Dying Fires


The snow was falling heavy that late evening in Regalia, or was it early morning? The somber Songaskia didn't know as she stumbled along through the streets of packed snow. The thin cloak doing little to nothing to stop the harsh coldness that stung Lumusi's skin but she didn't feel it. Couldn't feel it at this point. The bottle of hard liquor in her hand numbing her senses at this point, taking a last swig of the drink before dropping it idly in the ground. The drink burning her throat as the many other drinks she took before.

Her sharp golden eyes swishing around the area as a choked sob left her lips, confusion blurring in her mind as the thought of her previous conversation before she went to drink her mind away. Despite trying such things it did nothing to stop the pain swelling in her chest as she moved to stumble along towards a familiar home. Or at least, she thought it was the right direction. As she stumbled through the nearly barren streets, her mind continued to replay the words that she heard before becoming muddled by the alcohol as well as the now freezing sheet of snow that covered her white hair and slightly clothed shoulders.

'Why.' Was the only thing she could focus on as she let her steps begin to struggle as she made her way towards the lingering steps of a familiar home.

'Why did this happen.'

'Why did I leave.'

'Why! Why! Why!' Repeated in her mind in an almost deadly mantra before her foot caught on a step she had missed because of the snow. She'd fall to her knees on the ground as a slow breath escaped her, now lying against the first couple of steps to her friends home. As she struggled to get up a burning pain would flare against her side as the shocking realization crossed her muddled mind.

'The cold will be the death of me. Who knew death could be so cruel.' She'd thought with a dry chuckle mixed with a broken sob once again that quickly turned into a fit of coughing as she rested her head against the ice cold stone of the steps. She'd try to force her head up as each snowflake that fell upon her felt so much heavier than it should have. Her voice was hoarse, it hurt too much to cry out when help was only a few feet away.

Fresh snow was coming down from the sky and she felt her vision growing hazy as she tried to look up towards the doorway.

"A-Aeslin'..." She mumbled softly to herself before it all went dark, her eyes fluttering closed as her head fell against the step in front of her, lulling slightly as her breath turned sharp.


That was the first thing she saw once she opened her eyes.

In front of her was a mop of red hair attached to a very familiar figure. They mumble under their breath that she's still heavy but kept a firm grip on her as they head up the stairs. The Songaskia heavily leaning against her shorter friend, her skin ice cold as she is practically carried up without problem. She'd be dragged into the house before her eyes snapped shut once again, her once tense shoulders easing now in the arms of a friend. A friend she dearly needed like the friend once needed her so dearly.

Who knew a fire that burned so brightly could nearly die so coldly?

@Bellarmina @Empaul

OOC Note: Decided to write this after a rather heart-breaking rp that happened, tagged those who might be interested in it.


The snow was falling heavy that late evening in Regalia, or was it early morning? The somber Songaskia didn't know as she stumbled along through the streets of packed snow. The thin cloak doing little to nothing to stop the harsh coldness that stung Lumusi's skin but she didn't feel it. Couldn't feel it at this point. The bottle of hard liquor in her hand numbing her senses at this point, taking a last swig of the drink before dropping it idly in the ground. The drink burning her throat as the many other drinks she took before.

Her sharp golden eyes swishing around the area as a choked sob left her lips, confusion blurring in her mind as the thought of her previous conversation before she went to drink her mind away. Despite trying such things it did nothing to stop the pain swelling in her chest as she moved to stumble along towards a familiar home. Or at least, she thought it was the right direction. As she stumbled through the nearly barren streets, her mind continued to replay the words that she heard before becoming muddled by the alcohol as well as the now freezing sheet of snow that covered her white hair and slightly clothed shoulders.

'Why.' Was the only thing she could focus on as she let her steps begin to struggle as she made her way towards the lingering steps of a familiar home.

'Why did this happen.'

'Why did I leave.'

'Why! Why! Why!' Repeated in her mind in an almost deadly mantra before her foot caught on a step she had missed because of the snow. She'd fall to her knees on the ground as a slow breath escaped her, now lying against the first couple of steps to her friends home. As she struggled to get up a burning pain would flare against her side as the shocking realization crossed her muddled mind.

'The cold will be the death of me. Who knew death could be so cruel.' She'd thought with a dry chuckle mixed with a broken sob once again that quickly turned into a fit of coughing as she rested her head against the ice cold stone of the steps. She'd try to force her head up as each snowflake that fell upon her felt so much heavier than it should have. Her voice was hoarse, it hurt too much to cry out when help was only a few feet away.

Fresh snow was coming down from the sky and she felt her vision growing hazy as she tried to look up towards the doorway.

"A-Aeslin'..." She mumbled softly to herself before it all went dark, her eyes fluttering closed as her head fell against the step in front of her, lulling slightly as her breath turned sharp.


That was the first thing she saw once she opened her eyes.

In front of her was a mop of red hair attached to a very familiar figure. They mumble under their breath that she's still heavy but kept a firm grip on her as they head up the stairs. The Songaskia heavily leaning against her shorter friend, her skin ice cold as she is practically carried up without problem. She'd be dragged into the house before her eyes snapped shut once again, her once tense shoulders easing now in the arms of a friend. A friend she dearly needed like the friend once needed her so dearly.

Who knew a fire that burned so brightly could nearly die so coldly?

@Bellarmina @Empaul

OOC Note: Decided to write this after a rather heart-breaking rp that happened, tagged those who might be interested in it.