Archived Dromalus - A New Agni World

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Holy Emperor of Belgistan
Feb 12, 2013
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Once upon a time there was a peacefull land called Dromalus.
All Races lived in harmony and peace with eachother.
It was a land filled with forests and plains with in the middle a volcano.
It was just a normal day in Dromalus, however, this would end soon...
The Phrahmti invaded the land of Dromalus and spreaded terror and pain.
The people of Dromalus drove the Phrahmti back, not knowing of their secret weapon...
The Phrahmti hided underground preparing the volcano to erupt.
This eruption covered the land in ashes and lava, there were no survivors...

How would it look like:

-It's a huge continent surounded by water.
-The rivers and lakes are made of lava.
-Even under the ground you will not find any water.
-There are alot of volcanoes made of obsidian.
-The sand, clay and dirt is changed by gravel.
-It's rich of minerals, especialy coal (The trees and corpses became charcoal).
-You'll find alot of ruins of city's.
-Except for the volcanoes, the land is pretty flat.
-It never rains.
-You will not find any animals.
-You'll find alot of (nether)monsters.
-Not even a single green plant can be found.
-There are alot of huge cave systems underground.

If you have more ideas to add to this, please tell me.
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Agni don't naturally inhibit surface areas.
Agni don't naturally inhibit surface areas.
It's more to give Agnis a place where they feel pretty much home and where they can build huge things.
Because in the nether you can't build tower because of the roof, you can't build castles or city's because of these mountain thingys...
That's why I suggested this in the first place.

I think there is a shadow world in pre-development stages. I dont know all the details, but its underground reaches should prove accommodating to Agni and others.
If agnis need a home underground world would be cool :D
Let's hope the Drow elves will call that home as well :D

The Drow Elves, can you explain me what they are???

If agnis need a home underground world would be cool :D

But then you'll get the same problem as in Gana-Isha, you have a roof again so you can't build large things like towers and castles.
But anyways, you just gave me an idea.

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