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Played Character Dyrhac

This character is actively played.


Staff member
Dec 29, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Dyrhac
Heritage / Culture: Katharic Culture, Unbound Spirit Mystech Revenant, Previously Kathar
Age: N/A
Gender / Pronouns: N/A
Religion: Evolism
Occult: Unbound Spirit Mystech - Ordial
Character Occupation: Weapon

Appearance Information
Eye Color: Varies, they shapeshift, but are most commonly in Armor, but in most common shifts their eyes are red or gold.
Skin Color: Varies, their most common skin tone is pale.
Hair: Varies, their hair color is most commonly a chalk white.
Height: Varies, but commonly of middling stature.
Body Type: Varies, but fit enough.

Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents:
Mechanics: Unbound Mystech, Argentum Silverwatch, Evolism
Languages: Common, Pannarokh

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 17, Magic
Defense Stat: 15, Wisdom

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 0​
Constitution: 0​
Intelligence: 0​
Adapt Mind Control (Magical)
Adapt Shapeshift (Magical)​
Wisdom: 7​
Mobile Command
Attack Command
Defend Command
Champion Command
Overwhelm Command
Resist Command
Chem Hyperfocus​
Dexterity: 0​
Faith: 1​
Sacred Healing​
Magic: 6​
Magic Barrier
Magic Isolate
Magic Cleanse
Magic Smog
Magic Resist
Magic Revenge
Life Story / Plot Hooks
Dyrhac is the Spirit currently occupying the weapon of Kevrokh, they are bound to him as their summoner and wielder. Their connection is symbiotic, as Dyrhac grants Kevrokh boons in battle in exchange for his continued success in vanquishing his foes.

Dyrhac's personal ambitions are unclear, as a demon born of flame and searing steel, they exist and thrive in places of war, they may learn to know peace but will never be truly comfortable.​
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