Preserved Sheet Duilio Cessoillo

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Jun 27, 2015
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the universe
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Suiesso'essllaj'ellaijo Cië'ane'nielloa, Sui, his more Ailor-friendly name is Duilio Cessoillo.
  • Age: 27, born the 24th of July, 277 A.C.
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Avanthar
  • Main Ambition: Duilio desires to attain recognition, be it from a small or big group, which he intends to obtain by succeeding in whichever way needed; socially, or through physical superiority. A secondary ambition would be to become an expert in Turall, though Duilio very well knows it is near impossible for him.

Skill Information (Optional)

  • School: School of Turall
  • Level: Warrior
  • Source: Taught by a private tutor back in Anglia, after initially getting denied at the actual school.
  • School: School of Avant
  • Level: Fighter
  • Source: Taught by a Prota'll mentor of his tribe.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Bright blue
  • Hair Color: Dark auburn
  • Hair Style: Partially tied back in a little pony tail
  • Skin Color: Copper
  • Clothing: Dressed for warm weather, usually wearing a green jacket with some brown pants.
  • Height: 6'5
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: Twin daggers, Ularcia Throwing Axes.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph:
Duilio is generally perceived as an easy-going, enjoyable to talk to young lad. He seems to have his way with words, enabling to make friends rather smoothly. Aiming to leave a good first impression behind, Duilio is talked about as a fine friend among people that know him. While trying to get people to like him though, one might notice how protean he actually is, changing how he acts to get in a good light.

  • Second Paragraph:
Although perceived as friendly, Duilio rather uses these relations for his own goals, making him quite unscrupulous. One of his fears is, although ultimately many of his relations aren't as honest as they seem to be, to end up alone. For his parents were quite busy in his childhood: although he did not live a bad life, being somewhat neglected by his parents did bring a fear of abandonment along. Besides that, however, Duilio is quite full of himself at times because he thinks his 'set of skills' puts him above others, while he clearly is not; he adored his mentor and believes, through his training, he eventually managed to be just as great.

  • Third Paragraph:
As mentioned earlier, individuals who truly know Duilio, know of his protean nature. This lessens, however, around actual friends, which Duilio does not have many of. He gets more serious around them, expressing his real opinions on matters, while his opinion changes at the flick of a coin around acquaintances. Because he alienated from his parents in his teenage years and other relatives were more often than not out of the picture, he sees people who he considers friends moreso the way someone else would see their family. Lovers thus far have been out of the question; Duilio hasn't had any experience with such things in his life.

  • Fourth Paragraph:
Overall, Duilio is a neutral person. His parents were not around too often to teach him or put him in his place, actually helping Duilio to form his very own opinions of the world. He learned that you have to do it yourself if you ever desire anything, in whatever way is needed. What he considers evil are the wrongdoings against him, or his friends. Anything outside of that he find it to be 'just the way it is'.

  • Fifth Paragraph
Duilio's initial faith was that of Estel, as his father was a full blooded tribalistic Avanthar, keen to teach his son their ways. Growing up, however, Duilio and his parents met less and less. Spending his teenage years in a town consisting of a handful of races, Duilio soon got in touch with Unionism. He feels that Unionism replaces his need for parents, as it thus brings unity to the followers which he desires. On the other hand, he isn't a strong believer as it conflicts with his earlier faith, the one he got taught growing up, the one his family by blood followed. He then believes he may as well have many privileges; as long as he works for them himself. The world is as fair as you make it to be.



  • Turall fighting: Being taught by a mentor for four years, his abilities cap at that of a warrior. As the school suggest, his stamina is outstanding, making him able to outwear his opponent. Using his surroundings in a fight, he has come to use a handful of considered dirty tricks.

  • Memorisation: Duilio didn't seem to have much trouble memorising things during his life, be it mere information or muscle memory. It gives Duilio the knowledge of perhaps the lay-out of the cities he's lived in, for example. Memorisation also makes him a good student, being able to catch onto things relatively faster. It mainly helped him with his training under his mentor, proving to him it was worthwhile training him.

  • Horseback archery: Living amongst his fellow Avanthar, Duilio soon started to learn how to ride a horse. With that, he soon also trained in how to handle a bow riding his steed. Duilio now is able to handle a shortbow atop a horse thanks to his training in the school of Avant, riding alongside his kin in battle.

