Archived Dragon Mob

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Jul 16, 2016
Reaction score
Dragon Mob

Hello everyone welcome to my second suggestion!
Again i don't know if they have already suggested this so if they have, Im sorry for suggestion ti again.


The Idea

There are plenty of mobs out there! With or without nicknames. But they are always custom mobs! With armor, nickname or player heads!
So there are 6 kind of mobs the [Common] [Enchanted] [Uncommon] [Rare] [Epic] [Legendary]
So the [Legendary] mobs are not yet in the server. I'm not sure what they will add but that's why i make this suggestion. About the [Legendary] mobs! So one of the [Legendary] mobs can be an enderdragon.
The enderdragon will have 1500 Health and he will make 25 Hit Points. There could be only 1 dragon per world and if they kill him then he will respawn. I don't know if its possible to make 3 kind of textures for a dragon but if they can then there could be 3 types of dragons.



Ice Dragon
Ice Dragon's texture is the normal dragon shape but not dark like the normal one but Ice and Snow! And whereever he goes the weather will be changed from Stormy, Rainy or Shiny to Snowy.

Fire Dragon
Fire Dragon's texture is the same as the Ice Dragon but this time he is made by Netherrack, Nether Bricks and other Nether blocks. Whenever he goes the weather will be changed from Stormy, Rainy, Shiny or Snowy to Shiny with temperature 50% that makes it hard for the vampires to kill him.

Earth Dragon
Same as the other dragons but this time he is made by Cobblestone,Stone and Dirt. He can't change the weather but he creates 2 volcanos in every biome he goes. If the volcano is in the middle of a forest then the forest will start burning of course there is going to be a limit like 50-60 trees can burn.



Once you kill the Dragon you might want a reward! The reward is or 1 part of the Dragon Armor or 1 Dragon Tool
Dragon Armor is an Iron Armor with protection II - unbreaking II & fire resistance III. The Dragon Tools are not like the armor, i mean not all of the dragons gives the same armor type with the same enchantments like Armor.

Ice Dragon
Ice dragon gives you iron Pickaxe - Axe - Shovel - Hoe with silk touch I - efficiency II and when you hold one of these tools and you are on snow you have +1 Speed.

Fire Dragon
Same tools as the Ice Dragon but they also have Fire Aspect II

Earth Dragon
Earth's Dragon tools are stone with Silk Touch I - Unbraking II - Efficiency II and when you brake blocks with them
they give you Haste I. Earth Dragon's Tools are the best tools since Earth Dragon is the most Rare.


Thats all for today! Be sure to live your opinion below and if you have anything that
can improve my idea send me a Private Message!

⛏ ~Amy

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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Js, 250 health really isn't a lot in terms of MassiveMobs.
Would love to see some of these pop up in the darkroom. Could use the heads around the castle too. All we get nowadays are withers. :/
Would love to see some of these pop up in the darkroom. Could use the heads around the castle too. All we get nowadays are withers. :/
No Imagine this it's programmed to seek out the greatest cities and would spread fear across the server encouraging smaller villages and giant fortifications.All would be frightened of the Dragon even pro PVPERS.
The main problem I see is the enderdragon mechanic that it breaks blocks. Unless this can be disabled. I dunno.
It doesn't break blocks, but it will phase through them and essentially despawn because it goes too far.
No Imagine this it's programmed to seek out the greatest cities and would spread fear across the server encouraging smaller villages and giant fortifications.All would be frightened of the Dragon even pro PVPERS.

Doesn't matter. If one spawns in Western Jorrhildr, NorthWatch will take its head. Bring the pain.
This suggestion has been noted but would likely require some bug-testing, tweaking, etc. Anyways, it can be brought up for discussion at a later point among Direction staff. This may be a poor idea for the survival worlds if Ender Dragons cause any sort of lag issue, etc, but may be a possibility for event mobs if nothing else.
A few notes from reading this: I dont think there is a way to set unique textures per mob, however that could be fixed with colored names and particle effects, making them easily distinguishable.

Ender Dragons would never be darkroom able, since they fly through blocks.

This may be a poor idea for the survival worlds if Ender Dragons cause any sort of lag issue

As far as I know they dont lag any more than a normal mob. They dont keep chunks loaded- as seen by, when they fly out of rendered range, you can run to where you last saw them and it wont have moved.