Preserved Sheet Jini Baequindlin

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haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds




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  • Full Name | Jiniúsec'uloi Kethryllia Baequindlin
    • Nicknames | Jini, Jin
    • Name meaning | "Blessed by Victory"
  • Age | Sixty-Five
  • Gender | Female
  • Race | Nelfin | Central Altalar
  • Religion | Faith of Estel
  • Sexuality | Heterosexual

  • Proficiency Points |
    • +10 Food and Drink Sciences
    • +25 Bodycare Training
    • +20 Nature Care Sciences
    • +5 Athletic Training
    • +5 Theatre Arts
    • +5 Medical Sciences
  • Body Shape |
    • (5 Athletic x 2) + (25 Bodycare / 2) + (5 Theatre / 2) = 25 Body Stat
    • Athletic | Maximum Body Build
    • Low Body Fat
  • Language |
    • Modern Altalar | Mother Tongue | Fluent
    • d'Ithanie | Secondary Language | Fluent
    • Common | Third Language | Learning

  • Eye Color | Light Brown
  • Hair Color | Golden Blonde
  • Hair Style | Long and pulled up elegantly
  • Skin Color | Fair
  • Clothing | Whatever Offered
  • Height | Six Foot | 6'

  • Fear I |
    • Generally, Jini doesn't really acknowledge those that attempt to plant fear into her soul, unless it were to be one of the Gladiators or the owner of the Batius. Despite her rather friendly behavior, she has a swell poker face and glues it on the moment she needs to- stone cold in express against those that try to bother her. Still, deliberately trying to break her shell usually shows successful. Those that succeed to bringing her fear, will see a shaken woman, normally whom is found to prefer flight over fight and will do so unless she is wholely unable to- in which, the Altalar will take to finding shelter either in curling up or against and behind something or someone nearby.
  • Fear II |
    • The only things that Jini really truly fears is the loss of the use of her hands, considering her craft is what makes her actually useful in the world, and the prospect that she would never be free. At the moment, Jini is fighting for her freedom in the least noticeable manner that she can, mostly due to the outside influence of new friends and a fear of angering her owner.
  • Stress |
    • When stressed, Jini usually shuts down and quits talking on a subject until it passes. While she isn't known to run away, exactly, from a discussion or event that causes her anxiety, she will forgo any further comment on it until others drop the subject. Luckily for her, she's rather open with most subjects and doesn't really have such that would bother her that bad in that manner.
  • Happy |
    • Jini usually doesn't outright show how overjoyed she is due to the fact that generally she isn't very excited and happy of most things that occur in her life. Those that she has some sort of personally relationship, though, can generally get attached to her enough to see her outright happy and beaming with joy. It's just a rather rare sight.
  • Law and Authorities |
    • Though Jini would never outwardly speak against or attack the guards and law, she doesn't truly find either in a good light. In truth, she believes that she had been failed by the Regalians due to them allowing her to remain in slavery despite being an Altalar, and she really doesn't trust guards in generally due to this.
  • Races |
    • Being the race she is, Jini was raised on the fundamental belief that Altalar were better than Ailors and other Nelfin, and especially higher than those of beastly races. Nevertheless, she is accepting of most on a friendly level, and she allows herself to be passively seen by those Ailor around her despite anger bubbling just under the surface.
  • Religion |
    • Jini follows the beliefs in Estel, like many of her kind, and is one of many Regalian Altalar whom bears a ring following her traveling around the empire at her thirtieth birthday. Unlike many, though, she bears the abilities of Cae-Maen, who is usually the Goddess of outcasts within Altalar community. Why she choose this ability in her youth is questionable, truly, but it seems rather fitting considering her current position now.
  • Arcane and Magical |
    • Generally, Jini's opinion on Arcane is just blatant disinterest towards most- not caring much nor despising it any form. Most of the time, Jini doesn't seem to have the care in her to want to seek more into answers and just accepts that it is a part of the natural world. She has no intentions to seek more magical abilities and would rather just live with her own- though she sees her Ring of Power as a natural Altalar talent rather than something magical.
  • Family |
    • Though she loves her family, Jini doesn't bother herself by thinking about them very much. She knows their life is happy and that they're perfectly fine on their own, without her - because they can handle themselves! Yes, she does love them dearly, but why think and fret if you know they're okay?
  • Biggest Insecurity |
    • Her biggest insecurity, especially around other Altalar, is the fact that she is the property of an Ailor man- obviously that would be the worst, considering the fact that she believes them less than herself. Due to being a slave of the Batius, she often finds it pretty hard to get involved with others of her kind, considering she thinks they'll dislike her.
  • Proud |
    • Jini really doesn't have much to be proud of about herself, except for her high skills in Bodycare Training. Often times, the Altalar woman can be found talking about these skills outside of any other considering the fact that she doesn't really have much to speak of. She mostly focuses on things having to aesthetically do with the body, rather than staying in shape, so hair, makeup, tattoos, etc.
  • Motivation |
    • The idea that she'll eventually be free from captivity is defintely the thing that keeps her going day to day. While she sometimes she believes that there really isn't much to continue on for in her dreadfully boring life, she keeps reminding herself that even if she has to outlive her owners- she'll eventually be free. Not to mention that her newfound friends are very much for the idea of freeing her from Ailor chains.

