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Echoing Of The Writ Of Sin

Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
(OOC: I'm on vacation but well this relates to a prior promise so gotta keep it :) )

The vagabonds return,

Having realized their inferiority to the arms of the Villers-Eclaire again these cowards assault our temple. You rejected my offer to explain, you rejected a call for /any/ of you to seek clemency. Now, I shall echo my brethern and their writ to the people of Regalia. Unionist, Patriot, or simply those who believe in the sanctity of burial grounds from thieves, the Dogmatic Celacy has declares these thieves apostates: Yuun'Shul, Tesfa, Ta'leos Necratos, Kailang, Vicktoria Gregorescu, Skotadi Xotixo, and Vharse.

You are branded this not simply for your creed, nor your characteristics, nor any thing which you /can't/ have been expected to change or forgo. You, those who rejected the chance to explain or repent, have tried to rob a holy place and steal from the dead.

You're to be hunted, not killed or destroyed but hunted and I would encourage any Aelgerrien to look upon these names. Consider any of these possible occultists as unworthy of Elen's grace and consider putting them up for a vote before the Divine Being.

To the thieves,

May you all be brought before the judgment of Almar for your sins and may his ruling deliver true puinshment. I shall pray within his Arch-Temple to beg such be accomplished and shall ensure your names be weighed upon his golden scales.

May Almar cast his Judgment,
Magnus Rashida
Celate of the Divine College of Basta

P.s. I issue this direction especially to the Villers-Eclair /all/ of them. As I am on pilgramage to the Arch-Temple of Justice, I trust your own discretions and Arch-Celate Stevenson shall prove guiding lights.

@KrakenLord01 @LeafMC @festiveCorvid @BeetrootSalad @FireWalkWithMe
A short list is pinned up under it.

Ta'leos Necratos
Vicktoria Gregorescu
Skotadi Xotixo
A short list is pinned up under it.

Ta'leos Necratos
Vicktoria Gregorescu
Skotadi Xotixo
When the celate heard of the list and crossed off name a little tear of joy went down from his eyes. For he did relish when pious people took initiative as so many did not always so.

He patted his child's head and continued the walk onward.
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A certain scrawled name catches the infernal sights of a certain Silven. They glance around the bustling people doing mundane everyday things - Such as fetching groceries, getting their hair cut, visiting different shops, et-cetera. None of them halted or even peered towards the notice, except for the fiend. Tired & sunken eyes read the notice, over, and over, and over.

Llewyn's lips parted, but ultimately shut. Maybe it was better if they vocalized nothing. Word spreads, after all - So, they carry on. Though passerbys notice that they're practically dragging their feet & the Kathar's shoulders are heavy with a familiar, familiar dread, anticipation of what was to come.

Though, despite their lack of utterance, word spreads from the individuals nearby that a hushed mumble was audible.

"What do I say when 'e does shit like this?"