Preserved Sheet Edwyrd Syldan

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
"The strongest of wills can overcome anything"


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Edwyrd Syldan
  • Nickname: Ed, Eddy
  • Age: 115
  • Date of Birth: August 5th, 191 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar
  • Culture: ¾ Central & ¼ Maritime
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Glaives Sword or Wooden Staff
Skill Information
(70 points)

  • Combat
  • +40 Staves Combat (+30 Points, +10 Race)
  • +20 Front-Line Combat (+20 From Points)
  • Knowledge
  • +10 Historical Knowledge (+10 From Race)
  • +5 Underworld Knowledge (+5 From Points)
  • Body
  • +15 Athletic Training (+15 From Points)
  • Special Abilities/Spells/Mutations
  • Witchblood Curse
  • Venator Blades - Their weapons glow when in a 3 block radius of a Mage, Kathar, Vampire, or Silven
  • Umbra Cleanse - They become immune to Mind Abilities
  • Protego Warding - If they are killed by a Mage or Vampire, they get revived 24 hours after their death in the Regalian Cathedral. However, they don't remember the previous 24 hours before they died
  • Protego Shattering - They are able to destroy Mage Wards after 5 minutes of continous chanting

Body Shape:
  • 50 Combat Skill + 30 Athletic Training = 80 Body Stat
  • Type: Athletic
  • Fat: Extremelly Low Body Fat
  • Common (Learnt from private tutors)
  • Modern Altalar (Mother's Tongue)
  • Middle Altalar (Father's Tongue)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Glowing Lime Green
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Long, a bit untamed
  • Skin Color: Dirty White
  • Clothing: Forest-ish Lime Green Robes w/ Brown Patches & A Tan-colored Cape
  • Height: 6'8
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • "I will tend to smile and keep my composer, willing to allow myself to enjoy whatever is making me happy. Happiness tends to come with a cost, so I tend to just keep a straight face. My Curse has drained the happiness out of me, so why bother trying to smile for everything."
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • "Fear is the greatest enemy of all living things. Fear will always exist, no matter what you try to do about it. One should accept that fear exists within the world, but not let it control them. Death exists along with life, but I have already faced death. I shouldn't fear it."
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • "I will walk away from whatever is giving me stress. Otherwise, I will simply remain quiet as to not draw attention to myself. As a graduate from the School of Atraves, I tend to keep myself looking like a proper warrior. Being cursed is always stressful, no matter how you look at it."
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • "The Law will work as it wishes as long as they don't cross my path or the path of my family's. Otherwise, the Law and I will be having some problems. I am willing to defend my family to the end, letting their wishes be first above mine. My curse keeps me alive, which the law will disagree with. However, the Law are normally a bunch of fools."
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • "I don't have many problems with the other races of this world, besides the Kathar of course. I tend to not speak with many other races unless they have something that I want. If they have something that I want, I will find a way to get it."
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • "The Faith of Estel has always guided me, no matter how others have looked at it. Estel's power has allowed my family to be as strong as I am now, letting me destroy my family's enemies with ease as a true warrior of the Glaives. Estel has given me the power of my Curse, allowing me to combat the unknown creatures of the world."
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • "I have always been accepting to the Arcane. The ring that was once granted to my family by Estel are magical, so why should I fear such magic? It is a blessing to me. Being a Witchblood has also given me some time to think on many things, allowing myself to be more accepting to the Arcane."
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • "My family are the first people that I will protect, even above myself. Our family have always been close by either speaking face to face or writing by letter. Lately it has been hard staying in touch as I have been traveling, but we still remain strong together. My Curse has held me back from my family, but I am still willing to be their instrument of whatever they wish."
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • "My own skill with the Glaives. The weapon is my life, my brother, and so much more than myself. Many people question as to why I love the weapon like I do. It's easy to answer. It has kept me alive for this long."
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • "Life has many wonders, wonders that I am planning to explore. While some of my brothers have specific arts that they work with, I work as my own independant man. I am a warrior of the Atraves. I always have been, always will be."
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • "I have always been unsure of what the future has in store for me. I am willing to accept what fate has decided, but I still worry that fate will want to fight against me and harm my family in some way. I will not allow fate to win. However, I will respect its wishes when needed."
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • "My family are everything to me. I would be heartbroken and lost if my family were to be lost some how or some way. I have made my choise to stand in the defense of my family while also being their weapon, taking others down for my family upon their wish. I have already died, so I am willing to die again for the sake of those I love. "

Life Story

Edwyrd was born too Devdan and Tiriana Syldan on August 5th, 191 AC. The young Altalar grew up to believe that agility was the key focus to winning anything. Being more agile in simple races, combat, anything in general. Edwyrd's training as an agile warrior started soon than expected, learning hard acrobatics at the age of 20, being pretty young for an Altalar. Edwyrd was sent to the School of Atraves in The Ellondarros of Grae Rie to learn the art of a true warrior. Edwyrd's first couple years of training were the toughest he had ever felt, being pulled to his limit to focus on his speed with the Stave as to hit as rapid and quickly as he could possibly go. Edwyrd's training continued for quite some time until he reached the age of 30, when most if not all Altalar went to venture for their pilgrimage. However, Edwyrd was far too into his training to have gone through with it.

Edwyrd's training did no end just yet as the Altalar decided to stick to the School and train for another 70 years, being 100 years old, until he was sent to Anglia to go in search for fellow Altalar who have gone missing. They had not returned to the School of Atraves after a couple months of staying in the city. When Edwyrd arrived, he knew that something wasn't right as he'd search about. Edwyrd was ambushed by the missing Altalar, appearing to have been turned into Vampires. Edwyrd fought as much as possible as the Atraves Graduates would fight for a full hour, ending with Edwyrd being beaten into a bloodbath until the Guards arrived to save the Altalar. Edwyrd would have been healed by the medics, only to end up physically dying for about two minutes until coming back to life. They believed it to have been a blessings. In the end, they were wrong. Only after a couple weeks of recovery, they would awaken to hunt a Mage. Their target was a Healing Mage that helped others within the hospital that Edwyrd was recovering in. They were strangled, being knocked out to end up giving the Altalar a Curse. Edwyrd returned to the School, being studied for a time until he remained a teacher for another 15 years. By the year 307 AC, Edwyrd would be called by his brother, Ivaran, to help him with his plans. The Witchblood would agree, still not having told his brother about his ability.

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@MrFluff1 Here is your review.
  • There are overall 13 mentions of 'family' in the characters personality and abilities section. While this is not exactly a bad thing, I feel as if it makes the character overly centered around the concept of his family that it doesn't grant him much of his own characteristics. Try to make some adjustments that gives a better example of what the character is like as an individual. Perhaps go in depth about how he feels in regards to his Phantasma curse.
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
@Yigit Added a bit. However, Edwyrd isn't meant to be his own individual person. He sees himself as an instrument for his family, a tool. That's why he cares about his family, it's because he is nothing without someone to pull on his own strings. He follows the orders he is given by his family, so he does what they wish.