Preserved Sheet Ecaeris Morzorwyn

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Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes
Basic Information

Full Name: Ecaeris Morzorwyn

Age: 43

Gender: Female

Race: Isldar

Main Ambition: Power over others, and even better understanding of herself.

Special Permission: N/A


Visual Information

Eye Color: Ice blue

Hair Color: Snow white

Hair Style: Long and flowing, with neat bangs.

Skin Color: Extremely pale pink, with an almost blue-ish undertone.

Clothing: Flowing, blue and white dresses or tunic and skirt pairs, made from Isldar cloth.

Height: 6'6

Weight: 176 lbs

Body Build: The lean column [x]

Weapon of Choice: Caster level Ellon Magic, with ability lying in Ellon Form and Ellon Projection. Her Ellon is an arctic fox. She can also wield a shortsword at a fairly average level.

Art by @Cakku
ecaeris skin.PNG ecaeris wip.jpg ecaeris.jpg
Art by @Me
Art by @freckled_face

Visual Information (Expansion)
•Ecaeris has a fairly round face when compared to others of her race, though still possessing rather angled features. She has a small, upturned nose, rather plump lips, though lacking in much colour, high cheekbones, and upturned eyes.

•Ecaeris has a lean figure with no definite curves. She has a black, tribal looking tattoo of a fox on the back of her left shoulder, [x] and a black tattoo of a dragon going down her right leg. [x]

•Ecaeris wears loose, flowy clothes that are easy for her to slip out of after transforming into her Ellon, favoring icy blue and white colours. She wears very little jewelry, what jewelry she does have possessing the same icy colour scheme.

•Ecaeris has a light Elvish accent, with a cold, often apathetic tone of voice, rarely stuttering. She speaks Common Elvish, Middle Elvish, and Common.

Visual Information (Ellon)
Ecaeris' Ellon takes the form of a Vulpes lagopus, or an Arctic fox, a symbol of her cunning and trickery. It is twenty eight inches long, with a twelve inch tail. It weighs about five pounds, and it is ten inches tall. [x] To cast, she will snap with both fingers, muttering a phrase depending on subform-

Ellon Form: Cé'hallel saej unoa caen'lligo.

Ellon Projection and Supreme Form: LLués'traenel ciénaell sae'cey.


Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Manipulative: Ecaeris is highly manipulative, often using others to her own benefit. She can lie to others with ease, often lying her way out of tricky situations. She is fairly good at reading people, and faking emotions for people. She often uses people's feelings against them, to her advantage. In addition, she has no moral barrier against manipulation, sometimes toying with others for entertainment.

  • Apathetic: The Isldar happens to be a fairly cold and uncaring person, often showing disinterest in most people and conversations. She becomes bored easily. Often, in many cases, she will tell people off, or respond rudely to a crying person. This often causes Ecaeris to come off as insensitive and uncaring. She is also far from enthusiastic.

  • Ambitious: Ecaeris is a highly ambitious woman, often showing a large amount of determination to complete her goals. She never gives up on herself. While this may seem positive at surface level, she is rather power-hungry. She does not care what extremes she must resort to, so long as she is in a position of power over others. She will manipulate, lie, cheat, steal, or even kill to meet her goals.

  • Outspoken: Ecaeris is a rather outspoken, showing little hesitation to voice her opinions. This could range from being simply outgoing, or ridiculously blunt. She's honest until lying seems to be in her favor. She is unafraid to express herself, as long as it will not get her in trouble. She's also a bit more welcoming than other Isldar, adding to this outspoken nature.

  • Introspective: Due to the long amount of time spent meditating and learning Ellon Magic, Ecaeris has a strong knowledge of herself. She is aware of her strengths, her flaws, her weaknesses, and her emotions. While she makes no attempt to become a better person, simply not caring about her deceptive nature, this does help her along quite often. Along with this, she understands the emotions of others very well, aiding her manipulation and plotting.

  • Clever: As both a Isldar and a rather educated woman in general, Ecaeris is rather clever and quick-thinking. She is an excellent problem solver, often piecing things together with experienced ease. The Isldar often acts with cunning, much like her fox Ellon. She is extremely intelligent, coming up with the most clever tricks and lies.


  • Ellon Magic: Ecaeris' Ellon takes the form of an Arctic fox, proving an excellent utility for the Isldar. Her Ellon is extremely fast and agile, with attacks mainly relying on biting its prey with its pronounced carnassial and canine teeth. She takes advantage of the supreme form in dire situations, also relying on her Ellon for emotional support at times.

  • Intelligent: Ecaeris is a highly educated Isldar, with quite a bit of knowledge to back her up. She acts in the interest of scholarly pursuit, often going on expeditions of sorts to acquire information. This often benefits her, as she is trilingual, literate, and fairly well-studied.

  • Blade Skills: Ecaeris has basic to average level ability in wielding a shortsword. Due to her training gained from Avanthar allies, she can handle a blade fairly well, and stab precisely at people. In addition, she knows basic human anatomy, and as such has a decent idea of where to strike.
  • Self-Understanding: As an Ellon Mage, Ecaeris has spent many years of her life meditating and getting to know herself. She is well aware of her weaknesses, and seeks ways to cheat out of them, though often to no avail. She is easily classified as more self-aware than the average person, in any case. This additionally makes it hard for her to overestimate her ability.

  • Bad Arm: During a previous sewer fight, Ecaeris injured her arm quite badly, breaking the bone in multiple places. This wound never quite healed, leaving the Isldar with a fairly useless arm. Her arm is prone to fracturing, and often it is extremely sensitive. She cannot lift much of anything with her right arm, despite it being her dominant hand.

