Preserved Sheet Dragomyro Svetskaga

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Jul 24, 2016
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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Dragomyro 'Arke' Svetskaga
  • Age: 53 years of age
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Full Blooded Ailor / Bolven Lineage
  • Culture: Byala Culture
  • Religion: Unionism
  • Weapon of Choice: Gauntlets, hammers and similar blunt weapons
Skill Information

Total Proficiency Points 70: 50 Points - 10 Hobby - 10 Talent

Combat Proficiency
  • 20 Fist Combat (from points)
  • 10 Two-Handed Blunt Combat (5 from points, 5 from racial boost)
  • 10 One-Handed Blunt Combat (from points)
Arts Proficiency
  • 5 Carpentry Arts (from hobby)
  • 3 Architecture Arts (from hobby)
  • 7 Sailing Arts (2 fr0m hobby, 5 from points)
Science Proficiency
  • 10 Metallurgy Sciences (from points)
Body Proficiency
  • 6 Perception Training (from talent)
  • 4 Strength Training (from talent)
Body Shape

  • 35 Physical Stat
  • Strongman Body Shape
  • Built Body Fat
  • Common - 10/10
  • Daendroque - mother had distant Daendroque roots - 7/10
  • Byelle - his father 10/10
Ursarr Soul-Line (Active)
  • Strength of the Ursarr
  • Bunkering of the Cave-Bear
  • Growl of the Grizzly
  • Swaying of the Walrus
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Naturally a dark brown but currently dark gray
  • Hair Color: Jet black
  • Hair Style: Short
  • Skin Color: Tanned to a slight brown colouration due to darkened affect of Ursarr
  • Clothing: Suit type of clothing
  • Height: Seven feet and five inches
Personality and Abilities
Core Two
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Neutral - A person who has had law abiding roots since birth, although he has drifted away from his commitment to the law, he has still a good inner feeling to follow it whilst also using his own topsy-turvy morals depending on the situation.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The commander - A very brutal and bossy person who also possesses a certain amount of sincerity depending on who is spoken to.
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionism - used to be quite pious but that has fallen over the years to 5/10
Life Story

Drago was born into the world to a wealthy family in the crown city of Regalia. His parents being Wulfryred Svaski and Susetta Svaski, both being very law abiding citizens. At a young age Drago was immediately coerced into learning about Unionism as soon as he was able to understand simple concepts. Soon after his sixth birthday his sister, Vivian was born into the family, making the time back then excitable for the family. Education was pushed further at the age of seven where he would learn how to read, write and extra vocabulary he could use later on in life. The parents worked a lot so the children were usually taken care of by a close friend or relative. Their jobs were as tailors and made some fantastic pieces for nobility and commoners, which would normally result in big orders so a lot of the time, only one parent would come home for the night whilst the other stayed and worked under a candlelight in the shop. Nothing much exciting happened after this, but the same old order until Drago reached the age of fourteen in which he got to pick which boarding school he was sent to.

After these ten years were done, Drago left the school and returned to his family to see how they were doing. Coming back was not too joyful for the young man, he was displeased to find out that his mother was ill, but sort've happy to see that another member of the family was introduced, this being a younger sister. The unfortunate news made him closer with his mother as he tried to spend more time with her, and she was currently staying with relatives on the other side of the crown city. A cousin of Drago welcomed him into the art of smithing, where he would occasionally show Drago the basics. Although he didn't get to continue learning much about smithing as his cousin left to visit the other areas of Aloria's sights with the rest of his side of the family.

As soon as Drago mother left, he began dedication to a relationship with a woman from a local clinic and the two hit it off very well. They were both followers of the Unionist religion and had similar interest in cuisine, especially when it came to desserts. They later got married soon into the relationship and even had a daughter. Though it was around this time that the woman he married left to be with another man, leaving her husband and child alone. The following years proved hard for Drago as his daughter tragically died in a horrific boat accident which left him grief stricken for months on end. Only being eased upon hearing his long-term friend Julio was expecting another child. And Drago was offered the role of being the Godfather to his current daughter and his soon-to-be-born child.

As years went by and Drago filled in some important roles, he got the news about Julio's wife being ill and also incurable. As his best friend, Drago not only stepped in with managing his work, he also took in more time to get closer to his God-children, even having the occasional sparring match with Julio's son to help him vent his emotion. But then the news came that Julio's wife had died which caused him to retreat and isolate himself from others. So Drago needed to increase his responsibilites even further. Which was difficult at first but eventually he ended up looking after Jasra more frequently after his other God-child and her brother informed him of her questionable activities. To this day he's still helping out with the family, as he very much considers to be more close with them. Having slowly over the years drifted apart from his own.
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Claimed for aspirant review.
Hi! I'm here to give you a player review

  • Everything in this app looks fine and compliant to current lore as of the time of posting this review.

The only thing I could recommend is your backstory doesn't mention werebeast infection/curse, and since you haven't reached the 900-word limit you could add that in, but that's up to you.