Archived Dueling Within Regalia

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Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Off the Grid
Insidian Supremacy
I was walking out of the tavern, as I've done so many a times, and saw an Rp fight going on. A single thought struck my memory, what if you could challenge people to duels like on another server I've played on(if you want to check out the ip and how the dueling systems works, just say so[not an advertisement for the server though]). Possibly adding a duel plugin could help the RP aspects of the server.
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I honestly love this suggestion, kapry made it before, it got 30 some agrees, but was not implemented due to how easy it would be to draw a newer player into a trap with this.
Or like the server, that I've played on, that has it. The dueling system makes sure that you don't lose your stuff. It basically gives you artificial hearts, that once you lose them all, you lose the duel(without death being involved in the loss of the match).
My character is Master swordsman... in a duel, he'd use one of his two swords... In a pvp duel, I'd switch to unarmed cause it's 500+ .

I'd prefer to fight using E:
Opens up more possibilities than stick on yer god gear and spam pots.
I see no point in this RP/PvP wouldn't make any sense.
The winner would be the one with the fastest computer even if you remove mcmmo.
Also, it wouldn't be able to fit into the RP Aspect as most role-players who play as strong characters aren't even good at PvP, leading them to lose almost all of these "duels".

If you want a duel in RP, you should do it the old fashion way if EMOTE chat.
I see no point in this RP/PvP wouldn't make any sense.
The winner would be the one with the fastest computer even if you remove mcmmo.
Also, it wouldn't be able to fit into the RP Aspect as most role-players who play as strong characters aren't even good at PvP, leading them to lose almost all of these "duels".

If you want a duel in RP, you should do it the old fashion way if EMOTE chat.
Yeah, the bit with the computer is a good point there, I've been lag killed by players and mobs o multiple occasions, which something like that would ruin the plugin.
I support this if mcmmo and potions were disabled, that way the fights could be quicker and easier.
ah, yeah. I see the reasons against it, maybe choosing a kit before dueling might solve the possible potion, and god armor issues. But I thought the plugin might add a cool blend of PvP and RP to the server. Maybe even making a custom plugin(I know how hard it is, but still) to where you have to use Emote chat before actually acting out an attack, maybe like a turned based duel.
I honestly love this suggestion, kapry made it before, it got 30 some agrees, but was not implemented due to how easy it would be to draw a newer player into a trap with this.
I thought it actually was something the server was planning to have but wasn't intended to be a feature for a long time to come...until people started to RP fight. (Which I still find stupid but hey not everyone can pvp)
I find rp fighting comical.
Personally I do at times and sometimes I don't, I can see situations where certain acts would be necessary for an RP fight (like choking someone out) but an actual fight fight when someone tries -swings sword at you- it needs to be in pvp. Because honestly something I have always felt is that if you cannot beat someone in PvP where fighting mechanics are greatly taken into consideration, then you shouldn't be able to RP beat them either.
Pvp dueling in RP wont go together. It will just be a massive click event.
Personally I do at times and sometimes I don't, I can see situations where certain acts would be necessary for an RP fight (like choking someone out) but an actual fight fight when someone tries -swings sword at you- it needs to be in pvp. Because honestly something I have always felt is that if you cannot beat someone in PvP where fighting mechanics are greatly taken into consideration, then you shouldn't be able to RP beat them either.
This. Completely.
As someone who's tried to have a balance of being fair at pvp and roleplay, I am intrigued by this addition. However, the overlaying issue is Minecraft pvp mechanics, and how inept they are. As @Ellimairy said, it's a "click event".

Perhaps when Mojang improves pvp (I personally am still waiting for duel wielding, shields, more weapons, and a drastic damage increase on all weapons), this seems unneeded. A fair suggestion however, and one we should keep in mind for the future.

