:

Vampire Form Visual Reference

Vampire Form Aesthetics:
As Eivind transforms more and more towards his Vampiric Form, the bat-like features begin to overpower the normality of a Von Kerle Vampire. His various versions throughout the Ursarr Soul-Line back and forth between Mundane, Werebeast and Vampire have caused the Bat-like aesthetics to overpower the more noble. Becoming a monstrous bat-like abomination with long black claws that continue to push the looks of the intimidating giant-kin. Along with a heavy steam that leaves is maw and nostrils with each heavy breathe, sometimes tinged red with the ichor of what he had eaten.

· Blood Eyes 2 (Constant Passive): The Character permanently has reddened and darkened eye-sockets, and irises that are solid red, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects unless that effect specifically mentions hiding Blood Eyes 2. Additionally, the Character has Night-Vision, and is able to see through Mundane Darkness.

· Afflicted Life I (Constant Passive): From the moment that the Character is affected by the Affliction, their body ceases to age, and their Racial max-age no longer applies. If the Character is cured, they will age to their appropriate age within 2 weeks. If they are re-infected, their body will age backwards to when it was first affected by the Affliction. If the person has already lived past their Racial Max age, they die at the end of the 2 week period instead. For Characters using this Ability older than 150 years in total, a 150 Year Old Special Permission is required.

· Cursed Soul I (Constant Passive): While the character has an Affliction that includes this Ability, they are unable to use any Abilities found in Sorcery, Magic, and Faith Will. While having this Affliction, no other Affliction can be acquired. Proficiency Points are not refunded for Abilities lost. When the Affliction is removed (and this Ability), all normal use of Abilities is restored, and the Character can be Afflicted again.

· Servile Collar I (Control Power): The user can target either a willing or fully restrained unwilling person to apply a Control Power on them. Once applied, the target goes catatonic, their eyes become solid milky white, and they are no longer conscious of their surroundings. The user then has 10 minutes to give instructions to the Servile, after which the Servile must attempt to complete the instructions immediately (if the instructions are not completed, this Ability goes on Cooldown and ends). Serviles can be given multiple stages leading up to the final command (such as, for example go there, disguise as this, then stab this person), but cannot be given multiple commands (such as, stab this person, fake this document, and burn this house down). Once the Servile is either restrained, knocked unconscious, has Exorcism 2 applied to them, completes the objective, or cannot complete the objective within 24 hours, the Control Power is removed. Either way the Control Power ends, the Servile has no memory of the instructions given or any of their actions taken after instructions to before the removal of its effects. All the while the Control Power is active, the Target is catatonic but still functions like a zombie, they will continue to go about trying to complete their mission but look as if they are in a daze, their eyes milky white and will not speak or respond to any prompting. Serviles will move around obstacles and will defend themselves, and cannot be instructed to harm themselves. The Servile can never be instructed to speak or reveal things, it can only do things. This Ability has a 48 hour Cooldown.

· Servile Collar II (Control Power): The user can target either a willing or fully restrained unwilling person to apply a Control Power on them, as long as the target is not a Vampire. Note, while this Ability is not an express consent Ability, this Ability does not work if the Player targeted does not want to roleplay out the function of this Ability. Once applied, the Vampire produces a Blood-Mimic that manifests out of shadows and Blood next to them, that is an identical copy of the person targeted, except that they have red irises and dark-gray sclera (other Vampire-colored aesthetics may apply, ask in a ticket for more). The Mimic's red eyes and dark-grey sclera cannot, under any circumstances or abilities, be hidden or obfuscated. This Blood-Mimic has the same Memories, Proficiencies, Skills, and Abilities, as the original Target, and cannot be altered or afflicted. (I.E. They stay exactly the same as the character when copied, and cannot be infected or taught different things). Their personality however is untethered to conscience, and they must obey the commands of the Vampire that made them. There is no such thing as Kill Perms for Blood-Mimics, anyone can strike to kill, and the Vampire that created the Blood-Mimic can destroy them at any time. The Mimic can only be removed by being killed. This Ability has no Cooldown. Due to gameplay fairness, the Blood-Mimic can never reveal incriminating memories or any knowledge that the Vampire does not already have, despite having all the same memories as the victim, and being under the command of the Vampire. The Blood Mimic can only be played by the player of the character copied, unless that player gives express consent for another person to play it. Only one Blood Mimic can exist of the same person at any given time, but, a single Vampire can create multiple Blood Mimics.

