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Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
Apply the music for extra effect.

Warning: This thread depicts dark themes and mild gore.

Look up here, I'm in heaven
I've got scars that can't be seen
I've got drama, can't be stolen
Everybody knows me now

This way or no way
You know I'll be free
Just like that bluebird
Now ain't that just like me?

Oh I'll be free
Just like that bluebird
Oh I'll be free
Ain't that just like me?


"You're f*cking nuts!" My man shouted, his voice echoing throughout the empty open air. "Kill this man, kill that man, kill this lad's wife if he talks... kill him because he beat some lady you know. None of it makes sense!" He yelled out at the downed Edward Jarsdel. "None of it helps you. You're driving yourself into a f*cking grave."

The man was Darius Easton. A mercenary for hire. An aged and experienced warrior with numerous abilities under his sleeve. For the time being, he had been hired by the notorious famed crimelord Edward Jarsdel. In other words, me. But... all of that was changing now. We were positioned ontop of the large Emporium tower also known as the base of the Raven Cross, the gang ruled by the convicted Jarsdel's.

I was laid against the floor. I had just tortured a man, and I was intent on doing the same for another, both of them laying bloodied and tied on the floor near me. Had I not been stopped by this hired mercenary, I would've succeeded with this intention. Darius was holding a mace he had just bashed me in the head with. He turned his gaze towards one of my gang members, speaking. "You're mine now. Untie those two, set them free. I'm gonna talk to Edward." The gang members, not having any other choice, felt inclined to comply with the orders of the man. The two captives were soon set free.


"What is this, Jarsdel?" Darius moved to squat beside the downed me. "They're going to talk. The Synod will find out that you have broken your oath, and they'll have their way with you." He spoke. He warned me on and on, but I didn't listen. I was more so focused on staring at the skies and how free the birds seemed. He continued to talk to me. "Jarsdel, it's over. They know where you are, they know your base, they know you broke your deal. You're done."

I couldn't help but agree, but I didn't put it into words. In fact, I didn't even feel bothered about the entire ordeal. It was over. I was done. My entire crime business was falling- and as was I. My sister had left. My uncle had left. My father had died a long time ago, my mother was taken by illness. I was a lonely man. I rolled on the floor, and I planted my bony hands on the cold cement. I pulled myself up to my feet, it was a hard feat but I managed it. I stood up, wiping dust off my overcoat.

I turned to Darius and spoke. I told him he could have everything inside the tower and possess them. The look on Darius' face changed. His previous rough expression was beginning to soften- because he knew. He knew what I had in mind now. I took a few moments to turn on my heels and faced the open air, slowly nearing the very edge of the tower, standing right before the open air that was waiting to embrace me. I told Darius to pull out his dagger.


I sat down on my knees on the very edge of the tower and stared fearlessly into the open air before me. I felt the wind smack against me, my coat swaying all around me. I felt alive. Too alive. I closed my eyes and raised my chin, facing the air. I requested Darius for two minutes. I had to prepare, I had to stop my heart from racing so fast. I was panicking. F*ck, I thought I could do this. Why am I scared now? Come on, you are Edward Jarsdel, you can do this. You're the man who can do anything. Do it. You have to. This is the end. This is it. You're done.

Your father is gone. Your family is gone. You're done. Your lover left you. Your business is a failure. Western League will chew you alive. Everyone thinks you a rapist. So why do you fear it? Come on, big boy. You're a grown man! Where are your balls of steel? Yes. I was finally feeling the fear fade, and the end of my two minutes were nearing. Darius laid his hand on my shoulder, and I felt the blade of the dagger against my neck. Man, was it cold. Darius spoke to me, "Do you believe in gods?" I thought on the question, before shaking my head. Gods didn't believe in me.

Let's get it done, I said. I closed my eyes. A few seconds passed in silence. "See you on the other side."

The next second, my body fell through the air. My neck was carved right open, and though an unresistable pain surrounded me for one second, it all faded on the next. Not as hard as I thought. I crashed through the rooftop of a building and through the wooden floors, landing into a mess of dirt and mud. I heard something in the back of my head. Oh... look who it is. Yes. I hear you, father. But I can't talk to you, because I'm already dead.


