Preserved Sheet Eilue

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Iadrik Linsdottir
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
United States of America
Roleplay Guilds
The Hidden Dragon







Full Name
Eilunem "Quodille" Mirabel
Full Name Meaning
The one who shall thread and sever the strings of reality
Eilue, Eil, Madame Eilue
101 years old | 206AC
Kathar, Shenath
Crimson Witch
Pansexual, Polyamorous
Preferred Weapon





(60 points)
+15 Athletics
+15 Perception
+10 Fast Blades
+8 Void Ritualism
+6 Alchemy
+4 Magical Knowledge
+2 Bodycare

Body Shape
Physical Status

Kathar Elven
Ritualistic She'llaq

Void Ritualism
  1. The Character can write/read/speak/understand She'llaq, the ritualistic Void Language.
  2. The Character can use She'llaq to create ritualistic scriptures, tomes, tattoos and engravings that light up with a purple or red glow when another Void Ritualistic ability is used nearby, or with the snap of a finger from a Ritualist.
  3. The Character can use Bone Singing on themselves or others or body-less bones (that are just laying around) to change the aesthetic form of bones. This is not entirely painful, but cannot be used on someone who is not willing, and remains purely aesthetic.
  4. The Character can rip an essence of blood from a target person (about a handful) and then use this to heal either their own or someone else's wound over the time-span of 30 seconds, as long as they remain uninterrupted. The ripping causes pain, but can only be used once until the healing effect is completed.
  5. The Character can use their own blood to shape and crystallize the blood in whatever shape they can imagine, as long as it is hand-shaped. The material is frail like glass but shimmers like rubies.
  6. The Character can apply any of the Threlwar Summons mutations on a willing subject. They can also reverse these mutations, but only at least a week after they were applied.
  7. The Character can write a She'llaq summons on a piece of paper in their own blood, and then burn it, to send a contact request to an Arken or Herald, or send them a message.
  8. The Character can use their own blood to create a Blood Sung Weapon, of any kind. They can only produce one such weapon at any given time but can hand it someone else. They must re-integrate this weapon before being able to re-use the ability.
  1. Witch's Lands (Channel Ability): Crimson Witches with this trait can stand on any surface (upside down or sideways) as if it was the floor, seamlessly walking and jumping between them. This ability acts as a Channel ability, but does not require focus or the Crimson Witches to not be engaging in any other actions, it can simply be canceled as a Channel Ability.
  2. Witch's Luster (Mind Ability, Direct Touch): Crimson Witches can choose to mind-slave an intimate partner. This person must already be an intimate partner or lover, otherwise, the ability does not work. While under its effects, the victim cannot abandon or betray the Crimson Witch, and always acts to defend or protect them, also following their orders, as long as they do not cause self-harm or put the victim in exceptional danger.
  3. Crimson Aging (Passive): The Character becomes immortal and does not visually age (though damage and harm can still kill them). Age over 150 years old requires an Ancient Character Special Permission. Furthermore, from the moment immortality is gained, the Proficiency gain rate is changed. For every year aged (where a Character would normally gain 1 point per year) while this mutation is active, the Character only gains 0.25 Proficiency points per year. This does not round up or down, even if a character has 44.75 Proficiency, this is counted as 44, not 45.
  4. Witch's Steeling (Passive): The Crimson Witch is immune to any kind of Mind Ability, save for Vampire Mind Abilities. This immunity also extends to Alchemy induced hallucinations or illusions.
  5. Witch's Master (Passive): A Crimson Witch can identify a specific person as a Master in a ritual, which binds them to their safety. If their master is in any form of harm or risk of harm, they can "sense" this peril, and are drawn to their Master, wherever they are. A Master cannot be an intimate partner or lover, or someone under the effects of Witch's Luster. The ritual must be performed again if a Master-Witch relationship is broken.
Magical Knowledge: Dimenthism
  1. The Character knows the deep lore behind Exist, Void, and Binral Essences.
  2. The Character knows about the Void Invasion Cycles and why they happen and how.
  3. The Character is able to identify Exist or Void Mutations and Essence Leaks from Veil areas.



