Preserved Sheet Edmund Norinn

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The Strong Will Bend The Weak
Nov 30, 2017
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name: Edmund Norinn
Race: Aloir
Culture: Gallovian

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Knighthood: Viridian Order

Core Concept


-Born as the second son to Reynold Norinn, Edmund has sought out a life of knighthood instead of a more politicious life. He looked up to his older brother Lamont, joining the Viridian order to be able to protect him, and the people of regalia. His brother, Count Lamont, has granted him the title of "First Shield", ensuring Lamont's safety is at the untmost importance.


Strength: 7
Battle Flurry
Knockback Sweep Pack
Technique Parry Pack
Pinning Throw Pack
Diving Tackle Pack
Weapon Throw Pack

Constitution: 7
Second Wind Pack
Rage Counter Pack
Block Pack
Shield Wall Pack
Shield Bunker pack
Shield Taunt Pack
Shield Phalanx Pack

Arcane: 0
Chem Revive Pack (Chem Revive Pack) (Alior Buff 1)


- Common (Free)
- Gallwech (Native)

-d'Ithanie (Fluent)
-Skodje (Fluent)
-Altalar (Fluent)
-Calem (Familiar)
-Anglian (Familiar)
-Breizh (Familiar)
-Letz (Familiar)

Appearance Information

Edmund stands tall and bulky, hiding very defined muscles under his armor/attire. His hair is slightly combed over, occasionally dipping infront of his crystal water blue eyes. His jawline is very defined and razor sharp. He is the deffinition of charming.

[Edmund and Lamont as teenagers]
(Edmund Left, Lamont Right)
Plot Hooks


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