Archived Dueling

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
Credit to @AgentLew , this was his idea first. I'm only expanding it.

Places where the plugin can be used: Anywhere, including safe zones (Regalia, world spawns, faction bases, etc).

/duel challenge [username]
/duel accept [username]
/duel deny [username]

Challenging someone to a duel would display the following message on the other's screen:

"[nick name] has challenged you to a duel.
/duel accept [username]
/duel deny [username]"

Denying the duel would stop further messages, and prevent a challenge from the same challenger for X minutes.

Accepting would cause the following message "Prepare to fight!" On both screens, followed by a countdown from 5. After the countdown reaches 1, the message "Fight!" Appears on both screens. PVP is then enabled for both players, for 10 seconds.

While RP fighting is both possible, and even common, it is not practical when time is of the essence. This idea could turn a slow, boring, brawl into ten seconds of flying fists! There are many reasons why this idea could be interesting
And fun, and few as to how it could cause harm, considering that consent is necessary.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just a thought. At the end of the 10 seconds depending on how many hearts of health they have left it could display how badly injured they were if they were not killed. Basing the states of injury on the Character Death: Rules and Etiquette page. I feel this would help tie together the PVP aspect of the fight to the overall RP world.
This has been suggested many times, last I heard it was something that was actually planned, but far away from being close to even being started to be worked on.
D'aww there's nothing I love more than describing a battle between my character and his opponent... This would make me sad xD Just my opinion though :3 I suck at PVP~

Very true; I don't doubt that many greatly enjoy RP battles! Adding the element of PVP can reduce complex character traits into a competition of who can click the fastest. On the other hand, the option to deny is always present, and I would any reasonable RP'er would respect your decision not to PVP.
Yeaaah, as @Eliza_Nightly said, I love describing the detail on how my characters are battling others, plus I am a wimpy little coward that cannot PvP o-o
Like, even half the players that weren't staff back then but are now staff loved it, but nothing ever happened. Hopefully that will change, I'd love to see this happen.
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