For now, "RP fights" are determined by the writing skills and character history of the attacker, trapping the opponent with tempered yet clever attack patterns their character can't realistically get out of, to score a win.
Personally I do at times and sometimes I don't, I can see situations where certain acts would be necessary for an RP fight (like choking someone out) but an actual fight fight when someone tries -swings sword at you- it needs to be in pvp. Because honestly something I have always felt is that if you cannot beat someone in PvP where fighting mechanics are greatly taken into consideration, then you shouldn't be able to RP beat them either.
What about me, then? I'm honestly an awful PVP'er, and whenever I go on big survival servers with friends, I just hunker down and build up the supplies. But Jaak is supposed to be the Vice of Fury, and a master of most martial combat.

Or for an example that can apply to more people, what if someone was playing a child, but had 1000 levels in axes, and another was playing an orc who wasn't as devoted to PVP as him. Should a 10 year old kid really be able to beat the trained orc, just because the player spent hours and hours in a darkroom? I mean, it's roleplay, so shouldn't your character's fighting ability come before your own?
What about me, then? I'm honestly an awful PVP'er, and whenever I go on big survival servers with friends, I just hunker down and build up the supplies. But Jaak is supposed to be the Vice of Fury, and a master of most martial combat.

Or for an example that can apply to more people, what if someone was playing a child, but had 1000 levels in axes, and another was playing an orc who wasn't as devoted to PVP as him. Should a 10 year old kid really be able to beat the trained orc, just because the player spent hours and hours in a darkroom? I mean, it's roleplay, so shouldn't your character's fighting ability come before your own?
I feel if I comment back on this, it would come off as rude when trying to be direct. But I do see your point with the child or Orc part, but in my opinion that would be a character in which you would throw the match. While it would be nice to have specific mcmmo's for each character I do understand how that wouldn't be possible.
I feel if I comment back on this, it would come off as rude when trying to be direct. But I do see your point with the child or Orc part, but in my opinion that would be a character in which you would throw the match. While it would be nice to have specific mcmmo's for each character I do understand how that wouldn't be possible.
I think the biggest issue with trying to integrate PVP and RP on Massive is the flexibility that the roleplay aspect allows, which isn't meant to conform to MCMMO in anyway. If, however, you were to make everyone's character roughly the same age and maybe throw something in like the race plugin with different benefits, then yes, I do believe it could work and function on a playable and even enjoyable scale for almost everyone. But because you can make your character a child, an old man, a demon, a farmer, an alchemist, etc. etc. combat systems such as MCMMO are too...confining. It can work on other sort of games like WoW, Neverwinter, or Rift, but those games are all built around the combat system, and only allow the "template" character creation method.

I guess, in short, until something major happens with Minecraft or a plugin is made, PVP and RP won't mix very well.
(Which I still find stupid but hey not everyone can pvp)
I actually have to disagree with this idea. I am one of those people who can't PVP for their life. My MMCO or whatevermagicalit is about 400 or less... around 350 of that is from me mining, digging, and herbalism. My character throws knives, and sometimes wields an axe- How am I supposed to duel people properly if my axe skills are at the most 50... ;~;
I actually have to disagree with this idea. I am one of those people who can't PVP for their life. My MMCO or whatevermagicalit is about 400 or less... around 350 of that is from me mining, digging, and herbalism. My character throws knives, and sometimes wields an axe- How am I supposed to duel people properly if my axe skills are at the most 50... ;~;
MCMMO would be disabled.
Yeah, like all of the others said, it'd just be massive click event, and this wouldn't mix well in RP. This could be implented in future updates, or whenever Mojang decides to make drastic changes to PvP
Well like I said before, you could change the dueling system a bit to make it more of a turn based duel, having some RP mixed in with the PvP attacks. And as for the skills, personally I've always seen that if you're going to RP a character, you should at least be skillful in that character's skills. That's just me personally, of course others don't agree or think that way. Or, like some people have been saying, just take out the skill advantages overall, just make like a dueling arena on a different world that doesn't have the skills affecting it.
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