· Blood Feeding I (Control Power): The Character can extend their Vampiric teeth and sink anywhere on a target's body to begin drinking blood. While drinking, the victim is paralyzed and unable to react, but is still aware and can still speak. A full drink takes up to 10 minutes. As soon as the Character releases the Target, they have lingering paralysis for 30 seconds before the effect is removed. This Ability cannot be used during combat or to initiate combat, and the target may also not be restrained by other means during the feeding. This Ability has a 30 second cooldown after feeding is complete. If the Target has Control Power Immunity, they are only immune to the Paralysis effect, and can still be fed on.

· Blood Curse 1 (Constant Passive): Firstly, the Character can still consume food and drinks, but achieves no satisfaction from their taste, as it all tastes like ash to them (except enchanted food made by other Vampiric Abilities). Secondly, The Vampire can reproduce with non-Vampires and Vampires alike, however the child will always result in a Vampire Brood of their Bloodline. Thirdly, if the Vampire does not feed within a week, they become physically frail. If they do not feed within two weeks, they become unable to engage in combat. After three weeks, they lose the ability to walk and become bed-bound. Vampires are unable to feed from other Vampires, and receive no satisfaction from feeding off of animals, except domesticated Sewer Rats, though the taste is revolting and makes the Vampires feel ill.

· Primal Horror 1 (Constant Passive): This Ability has a number of functions. Firstly, the Character is simply able to walk through Primal Shield 1, ignoring it as a physical barrier. Secondly, Primal Divination 1 does not work on them. Thirdly, Attacks or Abilities made by this Character cannot trigger Primal Defense 1 when used by someone else. Finally, the Character can sense any Dragon Warden, Dragonsoul, or Archblood within Emote Distance, even through walls, to pinpoint accuracy. This Ability and all its effects have no Cooldown.

· Belliard Horror 1 (Constant Passive): The Character is completely immune to all Puretek uses. Furthermore, the Character is also immune to Exorcism 1, 2, 3 and Primal Cleansing, meaning if they have an Affliction, this Affliction can only be removed in a Sakrosankt.

· Blood Dance 1 (Trigger Passive): Each wound drawing blood the Character applies with a weapon can be immediately used to undo an equivalent wound inflicted by that specific Target on the user themselves, as long as the wound was inflicted within the last 30 minutes. If there is no equivalent wound to undo, this Ability does nothing. If the user has no wounds, this Ability also does nothing. This ability has no Cooldown, however each wound inflicted cannot be "saved up". It must be used in 10 seconds or it expires.

· Blood Dance 2 (Trigger Passive): The Character is able to summon a mist of Blood that quickly suctions onto their body, forming Steel plate armor on their chest, head, and forearms colored in crimson blood. This armor can be summoned and un-summoned instantly, and there is no Cooldown to this Ability. If Armor breaking Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and a single piece breaks, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown.

· Blood Dance 3 (Trigger Passive): The Character is able to summon a mist of Blood that quickly suctions into the shape of a melee weapon of their desire in their hand. This Weapon can be summoned and un-sumoned instantly, and there is no Cooldown to this Ability. The Weapon cannot leave the user's hand, and cannot be handed off to others. If Weapon degrading Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and the weapon would break or be destroyed, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown.

· Super Self 2 (Mythic Shift): The user can use Super Self 2 to instantly shift or move their feet or legs or ankles by either contorting, phasing, ghosting or re-shaping in such a way that any Rooting, Trapping or Snaring that is applied on them is instantly cancelled the moment it hits (all other effects of those Abilities or Mundane Techniques still apply). This Ability does not affect Abilities that apply Disabling effects to specific limbs or Paralysis.

· Super Self 4 (Constant Passive): The Character is immune to any Alchemy, Mundane Techniques or Abilities that would cause a loss or gain, change, exchange or transferral of Proficiency Points or Physical Stat, both positively and negatively.

· Super Self 5 (Constant Passive): The Character is immune to any Ranged Combat Proficiency Mundane Techniques, with the exception of the Techniques gained at the full 20 Proficiency Point investment. The aesthetics for how these projectiles miss is up to the player, but it is recommended to simply pass through them as if they were a shadow.

