Archived Do We Need This New Money System!!!

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To be good you must have had to been bad.
Jun 20, 2013
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I am wondering if we actually need this new money system? Please respond
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Ye the money system is helping the server balance its economy, I doubt they will change this so stop complaining.
I don't get why they felt the need to make a completely new money system, but the new plugin is in house and fits the style of the other plugins, which is nice I guess. It's nice to have all the plugins formatted the same, it makes it simple to use. Otherwise, converting everything to Regals seemed a little arbitrary and pointless, but oh well.
I like the new money system, there was no need for Silver/copper IMO. It's better to have a flat currency than have upgrading currency. But now the question becomes, what will mobs do money-wise without the upgrading currency? Will they drop at least 1 Regal, or will there be 1.?? Regals?
I like this simplification of the money system, this addition isn't fancy, or complicated, its just made to work, and work I think it shall
I like the new money system, there was no need for Silver/copper IMO. It's better to have a flat currency than have upgrading currency. But now the question becomes, what will mobs do money-wise without the upgrading currency? Will they drop at least 1 Regal, or will there be 1.?? Regals?

I think that for every 5 mobs you kill you get 1 Regal approximately. Mobs still drop copper but it is automatically converted to regals so you won't notice a monetary increase til you have killed enough for them to equate 1 Regal
I personally liked having copper. The decimal places made it easy to compare to dollars and cents. The regals are worth a bit too much, I think. With a little adjustment, it could be a lot better. We will probably adjust to the idea of regals. Give it about three weeks, and we will all be adjusted to regals. The only reason people do not like it is because they do not yet have a feel for them. It will take time, but the spam, worry, and mass histaria will all go away in due time. People liked the old way because it was comparable to most real currency. Regals are like the metric system of silver and copper. Increments of ten. Personally, I would have preferred a more gentle approach. Raising us into details, instead if dropping them on to us. Humans have adapted to changes, so we can adapt to thus currency change.
Darkroomer here. Im buying diamond blocks and stuff already cause I noticed that at the current regal droprate there is gonna lead to a very very tough inflation.

Seriously, previously every few mobs droped 2 copper or so
now every few mobs drop a regal (which is 10 copper).

If you fix the droprate it has a chance. Otherwise we will see one hell of an inflation.
Yes, we need this. Why it couldn't have remained with the same value as silver/copper (1 regal = 1 silver) I don't know, but we will see how this effects the continued game.
It's nice, but I would prefer to keep things simple, like how we had with silver and copper. This is pretty good though.
The new money system isn't bad, but there is just no need for changing it. I don't see what the problem with silver was or the benefit of this is.
Cayorion has put much time into this plugin. While I do agree that it might be a bit hard to get used to, humans are naturally not used to change. And if it isn't going to be good, please explain further? Provide evidence? Maybe actual, constructive suggestions instead of just outright whining? You do nothing to explain the situation further, nor do you provide any hint of what the staff could do.

So please, stop this bitching; I don't want to hear it.

~ Imboring56

PS: Belongs in Complaints
Sorry to break this to you bud, no one gives a shit what you want to or don't want to hear. Let him voice his opinion.
Sorry to break this to you bud, no one gives a shit what you want to or don't want to hear. Let him voice his opinion.
That was rather rude, yes he could have been politer and the guy is entitled to have an opinion but so does he. And regardless of that, there are nicer ways to voice you're opinion. Whether he's a player or a staff member (and he is a staff member) everyone deserve some level of respect
Yes this came as a slight shock to me also, though we all shall get used to it, its actually quite simple. instead of 10s you have 100 Regals.

1s = 10 Regals
10s = 100 Regals

And so on.
the problem that mos tof us has (i think) is that we are still thinking in silver values. we need to think in Regals and not in silver/copper. once you've done that working with the new money system is a lot easier
It has become fairly standard behavior from players that whenever a new plugin is created to replace something that is less effective than it should be, people start complaining because they are pushed out of their comfort zone and into something that is new.

Try to look at like this instead, it's an opportunity to learn something new and interesting.

The whole concept for MassiveMoney is to follow in the line of pretty much all other plugins that Cayorion has created thus far, which is to make MassiveCraft even more unique and independent from any outside sources. This means that perhaps in the future MassiveCraft may be updated a lot faster (<--speculation) than other servers because all our plugins are "in-house" and can be prepared in advance.

When I was a player on MassiveCraft I was proud of playing on the server because it was unique. I recommended it to all my friends and even had it listed as one of my hobbies, because you know we don't play Minecraft...we play MassiveCraft.

