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Played Character E.Z.I

This character is actively played.


InkyTheMoth MC - Triangle
Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: E.Z.I
Heritage / Culture: Skyborn Klokktech and Servotech Mech Automata / NA
Age: ??? (At least 20 years old but could be older much older)
Gender / Pronouns: It or They
Religion: None
Occult: None
Character Occupation: Medical
Appearance Information: A round floating orb like automata with various antenna sticking out of it behind it. It has a screen protected somewhat by metal grating which glowed a lighter blue color
Eye Color:
Skin Color: Metal grey
Hair: None
Height: 1 foot 6 inches
Body Type: Spherical
Additional Features:
Skill Information: Medical
Hobbies and Talents: Medical

Mech Mechanic II: Mech Automata gain the Shapeshift Pack Mundane Variant for free, but have to always appear mechanical or robot-like with at least two legs and two arms.

Mech Mechanic III: Mech Automata gain the First, Second, and Third Mechanics from the Skyborn Heritage Mechanics section. Additionally, Magic cannot tamper with their memories.

Mech Mechanic IV - can choose one Skyborn Ancestry Mechanic to gain. Additionally, they will always know if a technician has altered their personality/programming.

Reclaimer Ancestry Mechanic: Reclaimer Ancestry Skyborn have extended analytical abilities when it comes to understanding component ingredients, and material identification. They can identify any metal or material that they can touch and are able to smell what ingredients or compounds are present in any alchemical mixture. This extends itself even to smelling poison in their drinks.

Mech Mechanic V: Mech Automata can always create backups of themselves/their personalities, meaning if they are killed, they can be re-built/respawn, but are liable to have an existential crisis about it.

Languages: Common

Backstory/Plothooks: This Klokktech and Servotech automata has arrived in the city with no knowledge of before the city, they located medical supplies and find where it was needed most which was the Asha district.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 5 Dexterity
Defense Stat: 5 Wisdom
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 2
Tech Exhaust Pack
Tech Resist Pack
Wisdom: 7
Medical Buff Pack
Medical Revive Pack
Medical Bolster Pack
Medical Resist Pack
Medical Rescue Pack
Chem Bang Pack
Chem Bolts Pack
Dexterity: 5
Fleet Footed Pack
Sharp Reflexes Pack
Close Save Pack
Dirty Fighter Pack
Smokescreen Pack
Faith: 0
Magic: 0
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Edit - Realized you can't have dexterity be a defense stat and wisdom can't be an attack stat so I swapped them around