Preserved Sheet Edoardo Enrique

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The Friendly Eggplant
Jul 28, 2016
Reaction score
The Sea
Basic Information (Required)
* Full Name: Edoardo Enrique.
* Age: 30.
* Gender: Male.
* Race: Half Ailor (Daendroquean) Half Qadir (Mansurya)
* Main Ambition(s): Money and power.
* Secondary Ambition: A belly of ale.
* Special Permission: N/A
* Languages: Commons, Daendroquean.
* Religion: Unionism.
* Occupation: Unemployed.

Visual Information (Required)
* Eye Color: Blue.
* Hair Color: Black.
* Hair Style: Regalian military cut. He has a tidy beard and eyebrow piercing.
* Skin Color: Tanned, darker than olive.
* Clothing: A long red jacket, reaching his knees with simple pants, shirts and boots.
* Height: 5'11"
* Weight: 170 lbs
* Body Build: Mesomorph, athletic.
* Weapon of Choice: Sabre.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits.

* +Determined. Having always been rather bullheaded, Edoardo knows how to take what he wants and understands that there will be obstacles. This steadfast demeanor that seems unrelenting in the face of adversity is a defining trait amongst men. He'll never back down from a challenge, and he always feels this has been something he picked up from his parents. They told him that hard workers achieve more than those that don't, and Ed won't back down once he has a goal in mind.

* +Dominant. Edoardo has always been a dominant person. Never shying away from taking charge of a situation or conversation. He'll always be one to say an ice breaker or something similar, looking to lead. Enrique makes it a point to try and show off his dominance whenever meeting someone for the first time. Even if it may be someone of a higher status.

* =Cynical. Despite his kind nature, Edoardo is questioning of everything. This obviously has his benefits but it can put him across as quite brash or unforgiving at times. His belief that people are motivated by self-interest fuels many of his decisions and influences his life quite heavily. Given that he himself always has a personal motive behind what he does, it's only natural he feels the same about others.

* =Pious. Enrique was raised by devout unionists, he's always believed in the superiority of Ailor and it shows. His faith guides his morality and many of his decisions. A trait he picked up from his parents. This trait is one of the driving forces that made him want to travel to Regalia.

* -Stern. Edoardo is stern by all definitions. He is often serious and could be considered unrelenting at times. Ed can often be seen poker-faced and severe, despite his jovial nature, he clearly knows when it's time to work and when it's time to not. This trait is most dominant when he is doing a job, mainly because he wanted to be as professional as possible. This shined most while he was in the guard.

* -Judgemental. Enrique often displays an overly critical point of view. Which is often seen as negative, or at least negative in nature. This scathing aspect of his personality is relentless in breaking people down, even when he doesn't intend to. This often results in people not liking him.


* Swordsmanship. Edoardo learnt how to use the sabre relatively late in his life, learning from the guard charters he worked in. Although he wouldn't be able to spar head to head with someone who has trained exclusively with swords for an extended period of time. Ed is very talented and caught on quickly. He is at an above average skill level with a sword, especially considering his late coming to it.

* Guard Training. As a result of his guard training, Edoardo can keep a cool head. Being able to stay calm in stressful situations is a talent learnt through experience, he's often able to take leadership positions and work well under orders for this reason. He can be inspiring to those around him for his ability to take charge. He never backs down from tough situations, and he will always be grateful for the training he was given in the guard.

* Extrovert. Ed has always been a very open and outward person, his extroversion is not only a strength, but a defining factor of his personality. Enrique is often seen in the tavern, talking and drinking with friends and is quite happy to make new ones at the drop of a hat. This outwardness can often bring the best out of people. He will always be out searching for company, and hopefully finding a good drinking friend. Edoardo Enjoys the company of those around him, even with some of his odd traits.


* Burnt foot. Suffered in an altercation with a fire mage he was trying to arrest, this burn is one of Edoardo's most unfortunate injuries. The burn inhibits his movement and has resulted in a permanent limp, having never quite healed properly. This burn acts as a reminder to not be so cocky, and will never allow him to fight like he did before he got it. This has also made him insecure about his performance in certain situations, which can prove dangerous.

