Dragons, Bards, Possessed, Ohh My!!

Benjamin peered at the pamphlet in his hands, giving it a sudden crumble as he flashed his bright, Jade eyes up, flickering them with a hidden irritation.

He was working overtime now, an unrelenting pile of assignments continuously handed out to him. With a large chunk of the Violet order seemingly to be "Possessed," whatever the hell that meant, he began to notice a great many of spots opening free, and a large lack of Violets at post. This is what burdened him with so much work.

One such job was babysitting. He was assigned the annoying task of watching over Eske Ulfmaerr and Urijah Jameson while they performed various forms of labor for the city.

"Velheimers..." he muttered as he watched them shoveling snow.
The two seemed to make it a point to make Benny's day a nightmare, tackling him with several annoying topics of why he wasn't doing his job and how he should go hunt down Alec Dondario.

They also bickered about how boring the cells were and how the two of them were wrongly arrested.

The way Ben looked at it- Wasn't his problem.
He was just trying to be nice to the two prisoners by giving them some good ol' fresh Regalian air.

As the shoveling continued, he noticed more and more Citizens gathering around him and the two chained prisoners. It would seem that they had started to form into a crowd. He suspiciously looked from one figure to the next, his Jade eyes flickering as they bounced. He didn't want to cause unwanted attention, so the Violet continued to watch the two snow shoveling prisoners, paying no mind to the ever increasing crowd.

"Disperse! Can't a man do his job here in peace?" He called out.

"Why is Eske out of prison?!" Someone retorted.

He didn't know; he was just following orders, and boy was it making him tired. He didn't have the energy to converse with this crowd. He kept them unanswered, refusing to answer any further questions.

"Do your focken job Violet!" Another figure called.

Who would have the audacity...

He wasn't some freaking super human! He was your everyday Violet! The only thing Benjamin had that made him stand out- was his tongue. He knew how to talk to people and get information. Other than that- the battle bard could barely keep his eyes open, from fatigue alone.

He tugged on the prisoners chains, he needed a nap, and despite the two prisoners complaining and grumbling towards him, he decided to just ignore them and tug them back to tower.

Once he made sure their cell door was locked, he clanked his way down, removed his armor, and headed off to the Golden Willow Tavern. He was almost positive he should be working, but at this point, he would disappoint the higher ranks no matter what. There was no focken way he was going to get the mountains of work at his feet, done.

Ten minutes later, the bard could be seen in a corner, sound asleep with two empty bottles of what used to be honey mead, at his side. Hours past, and along with it, so did Benjamin's weariness. He jolted up startled all of a sudden, making haste to gather his things and head out once again.

After departing the tavern, he headed off back to the tower for his armor, grumbling all the while. He was /supposed/ to be the cheerful easy Violet. But all this work and overtime was killing his temper.

The tower was empty... Completely abandoned... Despite a few horrified looking Violets chained in the court yard. As Ben stumbled forward to their aid, kneeling down beside them to unshackle them in turn. He noticed something seemed a bit off. They seemed unresponsive and in shock, as if they had seen something that burned through their senses of reason. After they were freed they scurried away from Ben...

He rushed to the armory: equipping his gear and rushing up to the cells-

All of them...

Whatever had happened, Benjamin seemed to be one of the few Violets working, and that made him feel alone. Something the bard feared more than dragons...

He reached into his pocket for the crumbled pamphlet from earlier- containing all of his assignments for the day.

"I was one of the few Violets who were level headed before, and I suppose I'll be the /only/ level headed one now."

He uncrumbled the pamphlet, "Hmmm... Check on all the cells..." he looked up at the empty cells again. "Ha, perhaps this won't be such a busy day after all..."

@Pellaeon @Mortisian @Chalapas @DeltaInsomnia
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Benjamin peered at the pamphlet in his hands, giving it a sudden crumble as he flashed his bright, Jade eyes up, flickering them with a hidden irritation.

He was working overtime now, an unrelenting pile of assignments continuously handed out to him. With a large chunk of the Violet order seemingly to be "Possessed," whatever the hell that meant, he began to notice a great many of spots opening free, and a large lack of Violets at post. This is what burdened him with so much work.

One such job was babysitting. He was assigned the annoying task of watching over Eske Ulfmaerr and Urijah Jameson while they performed various forms of labor for the city.

"Velheimers..." he muttered as he watched them shoveling snow.
The two seemed to make it a point to make Benny's day a nightmare, tackling him with several annoying topics of why he wasn't doing his job and how he should go hunt down Alec Dondario.

They also bickered about how boring the cells were and how the two of them were wrongly arrested.

The way Ben looked at it- Wasn't his problem.
He was just trying to be nice to the two prisoners by giving them some good ol' fresh Regalian air.

As the shoveling continued, he noticed more and more Citizens gathering around him and the two chained prisoners. It would seem that they had started to form into a crowd. He suspiciously looked from one figure to the next, his Jade eyes flickering as they bounced. He didn't want to cause unwanted attention, so the Violet continued to watch the two snow shoveling prisoners, paying no mind to the ever increasing crowd.

"Disperse! Can't a man do his job here in peace?" He called out.

"Why is Eske out of prison?!" Someone retorted.

He didn't know; he was just following orders, and boy was it making him tired. He didn't have the energy to converse with this crowd. He kept them unanswered, refusing to answer any further questions.

"Do your focken job Violet!" Another figure called.

Who would have the audacity...

He wasn't some freaking super human! He was your everyday Violet! The only thing Benjamin had that made him stand out- was his tongue. He knew how to talk to people and get information. Other than that- the battle bard could barely keep his eyes open, from fatigue alone.

He tugged on the prisoners chains, he needed a nap, and despite the two prisoners complaining and grumbling towards him, he decided to just ignore them and tug them back to tower.

Once he made sure their cell door was locked, he clanked his way down, removed his armor, and headed off to the Golden Willow Tavern. He was almost positive he should be working, but at this point, he would disappoint the higher ranks no matter what. There was no focken way he was going to get the mountains of work at his feet, done.

Ten minutes later, the bard could be seen in a corner, sound asleep with two empty bottles of what used to be honey mead, at his side. Hours past, and along with it, so did Benjamin's weariness. He jolted up startled all of a sudden, making haste to gather his things and head out once again.

After departing the tavern, he headed off back to the tower for his armor, grumbling all the while. He was /supposed/ to be the cheerful easy Violet. But all this work and overtime was killing his temper.

The tower was empty... Completely abandoned... Despite a few horrified looking Violets chained in the court yard. As Ben stumbled forward to their aid, kneeling down beside them to unshackle them in turn. He noticed something seemed a bit off. They seemed unresponsive and in shock, as if they had seen something that burned through their senses of reason. After they were freed they scurried away from Ben...

He rushed to the armory: equipping his gear and rushing up to the cells-

All of them...

Whatever had happened, Benjamin seemed to be one of the few Violets working, and that made him feel alone. Something the bard feared more than dragons...

He reached into his pocket for the crumbled pamphlet from earlier- containing all of his assignments for the day.

"I was one of the few Violets who were level headed before, and I suppose I'll be the /only/ level headed one now."

He uncrumbled the pamphlet, "Hmmm... Check on all the cells..." he looked up at the empty cells again. "Ha, perhaps this won't be such a busy day after all..."

@Pellaeon @Mortisian @Chalapas @DeltaInsomnia
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You never found me... Even though... I'm right... Infront.. Of.. Your.. Face IMPOPSTER.