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The Reverend received the news a while after the Jarsdel met his decided fate. "Mmph. It seems someone dealt out a punishment without our guidance. And he asked if he wouldn't be executed, mm." Obviously, the Reverend never knew that the Jarsdel requested his death, therefore the Reverend was left blind to believe that Edward was murdered by some individual who wished to get back for some crime which the man committed before he took this oath. "I shall see you as a lesser soon, Jarsdel. Hopefully some Lampar so you may face the worst of prejudice in order to be punished for your crimes. Still, I wish you good luck in redemption. You, damned man, shall need it." At that, the Reverend moved off to prepare for afternoon mass.
Freya didn't know how to react when an unnamed Yanar approached her in the Tavern, asking to take her somewhere private to talk. After minutes of conversation, she was left speechless. Her heart pounded in her head. Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly like the door to a bustling Inn. Her body sank. She felt herself slipping away as she began to run. Sprinting off, pushing herself to the point of nearly vomiting, adrenaline was the only thing stopping her from collapsing to the ground. With a burning heart and stinging eyes, she searched the bar for Tali. Spotting her kept her going, kept her moving, kept her breathing. She vaulted the bar she dissolved into tears in a heap, surrounded by the only people she could bear seeing her this way.

@katiesc @Nesstro
Seno could only furrow her brows before a whirlwind of emotions crossed her mind and face as she fell back into the seating she was at. The brief and broken words she managed to get from Freya had shocked her and even let a wave of guilt rise in her. Maybe if she had stayed he'd still be alive but would she had been happy? Who knows.
"He can't be dead.." Aoibhin whispered to herself. Everyone was talking about the death of Edward; the news a complete shock to the Claith. Before anyone could see her tears, she ran towards her home, slamming the door shut behind her. Her feet finding solid oak flooring, she sank to her knees, bawling her eyes out. "It's not true. It can't be true."
Lazaruz d'Soleil laid idly staring to the apothecary roof, his wounds tended to; But the pain, the trauma from the hours prior were still fresh in his memory..

Lazaruz wasn't a religious man to any level of true merit, but he felt when Darius had halted the Jarsdel that perhaps the spirit was watching, what else could it have been..?

He'd never forget how close he'd been brought to the end by Edward's hand, and from now on the Bloodcast would certainly count his blessings.

He was yet to hear the news of Edward's passing..

((In the bleak midwinter..
As the news had been broken to a certain red eyed mutt, he'd dismiss himself from the room both he and Senobia resides in.
He grinned as he climbed the ladder, gazing upon the shattered shards of the mirror that laid them selves upon the floor.
"I wish it was me who—"
The mutt cut himself off with a sigh, followed with a cackling laugh.
A shattered reflection, cackling out in utter malice in sync with his own, broken laughter.
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Eric Liolen paused while he overheard the rumours but didn't believe them until he heard them another few times. He broke into a small dark chuckle and spat on the ground in disgust, "All that damn paperwork wasssted... Though it mattersss not how the journey, only the dessstination - hopefully a shallow grave."
A certain Harrison Gray sat at the far end seat of the Golden Willow's bar, debating with himself on his alcoholism. However, the man's thousand yard stare and daydream was broken by a conversation he overheard:
"Pah, the damn f*cker deserved to die. Edward Jarsdel was always a fool!"
Harrison turned his head to face the group, only one question stringing from his lips, "Edward Jarsdel died?" He inquired hesitantly with a moment of confused blinks and the furrowing of brows.
"Aye, mate. Dead as a bloody door nail."

Harrison stared for a long moment, his expression softening before hardening once more. The once-was Jarsdel leaned back in his chair and ordered a bottle of whiskey.
"About f*cking time." A passer-by might've been able to hear Aronne mutter as he heard the news, giving a small shake of his head. "Some people don't learn."
Aaron was shocked upon hearing of Edward's death. He wouldn't wish death on those whom he despised, but after all that happened..All of his murders, all of his crimes. Did he deserve this? Aaron would have been more satisfied if he heard that he were to rot in a cell than to hear that he sliced his neck open. He took the news, processed it and nodded to the man that had told him. He thanked him, had gone to sit at the bar. He pondered upon the thought of suicide, what good did it achieve? If anything, he got away. Edward won, and he had lost. Only he was alive and Edward was..Well, wherever you go after you die. It seemed like everything just went slowly, the bartender took an age to make his drink and 2 minutes felt like two hours. He didn't expect this sort of impact from the death of someone who he wanted badly to be put away but..He started questioning himself.
'Shallow grave and no funeral, I hope.'
He made his sympathy non-existent in the eyes of his friend. Once gone, he sighed. He didn't know what he believed anymore.
The Shendar assisted with the Sentinels' patrols. She caught a whisper of the news.

Va'al kept a stoic stare forward, and marched past.

Yet, for a brief second, her eyes watered but no words or whimpers left her.

She carried on.
Avynn just shook her head. "Weak man. Killing himself, taking the easy way out."
Aline was nearing the market stalls when she had caught the news, she'd been busy abroad with her studies - unaware of the incident until now. Of course she wanted nothing more than to smile or laugh, but she stood her ground, she kept true to herself and moved on. Her hands tucked behind her back as she continued her initial venture, to buy a gift for a very special suitor. "The Spirit made it's choice, it seems."
Updated the post with a picture that made me think of Eddie laying dead in the rubble of that house he crashed into