Preserved Sheet Drummond Macliuthar

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Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
at home
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Drummond 'Drum' MacLiuthar
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Highland Ceardian Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Money, booze, to have a good time. He tends to take each day as it comes if he can.
Skill Information

Proficiency Points

  • Total Proficiency Points: 29
    • Common Shortbow: 20 (+10 from School of Huntverk, +10 from points)
    • Short Sword: 4 (+4 from points)
    • Trapping: 15 (+10 from School of Huntverk, +5 from points)
    • Tracking: 10 (+10 from School of Huntverk)
Culture Points
  • Total Culture Points: 29
    • Husbandry: 15 (+15 from points)
  • Common (Native Tongue): Spoken and written. Known for ~27 years.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Grey-blue.
  • Hair Color: Dark brown.
  • Hair Style: Shaved back and sides, tied in a messy bun.
  • Skin Color: Very pale.
  • Clothing: Baggy top, often with faint tartan designs. Wide belt and brown trousers, sensible shoes or boots.
  • Height: 5 ft 10
  • Body Build: Toned
  • Weapon of Choice: Common Shortbow (or Arming Sword for muggings etc)

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Drummond is not often complimented by those who first meet him - it is immediately clear even upon setting eyes on him that he is not a very nice person. Upon speaking to him this becomes even more clear - he curses far too much, he's loud and often drunk, he insults people all the time, he's easily angered and is generally rude to anyone he meets. He doesn't seem to care at all about how he comes across in these first meetings, and he rarely comes across well. In order to befriend and remain friends with Drum, you have to have very thick skin.
  • Second Paragraph: Drum tends to do first and leave the thinking for later - he takes a general 'screw it' attitude towards everything and anything. It's for this reason that he's rarely nervous and doesn't tend to worry. His one main insecurity, arguably, is his toughness and uncaringness - he doesn't like to come across as too loving or interested in anything, and nor does he want to show any sort of weakness. This insecurity is quite extreme as it has festered ever since he was a small child, and can put him into danger at times. It certainly always has impacted on his relationships with other people.
  • Third Paragraph: The way Drum acts around his friends and family is much the same as the way he acts around strangers. He is rude, loud, boisterous and vulgar, and often makes extremely bigoted or racist comments (even for a Regalian!). He makes up for this in some small way by being a lot more protective of his friends and family, and a lot more willing to show some form of affection (though still limited). He often also pushes his friends and family to improve themselves, perhaps funnily, often encouraging extra work towards promotions or work to improve their moral character. He seems to view affection or caring as indicative of weakness, perhaps a lack of restraint, and this carries into his few associations with fellow Huntverks. He claims that he finds the whole idea of being 'extra nice' to hunting partners is ridiculous and he doesn't take part. He does, however, hold some pride in the Huntverk name and will at least treat other Huntverks with a little more respect than he usually would a stranger, if subconsciously. He dislikes the idea of gay people and women taking part in the school, as he sees hunting as a man's job and that being anything less than a heterosexual male somehow makes a person less qualified for the task.
  • Fourth Paragraph: True Neutral. Drum is not at all noble, and is certainly extremely corrupt and easily motivated by money, but he really is a good person underneath all of his terrible personality and drinking problems. If it weren't for his less-than-wealthy start to life and resultant poverty in Regalia, there is no way he would be involved in any sort of illegal venture. He does what is necessary to survive most of the time, but should he eventually transition into a less stressful and more comfortable life, he would likely be quite charitable and morally sound.

Life Story

Drummond was born to Lachlan Macliuthar and Anne Macliuthar in a humble farm in Gallovia. He was the second eldest brother of the group, but he had many siblings. His grandparents also lived with them all in that crowded and slightly ramshackle house, and they had little money to spare. They farmed food to eat, his father hunted animals in the nearby woods for furs and meat, and they rarely ventured into town (a small town, too far away to warrant regular visits).

Growing up, Drum was tutored by his father, who taught him how to hunt in the nearby woods for deer and rabbits. He taught him the basics of how to lay traps, use a bow and track animals, and taught him some basic morals. It was from his father, however, that Drum gained his insecurity - he was taught to be tough in order to help carry the weight of the family. He also started drinking at a young age - as young as 9, he was given shots of cheap alcohol for a job well done, and on occasion he would be given a pint of ale to get him to sleep. His mother was not aware of this - it was exclusively his father that was responsible.

Seeing his progress in his hunting, Drum's father handed down his books to his son, choosing him over his brothers who had shown little interest in the hunt (but for his younger brother, who was at this point a remarkably poor huntsman) and sparking his interest in this improvement of his skills. His father encouraged self-improvement above many other things, often maintaining that the desire and determination to be better would take any man far. He at first had to read the books out to Drum, as he was not a particularly strong reader, but soon enough he was able to piece them together and over a period of a few years he managed to read through all of Ser Huntverk's writings. During this time his younger sister Maili was sent off to train as a Tenpenny, soldiers for which his mother held high regard. However, Drummond's father was able to convince her to withhold him from the military education such that he could continue his studies, and he did.

By the time Maili had returned, his grandparents (with which she was very close) had died. Distraught, she stormed out in tears and declared she was leaving home. After much arguing, Drummond was unable to convince her to stay and help take care of the farm, so he agreed with his parents that he would accompany her and ensure she didn't get into too much trouble. However, when he arrived in Regalia he almost instantly succumbed to alcoholism and it ended up much the other way around.

Now, Drum works with his sister in a very illegal gang in the slums, utilising his various skills to help them all out when he can, and often drinking to such excess that his fellow gang-members have to carry him home to recuperate. He learned, during his time in regalia, to use an arming sword; he felt that though he was skilled in the use of the short bow, the arming sword was easier to conceal and more useful for self defence than a bow, and this allowed him to assist with muggings and other such immoral activities.
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Total Proficiency Points: 29
  • Common Shortbow: 20 (+10 from School of Huntverk, +10 from points)
  • Short Sword: 5 (+5 from points)
  • Trapping: 15 (+10 from School of Huntverk, 5 from points)
  • Tracking: 15 (+10 from School of Huntverk, 5 from points)
  • Sneaking: 4 (+4 from points)

Please remove 10 of these spent points. Attending a school spends 10, so you only have 19 points left when assigning them to proficiencies.

Third Paragraph: The way Drum acts around his friends and family is much the same as the way he acts around strangers. He is rude, loud, boisterous and vulgar, and often makes extremely bigoted or racist comments (even for a Regalian!). He makes up for this in some small way by being a lot more protective of his friends and family, and a lot more willing to show some form of affection (though still limited). He often also pushes his friends and family to improve themselves, perhaps funnily, often encouraging extra work towards promotions or work to improve their moral character.
How does he act towards fellow hunters or Huntverks, though? It's a point of consideration when designing Drummond, that Huntverks generally are expected to possess some kind of camaraderie between each other. Drummond's racism might also be a point of consideration. Does he believe certain races should be excluded from the Huntverk teachings? Or does his racism and bigotry evaporate when it comes to the Huntverks and hunting in general? Things to think about.

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