Preserved Sheet Edward Estelluanar

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Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.
Aug 2, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Edward Estelluanar (pre-imperialised name: Êv'guáln Estéallu'gúnaï)
  • Age: 153
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar (Alta-Altalar)
  • Main Ambition: To rise to his former status of nobility within this new state.

Skill Information (Required)

  • 60 Proficiency points reduced to 0 with the magic cap.
    • +10 Atraves Stave (+10 from Race)
    • +10 Nelfin History (+10 from Race)
  • Cultural:
    • +40 Poetry (+40 from Points)
    • +5 Architecture (+5 from Points)
    • +10 Stage Performance (+10 from Points)
    • +5 Vocal Music (+5 from Points)
  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Modern Elven
    • Imperial Elven
  • Spells Celestial (8):
    • Aeleiv: Mending Light
    • Ehtima: Starlight Blast
    • Verdai: Truth Clarity
    • Aveyle: Blinding Flash
    • Kaitis: Barrier Light
    • Pervei: Cleanse Form
    • Meylaan: Cleansed body
    • Serena: Great Peace
  • Spells Soul (1):
    • Hayvann: Ellon Form (Ellon form is a housecat sized
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Icy blue
  • Hair Color: Pale white
  • Hair Style: Long straight hair, falling down to his chest and back, often tied together at the back of his head.
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: A long blue cloak with intricate golden patterns woven onto it.
  • Height: 6'5''
  • Body Build: Skinny
  • Weapon of Choice: Magic.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: Edward can be perceived as stoic, calm, perhaps even unmotivated. This is mostly due to his long life, which has left him in no hurry. His slow demeanour can at times look as though he is not too intelligent, though in fact he simply measures his words carefully. With his visage set in a stern neutral expression at all times, he may seem rude of dismissive towards non-nobles as his tone of indifference would suggest, but he is extremely respectful to nobility and clergy, due to his change of faith.
  • Second Paragraph: Edward is a very calm person, humbled by his change of faith from Estel to Unionism, he seeks to absolves the wrongs he has done in his life to secure himself a place as an Ailor in his next life, and hopefully by extension that of his family. He is however proud, better than most as he was raised as an aristocrat himself and more educated than most as he has spent years studying the Elven Empire, and thus thinks he would best serve the great way as an advisor, a leader, perhaps even as a noble.
  • Third Paragraph: Edward cares deeply for most of his family and friends and would seek for them to do the same as he has, either convert to Unionism, or serve the great way, as he truly believes it will cause for absolution in the end. He will treat those he sees as his lessers with a certain stern attitude, lecturing them and giving them sage advice, and those he sees as his equals or superiors with more of a subtle and humble approach, though in the end he thinks he knows best and shall always try to push them to do as he wills, for their good, of course.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Edward is a very neutral person. In essence he is selfish, seeking only his own absolvement and by extension that of his loved ones. He only acts subservient because of the way he dualistically perceives the Faith of Estel to be wrong, and in response Unionism to be right. Besides this however he follows laws strictly, although mostly from a religious point of view in which he should follow and serve the Ailor. He supersedes holy law above state law, though, and will always act on this first, hence if asked by his superior to do slightly illegal things, he may in fact do so, for the sake of remaining within the bounds of the holy law through servitude, although he does have his limits and will not risk his own wellbeing for anyone unless he is certain that absolution for both him and his loved ones will follow.
  • Physically weak
    Edward is a very weak person. He has never considered doing physical exercise and even if he would have, his studies of history and magic would have prevented him from doing such. He doesn't miss it, as he is well versed in magic and can utilise it for protection of himself and those around him, but should he be forced to rely simply on his physical strength he would have a difficult time doing so.
  • Perpetual stern face
    Thanks to years upon years of ageing due to which he often finds himself among those less experienced, years of being an aristocrat and interactions with non-aristocrats, and years of study whilst being surrounded by less studied men and women, Edward's neutral facial expression has turned into a stern and disapproving look. This causes problems when he tries to approach people in a friendly and humble manner, as it is often mistaken for a lecture to come.
  • Blind to the needs of others
    Edward thinks he knows best, and he acts on it. Often out of goodwill, he will say things, promise things or order things on behalf of others. When these people eventually become upset and scold him for it, he will simply try to explain how the actions he intended for them to do would be beneficial, instead of simply apologising. And he would do it again. Edward knows best after all.