  • Poor Endurance: Ecaeris has never worked out in her life, as both a scholar and a mage. As a result, she is left with extremely poor endurance. After running even a bit, she finds herself out of breath and unable to continue. Additionally, she has an absolutely no pain tolerance whatsoever, finding it hard to continue a fight after being cut in most cases.

  • Impatient: Ecaeris absolutely hates waiting on anything or anyone. Everything must be done at her pace, else she will become rather irate and frustrated. She sets a ridiculously high standard for herself and others, and while she often meets her standards with a lot of effort, most people just can't keep up.

  • Cynical: Due to her introspective personality and ability to see her own faults and strive to fix them, Ecaeris tends to look straight at other peoples' faults, too. She immediately assumes the worst about people, often making it harder for her to form relationships. This often causes her to seem distrusting of others.

  • Bottled-Up Emotions: Despite her cold and apathetic exterior, Ecaeris is a surprisingly emotional woman. Due to her long years of introspection and self-reflection, the Isldar is very aware of her emotions. Thinking that showing less emotion would make her seem stronger, she often bottles up negative emotions, basically exploding at certain times, often in private but occasionally in public. This makes her slightly unstable, and highly prone to utterly breaking down.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
Ecaeris is not a very quirky person, though she does have some small quirks, such as biting her lip when she is nervous or at a loss of words, and looking upwards and clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth when she is thinking hard about something.

Some of Ecaeris' hobbies include reading, writing, and occasionally art, all of which she has become excellent at over the years.

Ecaeris is exceptionally talented at singing, often causing others to wonder why she never went down the path of Lyre Magic.


Snow: As a Isldar with an Arctic fox Ellon, it is rather unsurprising that Ecaeris favours cold, snowy weather. She absolutely adores the white snow covering the ground and foliage during winter. She sees it as beautiful, and it reminds her of her homeland, even if she cannot remember it.

Foxes: No duh, Ecaeris loves foxes. She has a tattoo of one on her shoulder, and they are her favorite thing to draw. Along with the fact that she turns into a fox.

Knowledge: Ecaeris is a highly curious Isldar, often being caught with a book in her bag. She loves to read and learn new things.


Vampirism: Ecaeris sees vampirism as an absolutely disgusting ailment, and she would never come to trust a sanguine. She sees them for what they are, sick and cursed, and she knows that they are capable of awful things beyond their control.

People of Lesser Intelligence:
May seem pretentious and a bit snotty, but Ecaeris cannot stand explaining her words or thoughts to others. She thinks everyone should understand her, no matter how complicated her words are. This often frustrates her, and she will respond rudely to people who cannot catch on, rather than teaching them.

Red: Odd as it may sound, Ecaeris has an aversion to the colour red. She would never wear any red clothes, thinking that they do not look good on her. Red decorations aren't her favourite, either.


Life Story


  • Born to a wealthy family of Isldar in winter of 261 AC, with a twin brother named Orrian Morzorwyn. Her parents were named Durothil and Kylantha Morzorwyn.

  • Her mother died when she was only three, leaving her with her father, a lowly Craven Dweller.

  • Was dragged away to Daendroc with her father, in search of a better life.

  • Moved in with a village of fairly friendly Cielothar scholars and farmers.

  • Began education at the age of 7, while her twin brother learned to fight.

  • Was raised fairly elegantly, learning about her homeland from her father.

  • While her brother learned fighting and farming skills, she was a bit better educated.

  • Her family began worshipping Estel, with the dragons as minor gods, quite like how Saivalthar worship Estel, and then the Vices rather than Virtues.

  • Showed an interest in Ellon Magic by age 12, the local Cielothar gladly agreeing to teach her meditation once she was 14.
Teenage Years~

  • Began having dreams of her Ellon by age 16, discovering that it was an Arctic fox.

  • Kept on studying, though showing a bit more devotion to her new magic.

  • Reached Novice level by age 19, her learning slightly delayed as she learned Common Elven.

  • Continued down this path, while her brother became an excellent fighter.
Adulthood through Present~

  • Stuck with her studies, eventually reaching Student at age 22 and Caster at age 25.

  • Began to teach her twin brother in certain areas, when, to her surprise, he showed in, when, to her surprise, he showed interest in her Ellon magic.

  • Eventually took on learning sword fighting from the Avanthar in her local community.
  • Began teaching her brother how to meditate around this time.
  • Lived in relative quiet with the Cielothar and her family until 303 AC, when she was 42 years old.

  • She and her brother had gotten bored of life in Daendroc by that point, moving to Regalia in search of a more eventful life, and better business opportunities.

  • They got eventful, yes, but not in the way they were suspecting, when the Dark Queen took over.

  • Chose to stay neutral through all of the drama, not wanting to get caught up in it.


Orrian Morzorwyn @The Unknown "He's a bit too much like a Cielothar, but he's still the best twin brother I could ever have. Probably."

Basil Tzavaras @freckled_face "He's actually pretty alright for a noble. And he's actually educated, unlike most of his race."

More to be gained through rp~

Last edited:
~December 27, 2016~
Removed Expert level to clear up a special permission and replaced it with basic shortsword skills.
  • Changed Weapon of Choice
  • Added a strength
  • Removed [Ellon] labels from her last two weaknesses.
  • Removed a few sentences of her life story regarding her reaching mage/expert levels
  • Added another sentence explaining how and when she learned to wield a sword.
BTW. I know the expansions are split up. It's not letting me fix 'em.
Last edited:
Approved, I cannot find any flaws in the character design at this time.