Life Story (Required)

Born in the year 277 A.C. on the 24th day of July, in a Daendroquen Avanthar tribe, Duilio grew up as Suiesso'essllaj'ellaijo, Sui for short. He had a generally prosperous childhood, and as his parents were both a tribalistic and a city Avanthar, he got taught both elven and Daendroque. His more tribalistic father introduced him to the faith of Estel, resulting in Duilio following this faith. Starting from the age of 12, Duilio started training the techniques of Avant, reaching fighter's level at the age of 18, midsummer. He'd participate in a lot of raids before finally moving late autumn at the age of 19. In his years living with the tribe, he got enough social interaction with everyone. This changed when he neared his late teenage years and moved, with his parents, to an Ailor city near Daenshore; it was decided he should mingle with the ailor population, his parents sending him for the city. Duilio then ventured off into the towns, taking on various jobs like any person growing up would. It wasn't going too well, however, seeing the ailor culture was still alien to him.

One winter night, the now 19 year old Duilio tried to steal something from a shop on the outskirts of the town. While running away from the angry owner, swinging with some kind of cane, he almost bumped into someone had he not been alarmed by the nearing noises. Halting in time, two men passed him barely as they were occupied with their own fight. Intrigued by the way one fought and outsmarted the other, Duilio went to find out more. After asking around, he came to realise it was Turall the one man was taught the techniques of.

Tired of both his surrounding and his neglecting parents, passionate to learn that technique himself, Duilio set out to enroll in the Anglian school of Turall. He discussed it with his parents only briefly who luckily agreed in the end; had they not, he would have left nonetheless, on worse terms. Almost half a year it took him to finally reach the school, having to take on various jobs along the way to afford his journey. At arrival, however, he faced a bitter denial. Only Ailor would be allowed to study at this school, which he was not. By this time, Duilio had slowly been converting his beliefs to those of Unionism

One of the Turall mentors had noticed his clear passion and devotion that faithful day, after which they decided to teach Duilio in private. Feeling saved, in a way, the 19 year old Duilio spent his upcoming six years learning the Turall techniques. His mentor wasn't only that, to Duilio, he was one of the greatest people he'd ever met, the mentor becoming almost like a father figure to him, also improving Duilio's Common and manners in general. Honing his skills throughout these four years, Duilio reached the level of warrior using the Turall techniques. Satisfied with his accomplishments thus far, he decided to try his luck in a bigger city: Regalia. It took him half a year to get to this big city, as traveling was still not something cheap to do. At the age of 26, early spring, Duilio arrived in Regalia.

Nowadays, he spends his time doing various labour-heavy jobs all over the city, with no real specific profession taking up his time. With a group of others, he lives in a house in the Harbour district.
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"Suiesso'essllaj'ellaijo Cië'ane'nielloa, Sui, Duilio Cessoillo."

Here's my review -
  • Basic Information: Your character's main ambition is very ambiguous and doesn't lend any direction to the character. Elaborating on this gives the reviewer better insight as to how this character is balanced.
  • Personality and Abilities: It seems unclear to me that your character, as said in the fifth paragraph, would have some hesitation towards Unionism for the reason of staying in touch with their familial roots. It says that he wasn't really close with his parents in the third paragraph, hence my confusion.
  • Talents: Sociable and disciplined need to be removed entirely. Try to think of talents as specific skills or formal knowledge/education that they've received. To that end, Turall fighting is acceptable.
Make these changes in red and tag me when you're done.

I made the changes in red. I added a new ambition as requested.

As for his personality, he feels reluctant because the faith of Estel reminds him of the time he was close with his parents, thus good memories. As they drifted away, however, he started converting to Unionism. I tried to clarify this some more, changing the life story and the third + fifth paragraph a tad as well.

I removed Sociable and Disciplined, then replaced them by Memorisation. Since I cannot think of a third talent as of now, I'll perhaps add one later after I've roleplayed as him for a bit more.
One more thing, actually. To reach the warrior level, it requires a total of six years. One for each level before warrior, and then two for warrior itself. Please adjust this accordingly.
Requesting a re-review. I made all changes in red. I mainly changed his early life and age, considering the Avanthar fighting techniques have been written and released on the wiki.
In response to recent changes -
  • I believe that having both the School of Ularenn and School of Avant is enough to mean you don't need Turall. Choose between the two or the one.
  • Update your talents to reflect this change in skill.
  • List Ularenn and Avant as separate, despite the fact that they are sister schools.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.