Life Story (Required)
  • Born in 152 AC in the city of Is'Läe Il as third son to the aristocratic family of Estéâllu'gúnarrï who could trace their lineage back to the third son of a bastard child of Emperor Céar-néallë'ná.
  • In 167 AC. Having been brought up as a child of aristocracy it wasn't long untill his parents noticed his Magic Touch. At the age of 15 he was brought a tutor who would train him in the respectable form of celestial magic. However after only having successfully learned the first spell the spoiled Êv'guáln complained to his parents and they instead opted to have the tutor replaced by a Qadiri Soul mage.
  • In 168 AC. Having recalled fondly from his youth a lumbering ape in a travelling circus, Êv'guárn's Ellon Form was rather similar to this beast, possessing at the time a wild soul. He was enthralled by the idea of being able to turn into an ape and the possibilities that would grant, and thus studied hard on this new form of magic.
  • In 169 AC. Due to growing pressure from the surrounding families to not have such forms of magic such as Soul magic be taught in the higher circles of Alta-Altalar society, and certainly not by a non-Altalar, the Qadiri tutor was fired after having taught him only one of the spells from Soul Magic.
  • In 170 AC. Êv'guáln was caught by his parents in the act of transforming into his Ellon form to throw fruit at a group of Altalar aristocrats. He had been doing this for several weeks and to make certain this shameful fact didn't come to light Êv'guárn was sent to the city of Ríë Rivaëlla to study arts by his parents.
  • In 200 AC. Êv'guáln had finished his studies in artistic endeavours. His time in Ríë was fairly uneventful, and although he became a lot less unruly he had picked up a fairly zealous habit of being a Faith of Estel fanatic.
  • In 200 AC. Êv'guáln returned to his home city of Is'läe Il. He soon got bored of his everyday life and decided to continue his study of magic through the means of various hired tutors and acquired scrolls, deciding Celestial magic was the most proper choice for a man of his heritage.
  • In 226 AC. Êv'guáln married his first wife. The marriage was an arranged affair between his and another aristocratic family, resulting in a loveless marriage.
  • In 263 AC. Êv'guáln's first wife died of an unforseen illness while away from home. He mourned for the appropriate amount of time, and after this once again immersed himself in his studies of Celestial magic. His wife had born him two children, a son and a daughter, who leaned much towards their mother's family, to the great disappointment of Êv'guáln.
  • In 283 AC. Êv'guáln married his second wife, an alta-altalar of a lesser aristocratic family. This marriage was far more a marriage of love, and Êv'guáln was convinced by this woman to join her on her frequent travels.
  • In 288 AC. He finished the mastery of his Celestial Magic, becoming disintersted in pursueing further lesser schools.
  • In 294 AC. His second wife died, being killed in an Avanthar raid during travels. After a long conversation with a priest he was reminded in a rather brutish way that his wife would not pass to the Beyond untill the Elven Empire was restored. This was as a knife twisted in his back, leaving the Altalar scholar to be questioning his faith.
  • In 295 AC. After a long time of mourning he picked up his hobby of poetry once more.
  • In 303 AC. Êv'guáln met a Unionist missionary, learning much of this new faith and seeing it as an opportunity for him and his family to be saved from the nothingness of being unable to pass to the Beyond, he secretly converted to this religion. He was resolved to convince his children of this same purpose, though clearly not openly.
  • In 305 AC. The Regalian army invades the inheritor states and takes over Is'läe Il. News of the genocidal actions on the mainland fortify his believes in the wrongness of the Faith of Estel. Why else would the virtues allow their worshippers to be slaughtered in their holy places. And as his family flees with the other altalar, Êv'guáln decides that the best chance for salvation was to imperialise his name to Edward and try to bargain his way into travel to Regalia, hoping to one day help his family attain salvation aswell from the capital of Unionism.
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Hello! Here's my review:
  • I'd like you to add 2-3 more sentences onto each paragraph in the personality section. I encourage you to really dig deep into your character's psyche!
  • Please add magical capabilities as a strength.
  • Even though it's not a requirement, I encourage you to add another weakness as being weak physically is something that will naturally come with being a powerful mage and isn't really unique to the character.
  • Apply the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Updated spells, ellon form and added Arcane Knowledge at scholar level, made subsequent changes within the backstory to accompany this.

All in red.
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Updated to proficiency.
Removed history and arcane knowledge.
Needs review.
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