Archived Dolufall Yanar Alert

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Lord of Torment
Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
So, yanar infected with Dolufall constantly emit pheromones, as most of us are aware. However, unless a player is aware another is infected, they don't know to act accordingly. At this point, in all honesty, the act of pointing it out every time I rp is getting really annoying, to say the least. With this in mind, I recommend that it be standard procedure for Dolufall infected to have in their nick something to indicate their condition, such as a (D) or something. Of course in the event the yanar does something to hide their scent this could be removed, but it would eliminate a fair amount of hassle for players of Dolufall yanar.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
So, yanar infected with Dolufall constantly emit pheromones, as most of us are aware. However, unless a player is aware another is infected, they don't know to act accordingly. At this point, in all honesty, the act of pointing it out every time I rp is getting really annoying, to say the least. With this in mind, I recommend that it be standard procedure for Dolufall infected to have in their nick something to indicate their condition, such as a (D) or something. Of course in the event the yanar does something to hide their scent this could be removed, but it would eliminate a fair amount of hassle for players of Dolufall yanar.
That would probably lead to levels of metagaming so high that they'd touch the sky.
I think the best way to go about it is to emote the condition as soon as a RP is instigated. But for premium players, I think a certain /particle could give a particle cue.
This seems to be less of a feature suggestion and more of a suggestion for other players to roleplay a certain way, so I am simply going to reject this. Maybe this would have been best in the Lore Discussion section?
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