Eye Color
Red with black sclera
Hair Color
White with red ends
Hair Style
Long, always styled carefully
Skin Color
Dark Grey
Silks and jewelry of all sorts, usually in red, purple, and black of varying shades. Often seen wearing a black silk dress with a jewel-inlay corset.
Void Mutations
She has two curled, dark horns on either side of her head.
Void script tattoos in varying colors cover much of Eilue's body, especially her back.



Option Two
The Core List
{True Neutral & Chaotic Neutral}
While Eilue desires to follow her own 'heart' and its desires, she also values the traditions and hierarchy of Void Worship and the Dread Empire. She will generally decide whatever she wishes during the moment, but that's not to say Eil will not respect and cherish her childhood beliefs.
Personality Type
Smart, energetic and very perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.
{Void Worship (9/10)}
The Void Prefect of Control


Born 206AC - Age 20
Introduced to Aloria was a Crimson Witch child, a female who was called Eilunem Quodille Mirabel. Beneath two family-oriented cultist parents, Eilunem was raised studying the Void Prefect of Control alongside her numerous siblings. Her fathers and mothers had many children and produced countless siblings and cousins for her to spend her time with; However, Eilue was a single child between her biological mother and father. The duo soon founded a Control Cult of their own. Naturally, their only offspring joined them for the rise of the group and dove deep into the teachings of her parents. Soon enough, Void Ritualism became a topic of interest for the young Eilue.

Age 21 - Age 40
Ritualism came easily to the Kathar Witch, due to her Religious background. Eilunem fit in well with the other Kathar of the Shadow Isles, wherever she traveled with her parents, teaching alongside them and learning how to read, write, and speak in the Ritualistic tongue, She'llaq.

Age 41 - Age 60
After spending so much time with their parents and the elders of the family, a handful of Eilue's cousins and siblings decided to break off to pave their own journey together. The Kathar left with them in hopes of building a life and a name for herself. She found employment under a well-known alchemist who specialized in under-the-table poisons and potions. Once he offered an apprenticeship, the Crimson Witch learned as much as she could about the creation and use of many ingredients.

During this time, her group of cousins and siblings were busy ensuring that the surrounding populace grew a quiet fear in their hearts, were they to pass by the Mirabel family members. They purchased slaves for sacrifices, stole chances to sacrifice the weakest of them, and even kidnapped the occasional unlucky passerby when the opportunities arose. It wasn't often that Eilue engaged in such activities with them, but her hands were certainly not clean of blood.

Age 61 - Age 80
New knowledge and skill might have brought the Mirabel group to believe themselves infallible, but it simply wasn't the case. With a new cult's arrival to the city, many of the siblings were put to death for their reign of misery upon the people. Cousins went missing and the group was shattered to a select few. Eilue left swiftly and quietly, never to return to the region for fear of losing her own life as well.

She had been taught a lesson in power and control once more. Eilue practiced day and night in her athletic performance, bladework, and especially her speed. Learning self-defense became one of the Kathar's most important goals for the trials to come.

Age 81 - Age 100
Eilunem submitted herself completely to Void worship, as many had on the path of seeking power. She painted her skin with Void script tattoos, leaving even her physical form to display her everlasting devotion to the tainted religion. The Crimson Witch adopted a more mature, composed aura. While she did not find love or commitment in others, Eil hoped for children of her own. The Kathar became a Void Ritualist mentor to fill this hole in her desires. She found herself performing similar tasks to those of her parents; Eilue taught the beliefs of the Void Prefect of Control, mentored children in the ways of powerful worship, and dedicated her time to studying.

Age 101
It wasn't long before Eilue came to realize that she didn't want to see her life take the same path as those of her parents. After years of contemplation and packing, the Mirabel quietly gave her goodbyes and left to venture the rest of Aloria. To her surprise, she found that much of what she had been taught of the outside world was outdated. Eilunem directed her curious journey towards the well-known "Holy City" of Regalia.