· Vampiric Familiar 2 (Toggle Passive): The Character has a permanent Vampiric Familiar called the Bloodfalcon, a Falcon with bat ears, bat wings and a long tail that appears like squid arms with blood sucking mouths at the ends. The Bloodfalcon is purely aesthetic, as soon as Combat begins, it flies high up in the air and won't come down until Combat is over. The Bloodfalcon cannot perform any tasks, or leave the user. It can only play with the user or others in Emote Distance, or perch on the user's shoulder and make aesthetic gestures or noises. The Bloodfalcon can be summoned or un-summoned at will. This Familiar is immune to Spirit Curse 1.

· Power Howl 1 (Trigger Passive): The Character can unleash a blood curling echoing scream that reverberates in Emote Distance. Anyone who is Channelling an Ability or about to Channel has the Channel forcibly interrupted, regardless of what interruption rules this Ability has. If this Channel Ability has a cooldown shorter than 5 minutes, it is set to a 5 minute cooldown. If longer, the Ability's own cooldown is used. Additionally, anyone within 2 blocks of the user that was mid-swing with an attack, has their attack Staggered, meaning it automatically misses or is interrupted. This Ability has a 30 minute cooldown.

·Corvaic Will 1 (Trigger Passive): The Character has a preemptive strike aura. Any first-of-the-day harming Ability or Mundane attack or Mundane Technique that is used on them (with the exception of the Techniques gained at the full 20 Proficiency Point investment) is intercepted by a flock of Crows that suddenly appears before the attack impacts the user, instead being Countered and doing no damage to the user, and also not imparting any additional effects. This Ability can only trigger once per day.


Roguery - 6 Points Invested:

· Rogue Gift 4 - Items held (like Clockwork or weapons) and stationary items used (like doors and hatches) do not produce any sound when used by the Character, and the character no longer makes noise when attempting to remain silent. Additionally, the character does not produce audible footsteps on any surface.

· Wall Climb 3 - The user is able to near-instantly scale a vertical wall or barricade as long as it has a landing position at the top that is reasonably horizontal, thus allowing them to hop over walls and fortifications. This requires the user to be standing at the base of the vertical wall and be thrown up, landing safely at the top. This Ability can be used four times every 12 hours. This Ability can also be used to safely travel down a wall, but it does also take a charge each time downwards travel is used.


Ailor (Bolven) Racial Abilities:

· Body Morph I - The Character can activate internal body processes to rapidly grow or reduce muscle-mass over the span of several seconds. This allows the Character to change their Body Shape at will, while also granting access to the "Musclegod" Body Shape, a Body Shape that can only be used through this Ability and is not innately available in the Proficiency System. Musclegod is classified as above Strongman, but with such muscle-size that is so large, one would think the person has trouble moving around in an efficient manner. This Ability has no Cooldown and can be used mid-combat.

· Super Self I - Upon being physically harmed by any Mundane Attack or Ability, or upon hitting another person with any of these, the Character triggers a battle-state. When battle-state is activated, anyone within 2 blocks of the person is knocked over, while the person's appearance may change with a wide variety of non-identity altering aesthetics including but not limited to: steaming skin, flaming eyes, electrified hair, increased vascularity, darkening of the eyes and sockets, shreddings skin, colored glow, and other visuals of rage and battle. While Super Self is active, the Character gains +5 Physical Stat.

· Super Self III - The user can use Super Self III to instantly filter (or prevent themselves from breathing/ingesting) and nullify any Gas, Toxin, or ingested Alchemical Substance, making them immune to it. This Ability only affects Ability-Created Gases that have a tangible visual effect. This process is automatic, meaning they cannot pick and choose, except in the case of drinking Alcohol.



· Void Claws - Nails to change into blackened claws.

· Monster Eyes - Can manifest up to 8 total "eyes" (4 pairs) anywhere on their body. Non functional, but still blink and move erratically. Colored the same as their own eyes.

· Monster Gnash - Teeth can become misshapen and sharpened or overcrowded in their mouth.

· Monster Feast - Can create up to two "mouths" anywhere on their arms or torso. This mouth can open and close and consume items in a non-combat scenario.

Visual Information
Visual Reference

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Bald

Skin Color: Pale

Clothing: Usually wearing different kinds of stitched together furs that help with retaining heat during the harsh winters when he lived within the cold mountains.

Height: 7'5"



Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Character Personality Type: Defender – ISFJ-A
Personality Explanation - The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are.

