Preserved Sheet Dominel Siksund

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Arch-Vile Apologist
Apr 21, 2020
Reaction score
The Abyss
Basic Information
Name: Dominel Ljdka Siksund
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Velheim Ailor


Total: 29 points (+10 hobby points)
-Hunting Knowledge: 10
-Dance Arts: 12 (+10 Hobby, +2 Proficiency)
-Athletic Training:5
-Elemental Sorcery: See Spells (12 pts)

Body Type
-Physical Stat: 19 (6 from 12 Dancing arts, 2.5 from 5 Athletic training, 10 from 10 Hunting Knowledge. Total 18.5, rounded up to 19.)
-Body Type: Athletic
-Body fat: Average

-Elemental Orb (4pts)
-Elemental Influence (4pts)
-Elemental Brand (4pts)

-Common (Learned in work)
-Skodje (Learned in childhood)
-Ithanian (Learned while working in Ithania)

Visual Information
-Eyes: Blue
-Hair: Black. Looks bluish in light.
-Hairstyle: Short, jaw-length.
-Clothing: Warm coat-like dress; traditional ribbons and earmuff-like headwear.
-Height: 5'7"

Personality and Abilities
-Alignment: Chaotic Neutral--Hailing from the north, Dominel is no stranger to butting heads. However, she'd rather do it on her own terms than following values or desires or, gods forbid, someone else.
-Personality: The Virtuoso--Dominel's affinity for ice elementalism is rivaled only by her skill in dance, and she pursues both to no end. In her normal life, she first presents herself as collected and mild-mannered, but impulsivity builds in her, resulting in bursts of unpredictability.
-Religion: Oldt Fayth--6. Dominel has never been particularly devout, but is, without a question, a believer due to the Oldt Fayth's omnipresence in her early life.

Life Story

Born in a fishing village of the North Belt, Dominel was the eldest child of three. Exhibiting an inherent affinity for ice elementalism at a young age, she would often entertain her peers with tricks and minor spells. She led a fairly normal life for a Velheimer, learning to hunt, fight, and--as was common in her village--fish. Life carried on for her like so until she came of age. After years of living in the cold and bleak north with her magical talents largely ignored, Dominel set out abroad to seek a new environment and training. Her wandering first brought her to Essalonia, where she met a sorcerer who taught her some basic control of magic. However, she was unable to find a job and had to leave after only a couple of weeks. After about half a year of going from country to country and leaving without work, she found her way to Ithania.

In a strange new world, naive and penniless, she was coaxed into a job at a Leisure House, a classed-up tavern with live entertainment. The regularly employed performers included, but wasn't limited to: musicians, singers, poets, actors, and, most popular of all, dancers. Dominel's skill in dance and exotic appearance made her a perfect candidate for the position. At first humiliated by the immodest attire and her insecurities, Dominel would soon begin to pull cheering crowds. Her unique northern dance style and her beauty were certainly factors, but the spectacle of seeing her dance was the greatest. As she danced, some interaction with magic made the air around her freeze, giving the appearance of sparkling dust falling from her body. A notable sorcerer caught word of this and offered to teach her in elementalism. She happily accepted, becoming a student and furthering her magical abilities.

Only a few years after leaving home, Dominel gained renown the region over.However, her popularity would also lead to her downfall. The other performers at the Leisure House grew envious of her success, and Dominel's humility and good nature only made them hate her more. Admirers became adorers, and it wasn't long until there were those that became fiendishly obsessed with her. She had to cover her face in public, forced to remove the traditional ribbons and earmuff-like headwear unique to her people--her last possessions from home. It became a weekly occurrence that she would be approached by those with ill intent. Had she not been trained in combat, she would not have been so fortunate as to escape. In the worst of these events, she was attacked in the home she was renting by a group of thugs. Whether they acted on their own or they were hired by an obsessed fan or envious coworker is unknown. Dominel, with no other way out, unleashed a powerful ice spell on her assailants, freezing them solid and, likely, to death. Panicked, she ran to her teacher's study in the town, where she was discovered come morning. She pleaded to the sorcerer for help, and he agreed to let her stay at his home far from town. For a couple of years, she stayed there, learning elementalism while helping the sorcerer with manual labor, all away from the public eye. Not long after, Dominel left Ithania on her teacher's insistence, heading for the city of Regalia to start anew. Her name faded, and her captivating dances carry on only in story.

Though sometimes, when the feeling is right, her body sways gently, not unlike a snowflake floating to earth. She can't help herself. She begins to dance once more.
Last edited:
Heyo, peer review, not staff.

Total: 29 points (+10 hobby points)
-Hunting Knowledge: 10
-Dance Arts: 12 (+10 Hobby, +2 Proficiency)
-Athletic Training:5
-Elemental Sorcery: See Spells
I suggest putting how much proficiency you spent in Sorcery, as for your case, put +12 since you have three.

Body Type
-Physical Stat: 60
This is incorrect, it should be 18.5 but rounded up to 19.