Archived Drowda, Yes Or No

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the grey skinny qadir loving crazy heresy heretic
Sep 1, 2014
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The Darkheart family. The Mogwog family.
My char is a Shendar, even if my char wasn't a shendar, it would be awesome to have the rp country Drowda, be a ingame place to go. There could be all kinds of cool things to do there. There could be Dire Wolfs that have black fur and are mostly hostile. There could be Shendar villages and Drowder castles and all that jazz. Please don't leave a hateful comment, it is just a suggestion from your favorite Shendar! Be kind and that will be given back to you. Staff I'd love for you to reply! Have a demon filled day! Lol jk.(chuckle)(tmi)(headbang)(handshake)(clap)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Regalia would most likely never open a route to Drowdar because a) it's filled with void infected creatures, b) the Shendar live there and a route to the City of Light open to them would be disasterous and finally, c) the amount of daemons who could posses sailors and tradespeople is too much a risk.
I think that Regalia *could* set up a ship to Drowda, but it would be a heavily fortified ship with guards and mages keeping an eye on it to ensure no monsters get out of the Forbidden Continent. On top of this, it would probably only go to a small part of Drowda, perhaps an area that Regalia is attempting to conquer and reclaim for the light.
It would be nice to search through a dark and gloomy place for once ^w^ it sounds like a good idea to me!
Drowdar is known as the Forbidden Contient...Why would they create a ship there?
I think that Regalia *could* set up a ship to Drowda, but it would be a heavily fortified ship with guards and mages keeping an eye on it to ensure no monsters get out of the Forbidden Continent. On top of this, it would probably only go to a small part of Drowda, perhaps an area that Regalia is attempting to conquer and reclaim for the light.
Mages would not be a good idea, due to them being more prone to possession.
Drowdar is known as the Forbidden Contient...Why would they create a ship there?
I see the logic in saying that, but a fight can't last without some input of resources. The benefits of having a transport ship going to the forbidden continent could most likely outweigh the arguments against such an act. Granted, people would most likely make attempts at boarding the vessel, should it be constructed, so vast amounts of security measures would have to be taken in order for the least negative impact.
However, that being said, Regalia probably already has ships providing the Regalian fleets with the necessary materials to sustain combat in and around the land mass.
I see the logic in saying that, but a fight can't last without some input of resources. The benefits of having a transport ship going to the forbidden continent could most likely outweigh the arguments against such an act. Granted, people would most likely make attempts at boarding the vessel, should it be constructed, so vast amounts of security measures would have to be taken in order for the least negative impact.
However, that being said, Regalia probably already has ships providing the Regalian fleets with the necessary materials to sustain combat in and around the land mass.

I see the logic in saying that, but a fight can't last without some input of resources. The benefits of having a transport ship going to the forbidden continent could most likely outweigh the arguments against such an act. Granted, people would most likely make attempts at boarding the vessel, should it be constructed, so vast amounts of security measures would have to be taken in order for the least negative impact.
However, that being said, Regalia probably already has ships providing the Regalian fleets with the necessary materials to sustain combat in and around the land mass.
Drowda, known to most as the Forsaken Continent, has a magically tainted atmosphere and is almost exiled to the northernmost regions of Aloria. This continent is so corrupted by the presence of magic in the air that the very landscape has morphed into a morbid copy of its former self. Mangled hill, twisted forests, and a magically polluted endless night are features one might associate with this dank place -- but it is not abandoned of life. Animals and creatures mutated by the magical fallout of the continent stalk the night, and demon corrupted Shendar scavenge and worship their ethereal overlords. The only inhabitants of the island who do not wish the destruction of Aloria, and in fact fight for quite the opposite, are the Drowdar, the proud dark skinned warrior race of Elves who rarely, if ever, leave the forsaken continent. Instead, they inhabit large fortresses along the coast crafted of black stone bricks which are constantly under siege by the evil things that stalk the blackened lands. The corrupted plains are not mentioned by many, and are visited by extremely fewer. The land is truly Forsaken.
I don't think they'd even go near the place.
Regalia would most likely never open a route to Drowdar because a) it's filled with void infected creatures, b) the Shendar live there and a route to the City of Light open to them would be disasterous and finally, c) the amount of daemons who could posses sailors and tradespeople is too much a risk.
Demon, and I see your point, but we can get around that. The ship will be guarded by npc or char Guards.
I think we could make this happen guys! We just got to get a mod's opionion. Almost all of the YES or NO Votes point to Yes!
I watch the poll BTW
I think we could make this happen guys! We just got to get a mod's opionion. Almost all of the YES or NO Votes point to Yes!
I watch the poll BTW
The staff are currently working on other worlds such as Jorrhildr. Creating a world takes hours of work to do, I don't see Drowda being implemented in the foreseeable future. Sorry. :/

EDIT: Also, I don't see why Regalia would want to be connected to a demon infested land full of dangerous plants, creatures, etc. They really wouldn't have anything of value to get there. ._.
Demon, and I see your point, but we can get around that. The ship will be guarded by npc or char Guards.
I'm pretty sure a horde of demon possesed shendar can wipe out a group of guards. And since there is void tears on the forbidden continent the people who are guarding the ships can get easliey possesed too. There is literally no benefits for Regalia to make a ship route to Drowda but but death and possession, kinda like what @SacredTrout said.
(Sorry for any misspelled words or bad grammer, I typed this on my phone)
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Again I do see your point, I'm not calling you mean, I just wish you expressed your opinion in a nicer way, for example
"Smoochy, I really don't think this is a good idea, I don't want to hurt your feelings but in my honest opinion No I don't think the rp world Drowda is a good idea" And excuse me for having some hope. I believe it would add to the drowder rp aspect as the sub race of Nelfin the drowder Spend there lives fighting the void demons and the shendar they possess.

This is directed to everyone, even if there not talking to me. No hard feelings to anyone. Just a suggestion!
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I think that Regalia *could* set up a ship to Drowda, but it would be a heavily fortified ship with guards and mages keeping an eye on it to ensure no monsters get out of the Forbidden Continent. On top of this, it would probably only go to a small part of Drowda, perhaps an area that Regalia is attempting to conquer and reclaim for the light.

I Love this idea, this is well written and is rp accurate, but as billy said mages are more prone to possession, Shadow Mages are even more prone to possession than other mages. I think this is the best way, I would love for this to happen, developing a Drowda would be a good idea rp wise, because the subrace of Nelfin Drowder, spend there lives fighting the void demons and the shendar they possess. This seems like a great idea to me still, even though I could be wrong.
I Love this idea, this is well written and is rp accurate, but as billy said mages are more prone to possession, Shadow Mages are even more prone to possession than other mages. I think this is the best way, I would love for this to happen, developing a Drowda would be a good idea rp wise, because the subrace of Nelfin Drowder, spend there lives fighting the void demons and the shendar they possess. This seems like a great idea to me still, even though I could be wrong.
The only issue here is, Roleplay wise, you'd probably would have not access to the ship, and no reason to go, especially if you knew about the rumours of the land. Don't forget, Uypr-ism stemmed from there, if I remember correctly.
Having written lore on the wiki is good enough, I believe. I'd rather have newer worlds come out, those majestic works of art done by world staff.