* Persistence. Edoardo doesn't know the line of going too far. He is overly nosey, often causing him to peer into people's personal lives to get an answer. Enrique is someone that will continue until he's gotten the answer he's been looking for. Which is why people in the past have asked him to refrain from being such a pest at times.

* Racist. Ed finds almost anything but Ailor to be unnerving, he will even occasionally refuse to socialise with anything he would consider third class or an outsider. This limits his friends, allies and at times, colleagues. It also results in a great deal of people viewing him rather negatively. He may also turn away friends in need if they wish to help a non-human.

Life Story

Born on daenshore 274 AC, raised to be unionist. Life was simple for him, there was never any excitement where he lived. He worked as a lumberjack to make money as he kept in touch with family and customers. He'd pass the time with drinks and going to mass, mixed with his job as a lumberjack he had a lot of work to do. He was a no nonsense man when it came to work, he'd get the lumber chopped down and transported out to whoever was buying as quick as he could. It was good work, it put food on the table and the odd mug of ale.

Looking for something more interesting to do with his life, he wanted a little more excitement out of his life. He grew tired of all the Yanar prostitution and lumber. Which drove him to beginning of his savings for the trip to Regalia, gathering enough supplies and money for the trip. After a few years he had finally gotten enough money and equipment to travel out to the city. After saying his goodbyes he got on a boat and set off for the city of Regalia, ready for whatever was waiting there.

He moved to Regalia, and once he had landed he quickly settled in. He was making money by doing odd jobs, working in shops, moving large objects and such. He wasn't in a position to turn down many jobs so he could afford food. Still attending masses, though he grew a distaste for the way streets looked, with all of the heretics around. Though he continued his work for a good few years, growing used to the many cultures, even though he was less than friendly to some of the non-human races.

He had heard of a Religious order called the Halberd Society, he had asked around about them for at least a week before he actually applied to get into the group. After a good wait he was finally accepted into the society, starting off as a stick (Recruit) with them, shadowing full member's patrols. He was given the proper training, as well as sparring matches with other recruits and members but before he was promoted to a full member of the society the orders were broken down and merged into the Violet Order. Where Edoardo was promoted to a full member of the Vladirine Chapter. He trained and sparred with many members within the Order's various chapters, which is where he became adept with the Sabre. A weapon he was rather fond of as he enforced the laws with stern judgement. He would patrol the streets with his fellow members, although as some of the other Chapters were performing made him dislike being part of the same group as these people, this lead to him leaving the Order altogether. He then went into solitude to deal with personal issues.
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Hi @Waddlers_ ! I'll be reviewing your app.
  • You seem to missing your ambitions. Please fill these in.
  • You've pointed out yourself that some of your traits are contradictory, namely Jovial and Stern/Judgemental. Please change this.
  • Please make sure that your traits fit the minimum of 4-5 sentences.
  • I feel like ill-tempered is simply a side effect from the racist weakness. Please merge these two together and add a different one.
  • Please mention your birthdate in your backstory.
Please make your edits in a color of your choice and tag me once you are done.
Hi @Waddlers_ ! I'll be reviewing your app.
  • You seem to missing your ambitions. Please fill these in.
  • You've pointed out yourself that some of your traits are contradictory, namely Jovial and Stern/Judgemental. Please change this.
  • Please make sure that your traits fit the minimum of 4-5 sentences.
  • I feel like ill-tempered is simply a side effect from the racist weakness. Please merge these two together and add a different one.
  • Please mention your birthdate in your backstory.
Please make your edits in a color of your choice and tag me once you are done.
Edits have been made in blue @Nastynick
Hi @Waddlers_ ! Looking good so far
  • Your weakness "Confident" is described as "Overconfident" which is a cop-out weakness. I'd like you to unfortunately change it again to a different one.
Do this edit in a color of your choice and tag me once it is done.