Religion: Anu, the Prideful Scorn - 8/10


Life Story
Born in a small tribe within Cain, the frozen landscape with his family living its' lives through acts of hunting and working 'with' nature to provide for them. It was a tough existence within such formidable weather and geography around his home. Born to a small family of himself and two brothers, with his mother and father, while also caring for their aging grandfather. The young Eivind had been surrounded by a rough aging period, with brothers that always tussled and wrestled in their free time. A common occurrence was with at -least- one of the siblings receiving a couple new bruises while they were outside.

As the years went by, Eivind grew taller and more bulky as most of the stronger work went to his chore list. Primarily, Eivind was in charge of cutting up wood and trees for continual use for the flame that always was alight in his family's home. Garnering a respect and idea of the grip and feeling of an axe in his hand and finding himself enjoying the feeling of the weighty thing swung about. Going on to train in his off-time with axes, never picking up a shield at the same time. Usually, his fighting style consisted of primarily a heavy two-handed axe while the more 'speed-based' option was found in using two one-handed axes at the same time.

As the years continued, Eivind never showed a 'care' to get married and hitched down somewhere. Enjoying the Raider ideals of his people, and as he became twenty years old, he left home to find those war-like raids in other places. From there, year after year the young man grew up on a field of blood and clashing weapons of those that he was told to plunder and raid from. Uncaring whom it was, as long as it got his body to warm up from the blood pulsing through his entire system on the field of battle and glory. Not even noticing as the days turned to months, and the months turned to years. Only 'waking up' from this idea when he got a letter that his parents had passed on during a more wicked winter.

Hurrying home at the age of thirty, he found his old childhood home abandoned and crumbling in on itself. His brothers were too far elsewhere in their own lives to do anything about it, so, Eivind took care of the old building on his own. Through the harsh cold that plagued the lands, he rebuilt the small home of his parents into something livable. Hunting wild game to sustain his everyday hunger, and on such a hunting venture is when he found 'him'. As Eivind was coming back from a successful hunt, bagging himself a deer, he found a heavily cloaked old man in the snow face-first. Gathering his strength to drag the deer behind him with some rope while holding the old man over a shoulder back home.

Waiting for the old man to awaken took quite a while, able to skin and cook up most of the deer before he heard the man stirring awake. As he awoke, he thanked Eivind for his kindness and went into the story of how he collapsed of hunger and thought he would die there in the cold. Yet, because of this kindness, the old man asked if Eivind desires more 'strength' to push past the boundaries of ordinary man. Into the fierce and rumored 'Bears' that the Velheimers speak of. Of course, as a Raider himself, Eivind took the chance to become one of such an impressive kind of warrior.

Undergoing the infection process wasn't fun, but, what kind of infection was? After the time, and he awoke, he found his home empty...with the fire alive and some new deer cooking upon it with a small note from the old man. Thanking Eivind's kindness and saying he had to depart and continue his lone travels. From there, Eivind worked with his mutations to continue hunting and living...yet...this life was horrid after so long without other people. And, he was curious if others of his ilk were out there. Whenever he went to a near town to sell furs, he heard of this one place...Regalia. Where a good bit of different people from all over the world come! So, Eivind packed his small amount of things and weapons before closing his door for the last time. Getting himself a ride to the large city to see if the rumors were true...
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He has lost his Vampiric abilities, reverting back to Eivind Frisfjell.
I have changed up his Werebeast Soul-Line, after realizing that it does not follow my current desires for this character in the long-term. Instead, I have changed it to the reasonable Walrus Werebeast instead, so as to rid him of the Solitary Mentality at the same time! In need of a Re-Review! @Arhbi
Updated with new Ailor & Metallurgy Abilities!
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@Timetotalk I'm going to ask you to revert those changes or pick more aesthetic spells. The combination of Magic Bolt, Bolven Ailor and Von Kerle Vampirism makes for a kit that is far too minmaxed.
@Antimreoir Replaced Magic Bolt 1 with Element Control 5, was wondering if that was fine and if I'd be able to keep Wall Climb 3 (For Bestial Climbing aesthetic.)
Element Control 5 is also too combat-oriented for my liking, also, Wall Climb 3 would be better taken from Roguery if you want a more bestial aesthetic to it.

But either way, change the Element Control to a more aesthetic spell please.
Renamed character, after IC changes that affected personality/identity.
That's fine, so long as you recognise that the character is still able to be recognised.