So I think everyone should just step back a little and see the bigger picture instead of having a quick flame on the forums or in game over something that will not change in any way other than it being updated and bugs ironed out.
Totally agree with the above post. I think that in a week or two, these complaints will all blow over and MassiveCraft will return to normal - and be better than it was before.
I think new valute is a bit to unrealisitic, since money is called Regal, and since Regalia is ''main town'', it is okay, but when there were silver/copper, it was way better, I don't like servers where is like huge amount of money. What I am trying to say is, for example, if I had 100s, that would be 1000 regals, if I had 1000s, that would be 10000 regals, if I had 10 000s that would be 100 000regals, and who in the world saw in old medieval times so much money in someones pocket. I think if they lower price of 1 silver, like on 2-3 regals, it would be okay.
Everybody hates change,
We just need to wait and let it settle before making accusations about it.
I actually don't mind the new money system, to be completely fair. It's quite an easy conversion and something that players can get used to fairly quickly. The only complaint I have about it is the fact that it happened with little to no warning. And usually this wouldn't be an issue to me but because of this, a lot of shops and merchants took a hit. I don't own a shop myself, but I know of people who lost tremendous amounts of regals because their shops were still selling items at silver prices. A warning days in advance to prevent things like this from happening would've been nice, as a lot of players didn't have time to reset their shop prices until they had logged on several hours later.
Darkroomer here. Im buying diamond blocks and stuff already cause I noticed that at the current regal droprate there is gonna lead to a very very tough inflation.

Seriously, previously every few mobs droped 2 copper or so
now every few mobs drop a regal (which is 10 copper).

If you fix the droprate it has a chance. Otherwise we will see one hell of an inflation.

I actually don't mind the new money system, to be completely fair. It's quite an easy conversion and something that players can get used to fairly quickly. The only complaint I have about it is the fact that it happened with little to no warning. And usually this wouldn't be an issue to me but because of this, a lot of shops and merchants took a hit. I don't own a shop myself, but I know of people who lost tremendous amounts of regals because their shops were still selling items at silver prices. A warning days in advance to prevent things like this from happening would've been nice, as a lot of players didn't have time to reset their shop prices until they had logged on several hours later.
Shops automatically converted the persons silver price to their regal price.
Sometimes I wish there was an 'uninformed' post rating.
There is a "read more" rating to educate that the information or explanation that they are seeking can be found in the post or elsewhere on the forums. It looks like a little piece of paper with a question mark on it.
Shops automatically converted the persons silver price to their regal price.
I thought they would've, but when I tried buying from McMuffin55 and his shop this morning to check, it was not converted. Instead of paying 3 silver, it had charged me 3 regals. I was aware of the original pricings before I had purchased it as well.
It's like Google Plus. Everyone was so irritated and angry. Soon, everyone calmed down. It shouldn't be that bad.
It's like Google Plus. Everyone was so irritated and angry. Soon, everyone calmed down. It shouldn't be that bad.
... get_out_frog_by_nosense616-d4cqui8.png
This is nothing like that. Thousands (maybe millions) of people still oppose the Google Plus thing (not going to get into too much detail because I'll start to rage ._.) because it was a huge, useless, misguided, unwelcome change that Google staff THOUGHT everyone needed, when it was fine as it was before. With this, the staff are actually working towards a goal with this new money system, and there really aren't too many disadvantages or repercussions. (Dammit, still ended up raging a little XD)
I thought they would've, but when I tried buying from McMuffin55 and his shop this morning to check, it was not converted. Instead of paying 3 silver, it had charged me 3 regals. I was aware of the original pricings before I had purchased it as well.
Oh I guess it glitched or something, yesterday it was converted.
There is a "read more" rating to educate that the information or explanation that they are seeking can be found in the post or elsewhere on the forums. It looks like a little piece of paper with a question mark on it.

*Facepalm*. I thought that meant you'd like to read more, as the post you are rating is too concise or bare of information. Thanks!
...View attachment 16649
This is nothing like that. Thousands (maybe millions) of people still oppose the Google Plus thing (not going to get into too much detail because I'll start to rage ._.) because it was a huge, useless, misguided, unwelcome change that Google staff THOUGHT everyone needed, when it was fine as it was before. With this, the staff are actually working towards a goal with this new money system, and there really aren't too many disadvantages or repercussions. (Dammit, still ended up raging a little XD)

I didn't mean it in a way that our staff thought "everyone" needed it. If you could please be kinder in a way, perhaps I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to explain throughly about my opinion. What I am trying to say that everyone will eventually get over the Regals. I think it is perfectly fine and helpful. Like what our gracious, intelligent, godly Imboring said, the complaints will eventually blow over from Massive and everything will be perfectly normal, or better.

I love that frog meme, by the way. <3
I agree that this will take some time to adjust to but it does seem like an average monster slayer in game (rich merchants boy in rp) would carry 2000+ regals on his body??? what a workout to carry that many coins...but honestly, it was easier to manage with the copper and silver because it was like decimals/ cents and dollars in USD. But i believe itll just take some time to adjust and adapt.
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