Preserved Sheet Durand De Borge

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Local goblin enthusiast
Jun 30, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Durand de Borge
  • Age: 42
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ithanian
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)

42 Proficiency points to spend from age, because the character is 42 years old.

  • +10 Bodycare Training (from Race Boost)
  • +5 Athletic Training (+5 from points)
  • +12 Martial Knowledge(+2 from points)
  • +20 Blades Combat Skill(+20 from points)
  • +5 Shields Combat Skill(+5 from points)
Body Shape
  • Muscular Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Ithanian (taught by parents at home)

Visual Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Short hair
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: White tunic, Blue pants with Red cloak
  • Height: 176 cm
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: Durand is perceived by most people as charitable and patient and indomitable. He can sometimes be viewed as irritating especially when arguing. He is very outgoing and never shy, always expressing his ideas and thoughts, which leads to some people viewing him as very approachable. He tends to constantly rant due to his outgoingness and loves to discuss religion.
  • Second Paragraph: Durand prides himself in his physical abilities. He is quite strict and harsh on himself to meet his own standards. He seldom feels down due to his inability to meet his own standards. He does not voice his self criticisms but always voices his opinions on various issues unless inappropriate. He tries to be both sympathetic to himself and others.
  • Third Paragraph: Durand more or less is the same as when he is with strangers although, he is somewhat more jovial and sarcastic when with friends and families. His still refrains from discussing about things he knows would offend or make mad the ones close to Durand. He also seems to relax a bit more when with friends and family.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Durand considers himself lawful and generous. He respects those who have similar morals to him. He will never break any law or disobey any order unless it is to help someone in need. He considers generosity, bravery, and loyalty to be the most important traits of a person and attempts to attain those traits.
Life Story (Required)
  • Born to merchants Louis and Julie de borge in La Portée du Paradis as an only child
  • Was kidnapped at age 6 by a local gang, and was imprisoned for 4 days but was rescued by mercenaries paid by his parents
  • Durand was tutored in religion and military tactics by paid tutors from age 8-10
  • Moved to regalia at the age of 10
  • Durand's parents die at the age of 11
  • Durand attends Duurwallis at the age of 14
  • He participates in a small spar against a more skilled and buffer boy. He is able to hold up for a while but he becomes too tired, breaks his arm and loses.
  • As he grew, he honed his combat by learning from his past mistakes during sparring and sets higher standards for himself each time he wins a spar
  • Durand finally graduates at the age of 24 as a Bloodcast Knight and returns to Regalia
  • Jobless and not knowing where to go, Durand becomes a mercenary but was not able to attract many customers. While being a mercenary, he was able to learn martial skills from other mercenaries.
  • Durand lives in ragged conditions for 6 years not able to gain much money. Most of the money he earned he gave to the poor.
  • He currently still lives in these ragged conditions but is fairing better than he was before.
  • Continues to reside in Regalia, and is part of the Letoirneau House Guard
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Hey my dude, your body shape section doesn't line up with your proficiencies.

Your body section says +10 +7 for fast blades and unarmed but your char has +10 +10 for blades and shields.
I should also mention longsword and large shields aren't proficiencies anymore since the update, they've been replaced with 'Blades' and 'Shielding' respectively.

@Bagley_ ? Not sure what happened to this.
Judicial is no longer a proficiency, and blades should be blades combat skill, likewise with shields, it should be shielding combat skill.