Preserved Sheet Dmitry Ustinra, The Huntsman

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The puffiest damn pigeon of them all..
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
The Empire of the Great Jin
Roleplay Guilds
Hightower, Vindicators
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Dmitry Mlyatshniydom Ustinra Pankovich
    • Nicknames: Dima (informal), Dimaosha (personal)
    • Translation: Dmitry of Mlyat, of the poor Ustin, son of Panko
  • Age: 40 (20 at Symbiosis)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Aart-Maght-Url
    • Pre-Symbiosis: Bolven Ailor (Vladno)
    • Aberrancy: Primal Aberrancy
  • Preferred Weapon: Fists
Whittling Knife | Simple and cheap, yet very sharp. It has a sheathe over it.
Unleavened Bread | A dense, no nonsense bread cut into several slices for easy transport.
Wild Boar Jerky | There's quite a bit more of this than there is even the bread..
Leather Satchel | Inside is 15 Regals.
Wooden Heron Figurine | Fitting in the palm of a (Bolven) hand, it is in the image of Leinhart the Thankful, the Heron of Hunters.
Skill Information:
  • 40 + 5 (Age) + 10 (Hobby) = 55 Total
    • Knowledge:
      • 20 Hunting Knowledge (+20 from points)
    • Combat:
      • 10 Unarmed Combat (+10 from points)
    • Body:
      • 5 Labour Training (+5 from points)
      • 10 Perception Training (+10 from points)
    • Arts:
      • 10 Carpentry Arts (+10 from Hobby)
Body Shape:
  • Fine Form:
    • Physical Stat: 35 | Body Shape: Toned | Body Fat: Low
  • Clean Form:
    • Physical Stat: 35 | Body Shape: Ripped | Body Fat: Low
  • Fused Form:
    • Physical Stat: 55 | Body Shape: Strongman | Body Fat: Built
  • Gore Form:
    • Physical Stat: 65 | Body Shape: Muscle God | Body Fat: Built
  • Shatter Form:
    • Physical Stat: 85 | Body Shape: Hulking | Body Fat: Built
  • Mirnoye Dialect - Mother Tongue
  • Common - Learned
  • Oortal - Ingrained
Visual Information:
  • Eye Color: Fiery Orange
    • Previously Grey
  • Fur Color: Dark Brown
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Url Head Shape: Moose
  • Clothing: Practical commoner's garb
  • Height: 7'4"
    • Previously 7'2"
Personality: The Core List
  • Alignment
    • True Neutral
  • Personality Type
    • Architect
  • Religion
    • Etosian Unionism | Piety (5/10)
Life Story

Childhood & Adolescence
  • Handy |Dmitry was born to a generally unremarkable family within Mlyat, Etosil. The young boy early on is tasked with laboring and carpentry, a man's taskset as a proud Vladno. And as a Vladno, it's instilled within him the must-have virtues of strength and manhood. Never would young Dmitry choose to shrink away from his Bolven height and might.
  • His home-life is rugged and icy, with a father who punished he and his brother gravely for indiscretion, or worse, cowardice and sensitivity. Dmitry is encouraged to defend his manhood and honor at all costs, never to submit to lesser men, and do his name good in the eye of Unionism.
  • Unlike his brother and indeed nearly all men in his family, Dmitry does not immediately latch on to Eurlon the Strong, the Heron of Strongmen. Not to be disheartened by his indecisiveness in choosing a Heron to idolize, Dmitry insists on going in secret without until he can bind to one he's sure of for good. For now, he beholds and partakes in the All Night Vigil with a placeholder.
Young Adulthood
  • Huntsman |Dmitry, celebrating his coming of age, decides to pick up a new hobby in hunting and trapping small game. Eventually, this grows to a means of living he's incredibly proud of. He remains at home with his mother and immediate family, trapping and killing forest beasts for the women to prepare into hides and meat.
  • Unsurprisingly, the culture climate of his environment attracts men to the Oorl, and so there is an uptick of Url appearing. Eventually, these beastly muscle men and women appear before Dmitry's community. Very quickly, perhaps disturbingly so, the youth unequivocally tosses himself at who he now calls his people. He spends the following years a part-time Throng member of Teh Blagodarnyy in honor of Leinhart the Thankful, the Heron of Hunters, sharpening his hunting proficiency.
  • The young Url develops into a fine huntsman, never quite bent on heading his Throng. As a Maght-Url, Dmitry develops a philosophy of even mixture between the Url and Vladno lifestyle he remembers. His Throng fell under the Tokrok category; they sometimes but not always forced symbiosis onto the nearby Ailor populations. Though, due to the nature of that very population, this came up uncommonly for those men absolutely bent on flexing their might and machismo. In Dmitry's mind, he struck a sort of balance between Url-dom and the holy form of Ailor-kind.
Adulthood & Present
  • Intercontinental Manhunt | Dmitry encourages his younger brother, granting advice as a hunting band leader. The two, though five years apart, carried on a friendly competition of might since their adolescence. Though Kuzmich grew more battle proficient and well-rounded in his skills in the following years, Dmitry became a perceptive and level-headed man for the hunt and a provider.
  • While Dmitry sticks to the simple way of life he's been living for some time, he witnesses as his brother looks outward and begins developing as a leader. Meanwhile, Dmitry relishes in his skill in the hunt both for necessity and the glory of trophies won during the Beast Hunts.
  • When suddenly Kuzma and his squad men go missing, Dmitry sets aside his Throng activities to investigate. Some days later and with unsettling prospects mounting, he is among the first to locate the carnage left behind by a lone Ursarr's attack - bodies belonging to his brother's men, but not Kuzma himself. Although urged to stay and hunt down whichever unholy creature lay waste to these men and supposedly his younger brother, he somehow doubts his demise. So, like a beast in the woods, Dmitry tracks down this disgraced man responsible for these lives lost. Eventually, he locates the port from which Kuzma is last seen leaving from and is assured of his survival. After some preparations, through word of mouth and detective work, he tails his sibling into Regalia.
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@PuffyPigeon Expand the life story by at least a bullet point or two per each section of life so there are three total in each. Make the edits in red.