  • Childhood |
    • Born within one of the smaller, agricultural cities of Ithania on the 19th of December, 279AC to her Altalar mother and father, Jini'úsec'uloi was introduced to the love of the world around herself from a young age. Her family was not exactly farmers of the land like many within their city, but they ran a trade shop that had been passed down from Jini's maternal grandfather. The girl was not an only child very long and soon enough the Altalar was introduced to a younger brother, whom she affectionately nicknamed "Noli'lito"- meaning 'little chicken'. Though, Noli would be her only sibling and the two naturally grew up close, Jini traveling close to her year younger brother at most times. By the age of seven, they both were introduced into market life by their parents, where they found no real discrimination against their heritage- a curse disguised as a blessing, Jini'úsec'uloi would discover later. Her work for her mother's shop truly began when she was ten years old and began running errands and shipments about for her parents, soon enough learning how to direct a cart within the year.
  • Teenaged Years |
    • By the time she was a teenager, she was better experienced with horses and carts, quick with riding them about to move carts and letters for her mother and father. The girl at the age of thirteen took up an interest in combat, but truly only to protect herself rather than really join a military. Her mother also began teaching her of cooking, which would be a skill later used against her. Nevertheless, she didn't really pick up on anything else interesting through her teenage years until she reached the age of seventeen. At that age, one of Jini's paternal aunts came to visit them, the Altalar woman traveling into her niece's life, looking for an apprentice. The few things that Jini knew of her aunt was she was, of course, her father's younger sister, and that she was a stylist and makeup artist in one of the larger Ithanian cities. Her aunt, who's affectionate name from her kin was Zollai, thrilled Jini with the descriptions of her work. The young woman quickly went to her parents to ask their permission to go and, to the surprise of Jini and her brother, they eagerly agreed and stated they wished Noli to go along with her to search for his own career since he was coming along sixteen himself.
    • The children were sent off with Zollai about a month later as their aunt's trip drew to an end and they travelled to La Portée du Paradis, or Havenreach. Here, in a newly found city, Jini and Noli were completely taken off guard by its grandeur. Quickly though, they fell in love with its way of life and Jini'úsec'uloi was swept up into learning the ways of physical, living art, while her brother became a sculptor.
  • Adulthood |
    • At twenty, Jini had finally become a bit of a perfectionist when it came to her skill, learning quickly from her aunt. Her brother moved on to find lovers and soon enough began mocking her to do much the same as he slept around with any that was charmed to. Noli, of course, was never cruel to his affection-less sister, though his jokes began to make her question herself severely that she wasn't fit for some things. She shook it off quickly though, taking after her brother, though her flirts fell on mostly deaf ears. Annoyed by these things, and her brother's second engagement in several months, she decided to travel back home to visit their parents and take a breath. Nothing much of note occurred in her life until she reached the age of Thirty, finally having the chance to go on her pilgrimage in order to earn her abilities and become an adult in the eyes of her people. The woman was absent for the whole year, along the way exploring the land that her people were from and in the end earning the ability to form into her familiar after vowing herself to the God Ulley. Not long after returning though, the woman began having issues with her brother and soon enough wished to travel home to her parents. Jini was around thirty-two when she finally made the travel out, leaving her brother behind for the first time with his newest lover.
    • The woman trotted across the roads on her horses, stopping into a passing town after several long hours of traveling. The elf rode her horse into the sleeping town to find a tavern to sleep in, no unease filling her as she'd travelled by moon many times in her life. No sense of dread filled her until her horse suddenly stopped and began looking about. Suddenly, the horse gave a loud whine and stomped its feet, shaking its head despite the pats from Jini against its mane. A bow string thunked and the horse gave a scream before tipping over onto the ground. Jini screamed herself as her leg gave a crunch beneath the horse, her hands grabbing at the road to try and free herself, but with no such luck as the man with the bow- and several others- slid from their hiding places. Despite the woman's pleading, she was captured by the men, her broken leg not assist her much to escape and she was easily dragged off by the Ailor men, where she was never heard of by her family again.
  • Present |
    • Jini'úsec'uloi was dragged by chain from then on, whether physically or metaphorically. Her name was changed by her owners to Drishti, which was hard for her to state and she was ignored whenever she tried to declare her birth name, eventually giving up on such. Three years passed by and she was taken to the only bigger trade city than her home with her aunt; Regalia. Though, rather than come as a wishful stylist from Ithania, who only born a slight accent after years of actually learning Common- she arrived a chained and foreign slave, who never learned the language of the Regalians.
    • After so long as a slave for the Order of Batius, the Lityel Enrico Valentino decided to free his Altalar slave for the reason of her lack of purpose- due to the fact that the amount of work was less than the number of slaves owned. Why he didn't just resell her into slavery to a Sher, she never knew, but Jini happily accepted her freedom and finally took to the Regalian streets as a citizen rather than property.
Last edited:
Made Drishti into a full Altalar to support that lit update

also its all in red lol
I ought to beat you.
  • Change how many proficiency points you actually have to spend.
Edited her skill information
also i don't know why it says because there's no....... images that got messed up, i think it was an old border but i removed it so idk lol annoying

@Athelois swapped stave combat for nature care sciences and adjusted body shape/physical stat as needed, nothing major <3 edits made in dark blue so u can see
reworked entire app to fit new format + aged up a little and changed her ring @Athelois
Rework the Fear paragraph in how she would actually react to legitimate fear. You're set aside from that.
I would've appreciated the tag since I've been waiting a bit, but thank you for reapproving! @Athelois
Here is my review:
  • Literacy proficiency is not part of body stat calculation. Please correct this.
Since this doesn't change much, and the body stat will be over the required amount regardless of the change, your application is approved.
i accidentally lost my accepted tag editing soething because im stupid @AlphaInsomnia