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Work in Progress Dunstann

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Sep 3, 2024
Reaction score
Full Name: Dunstann Mills (Just goes by dunstann now)
Heritage / Culture: Mystech, Puppeteer Spirit
Age: 30
Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Religion: Agnostic
Occult: N/A
Character Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance Information

Eye Color: unknown
Skin Color: unknown
Hair: none
Height: 6'3
Body Type: tall and bulky
Additional Features: Always wears his armor. Never takes it off. People don't know what he looks like on the inside.

Skill Information

Hobbies and Talents: Woodworking, baking
Mechanics: Dunstann doesn't need to breathe.
Dunstann never takes off his armor
Dunstann smells mildly like rotting flesh. It's unpleasant for most people around him and would probably cause a lot of people to stay further away.
Languages: Vaman/Common

He grew up lower class, and his dad had a drinking problem because his mom passed away while in the military. When he was 19, his dad got killed in a bar fight. That night, he walked around the city to take his mind off of things. He heard a commotion in an alleyway, and when investigating, found thugs harassing a skinny-looking guy. He released his pent up energy on beating the crap out of the thugs, and him and the guy became friends. The guy is a mageborn who doesn't have the best control of his magic and doesn't understand how to use it. Dunstann finds out the guy is dirt poor, has no friends or family, and sucks ass at magic. Dunstann takes pity on him and lets him live with him. and then somehow they become mercenaries i didnt really think this part through. during one of their commissions, they come dangerously close to losing. Dunstann's friend (i didnt name him sorry) loses control of his magic and starts rapidly firing off spells. Dunstann runs over to try to knock him out or get him to stop, but his friend explodes, taking Dunstann out too. Although his mage friend moves on over to the afterlife, Dunstann stayed and became a puppeteer spirit. He took control of his own corpse and continued on with his life. He's the only one that will remember his friend, and he's determined not to let his memory die. He also used to believe in unionism, but after grappling with being a spirit for a while, he decided that he can't possibly evil or corrupted. He believes he was always a decent person and unionism just doesn't align with his new views. He's honestly kind of an ass now. He's mostly selfish and dislike being around most people's company, preferring to sit peacefully and carve flowers or birds with wood.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Constitution
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 6
Bruiser Stance Ability
- Bruiser Parry Pack
- Bruiser Agony Pack
- Bruiser Rampage Pack
Technique Parry Pack
Brawl Stampede Pack

Constitution: 4
Rage Counter Pack
Iron WIll Pack
Status Endure Pack
Bulwark Pack

Intelligence: 0
[Ability Name]
Wisdom: 0
[Ability Name]

Dexterity: 4
Dirty Fighter
Escape Artist
Theft Pack
Sharp Reflexes

Faith: 0
[Ability Name]
Magic: 0
[Ability Name]

Extra Stuff:
Puppeteer Mechanic V
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