Archived Dreams

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
So, I was reading (of all things) my English Textbook and they referenced dreaming as a form of storytelling. I'm not entirely sure how I got from that to this but I managed it so here goes:

I imagined a plugin of some sort where, when you sleep in a bed at night, you "dream" by popping into a fixed location camera set above and behind another player, mob, or entity. Perhaps this could even lead to a "dream world" where players who are willing to be watched can go to fight dragons, wage war, and live in cities, camps, castles, or forts. To them it would be a purely RP world, to people dreaming it would be a fun dreamers world. Here are the features such a plugin should/would have:

  • Dreamer Yes/No - Allows players to allow or disallow people from following them.
  • Tiny Render - Regardless of what your normal render is, when you enter the dream it drops to tiny. This protects the player from being spied on and gives a more mysterious look to the game.
  • 3rd Person PoV - This would set the PoV at the 3rd person, above and behind the player. It could either be fixed or perhaps it could follow the player's vision (like using f5 twice on windows).
  • Silent Dreamers- You cannot talk while dreaming and cannot hear anything except the local chat of the player you're following.
  • Dreamscape - This would give it so that despite being on tiny render you can still see the moon, sun, and stars. Perhaps a texture could be created solely for dreamers, perhaps not.
  • Vampiric Dreams - Vampires would be able to sleep during the day and would wake up when the sun sets.
This plugin doesn't really add any IG advantages to the game - you can still leave the dream whenever you want with esc, you still wake up when the sun rises in whatever world you live in - but it can and will add a new level of roleplay (namely, "I had the weirdest dream last night...") and would be a fun way to pass time if you're waiting for someone or something.

This would also allow for the creation of a Dreamland continent, which would not need to follow the rules of the currently existing worlds. The way I see it you would need to be approved to enter that world - namely, you'd need to be approved as a good roleplayer. If you want to edit you'd need to be approved for that too, except maybe in specifically regenerating locations like forests and mines and farms (which would revert back to their pristine state every few days). This world would be primarily for roleplay and beds would explode if placed in this world. The way to get there would be by using a warp, boat, or perhaps being able to /sethome only in that world. The world would be the ultimate dreamland world where the staff can pretty much go wild on what they build (want to make floating islands? Go for it!) and where Roleplay would be an absolute (you only have local chat in this world).

So really, it's two ideas, but I would like to know if the Dream Plugin would even be possible Cayorion and if the Dreamland Map would be possible Thortuna, MonMarty if Cayorion says that the Dream Plugin is even possible. If not then we can just drop the entire idea haha.

I'd also like to know what everyone thinks about the Dream Plugin idea and the Dreamland Map idea @Everyone.
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Sounds interesting, but it may be too complex to code.
I think this would make for a really interesting plugin. I don't think you can set your POV to another character's or mob's though. Despite it being a cool idea, I don't see what pertinence it would have to Medieval times, or how it would benefit the players or the server.
I love this idea, and now I love you since you thought of it.(H)

(Not really I'm heterosexual)
VERY good idea, however, the complexity to code while there are other players on the server... maybe they can be teleported to a another world, where there is a dream world or nightmare world? Random teleports to areas, and the players can see each other in dreams, considering IRL when you dream, the faces of people you see you might not recognize, however, it is a real person's face you have seen in your life time, considering the human mind is unable to create such a well detailed face from scratch, therefore, you can "meet" other characters/players in your dreams.
Rather than be watching another player while dreaming I'd rather there be a % chance that when you go to sleep in a bed you are teleported to some other Dreamscape where you have to solve puzzles or go through a maze or something of that nature.
I think this is an amazing plug-in idea! I would rather like seeing something like this implemented haha. I do hope that someone with the coding knowledge for such a thing would take note. This would be a rather interesting experience.
Rather than be watching another player while dreaming I'd rather there be a % chance that when you go to sleep in a bed you are teleported to some other Dreamscape where you have to solve puzzles or go through a maze or something of that nature.

If it's something like that and you complete the maze or puzzle you should get some kind of reward. That can only be acquired once every 24 hours, and isn't op. Maybe like dream robes, leather chest plate with fire and projectile protection V. But since it's leather and has two very high enchantments on it it will rot away quickly. The lore on it would be something like

The robes of Dreams has all the power in the imagination of a child within it's grasp. However dreams are ver fragile things.

So what do you guys think. It would be like massive armor but your rewarded for completing a puzzle, it's not overpowered because it is destroyed easily and most people don't depend on fire or arrows anyway. And it can have cool lore. Also only one a day.

Or it could just be silly prize like -Luthein's pantyhose the lore

What the hell were these doing in your dreams?
It is very much possible. It may not be worth the time spent coding it though. I could instead rework the Vampire plugin to make it balanced so we could reintroduce bloodlust or spend more time making our race plugin better.

In my opinion? I say add it, because new features always make everyone happy :)
I think this would make for a really interesting plugin. I don't think you can set your POV to another character's or mob's though. Despite it being a cool idea, I don't see what pertinence it would have to Medieval times, or how it would benefit the players or the server.

1. I've seen it before on other servers
2. It'd just be a pretty cool addition, like everything else is (And don't forget it would be custom)
It is very much possible. It may not be worth the time spent coding it though. I could instead rework the Vampire plugin to make it balanced so we could reintroduce bloodlust or spend more time making our race plugin better.

Do so, this was mostly the insane rambling of a dreamer. Only code this if you finally run out of other stuff haha.
This plugin isn't too complex! I was playing on an RP server about a year ago where exactly they were doing exactly what you've envisioned (well.. more or less). Upon entering a bed you would literally be teleported (pretty seamlessly) to a separate world. On this particular server, everybody had a jump boost and the effects of gravity were lessened, as everybody had the fall speed of chickens. It was INCREDIBLY fun RP wise.
amazing! I would have never thought of it and i claim to be the most inventive person ever, you deserve these winner medals. This reminds me of the herobrine nightmare plugin where when you slept you had a light nether portal effect and were stuck in a nightmare until you reached something specific or day rose... oh god we could even have characters in comas but still having interesting role play! ex: -a is knocked out and laid on a bed while b watches over him as he has a nightmare-

note: add nightmares as a alternate dream world where you can still die and you are constantly faced by horrors and have to accomplish something to leave or wait until day, maybe also have it happen when you get the dark disease and you have to fight your way back to a new life as a vampire?
It is very much possible. It may not be worth the time spent coding it though. I could instead rework the Vampire plugin to make it balanced so we could reintroduce bloodlust or spend more time making our race plugin better.
All hail god! -Gets on his hands and knees and worships him-
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