Edwyth Elf's Are You Racist Poll :d

Are you racist against us Yes or No

  • Total voters
Jun 17, 2013
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So I was in the Hidden Dragon yesterday. Me and one of my friends j1022 was sitting there enjoying drink when some elf named dragonage came in and started being all racist against Ewyth elves. Our village is new but somehow we made our own kind racist witch is utterly stupid. If you are racist say yes on the the pole I will not judge you.
Your darn elven folk with your pointy ears should go back to your damn woods!Its always bows with you people goddamit
I heard of races that are racist against other races. But Elves being racists against fellow Elves is unheard of.
RP racism is usually quite stereotypical. If someone is RP racist to you, someone has probably been RP racist to them from your race, and so on. For example, my RP hometown was elven, and accepted all races. This might slightly bend the lore, but still, you see my point. Not everyone is bad; don't judge a nation on a single man's actions.
We have race's page in the website?! I have read all the books but i didn't know we have pages about races.
And i want that easter egg

The MassiveBooks are becoming out of date, we are working on website pages for the race and server lore now.
The MassiveBooks are becoming out of date, we are working on website pages for the race and server lore now.
Thank Sol. My friend who is trying to get into the lore of the server before he does anything server-side or forum-side says that the massivebooks are annoying, and at points I'd have to agree with him.
There are 2 things i hate on Massivecraft,
1. Racism to other people

2. Elves.
I'm not racist. I hate everyone equally.