• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Down With The Red Raven.

In Place of the original note, a new note would be posted.

"House Karhter's views of House Rosendahl have changed."
--Edmund Karhter
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Clementine sighed, pressing a hand to her forehead. She stood in silence a moment before murmuring, "What do we win with picking sides and throwing names? War and conflict isn't always the answer.."

A familiar poet on the other hand found the declaration quite entertaining, retaining themselves from laughing aloud after seeing it before they shook their head and said aloud to themselves, "Not even the Regalians can be on the same side together, how pitiful."
"Tell the Karhter to never mention my House's name again. He is uninformed and uneducated, I over estimated him."
A long puff of irritated air shouldered past Jamie's lips. "A touch late on the bandwagon, Karhter. Hopefully you'll notice how the situation was resolved peacefully as opposed to Brissiaud falling into a chaotic and costly civil war. Besides. You talk of bending the knee, yet you can't seem to voice a single thought without quoting another house."
Xavier erupted into a fit of coughs as he woke up, clenching his jaw in wrecking pain as he forced himself to sit up. His blurred vision corrected itself as the form of one of the Hinterlandish reverends cleared in front of him, clutching some morning announcements for him. Still giving a few coughs as he reached for the mask on the table beside him, and pulled it on over his disease ridden face as he took the readings and shuffled through them. Eventually he got through most of them, gruffly shoving them back into the reverends hands, going to get out of bed as he spoke raggedly, "Karhter. House Karhter. House Karhter won't be fit to lick the maggots off my eventual, rotting corpse, bring me the Assembly docket for today, and summon my cousin from sleep."
Matthias Heinrich
"Who are House Karhter? They obviously like the sound of their own name, from how many times it is mentioned. They are also extremely late to join our bandwagon, they should get their own." The man sighed, hobbling off to get a drink.
A letter would be posted under the original document:

"I Have been Hearing that I am late to join this, I Edmund Karhter, know that. yet isn't it better to be late, rather then never? When joining the political landscape, one must be careful what they say, for every action has a consequence, either good or bad, and every action left untaken in a situation such as this, will put you in a stance where no side is taken, this can be beneficial at times," -Edmund Karhter, acting family patriarch.
A Note Would Be Pinned Beneath Edmund's Amendment

"You cannot be late to something that has already ended, Karhter."
A Note Would Be Pinned Beneath Edmund's Amendment

"You cannot be late to something that has already ended, Karhter."
Last I heard, Renly Kade had taken the land, yet, you out of all people should know, many things can still happen during a struggle between two families, political backlash is inevitable, but opinions stay the same, and deserve to be heard nevertheless, Bigge. Please inform me of more current events that have somehow, not come to my ear. -Edmund Karhter.
((y'all be nice, Assembly declarations are not made public. Borkwood wasn't at the Assembly so he couldn't know Renly forcibly destroyed the title and the Assembly got Ravenstad to stand down ))