Preserved Sheet Djibril Askia Alassane

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The puffiest damn pigeon of them all..
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
The Empire of the Great Jin
Roleplay Guilds
Hightower, Vindicators
Basic Information:
  • Birth Name: Djibril Askia Alassane
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Male | He/Him
  • Sex: Intersex
  • Race: Full-Blooded Songaskia
    • Heritage Line: Askaisyam
    • Affliction: Scaled Marken [Primal Aberrant]
  • Eye Color: Glowing Fiery Amber [Racial: Magic Sight 2]
  • Inventory:
    • Scent Sachet: [Roll 1-4]
    • One of four little woven bags of pleasant aromas.
      • 1 | Purple: Lavender.
      • 2 | Pink: Cherries and oatmeal with peachy notes.
      • 3 | Orange: Bergamot and camomile.
      • 4 | Blue: Sea salt and dried oceanic aromatics.
    • Coin Wallet: 50r
Core Concept:
  • Faith & Character: Djibril is an outstandingly pious practitioner of Shambala. His devoutness is born out of a mixture of terror and regret, hoping to one day earn forgiveness through righteous military action among other deeds. As a person, Djibril is a personally private yet show-offish person who nevertheless chooses his battles.
  • Functional Niche: Djibril is a professional in the naval field of battle.
Skill Information:
50 (Given) - 6 (Roguery) = 46 to Spend + 10 (Hobby)
  • Core:
    • Melee Combat: A capable solider of Melaak.
      • 11 Fist Combat (11 from pool)
      • 15 Spear Combat (10 from pool, 5 from Race)
    • Ranged Combat: Primal Based [Marken]
      • 9 Caster Ranged (9 from pool)
    • Special Combat: Standard Melaak curriculum.
      • 4 Shielding Combat (4 from pool)
  • Hobby:
    • Nature Art: A skill garnered aboard trading vessels.
      • 10 Sailing Art (10 from pool)
    • Musical Art: A hobby taken up and often a part of his worship.
      • 10 Vocal Art (10 from Hobby)
Physical Stat: 11 + 15 + 4 (Combat) = 30

Abilities & Point-Buy:

  • Racial: Songaskia
  • Mundane Proficiency:
    • Primal Caster Ranged | Conduit: Sun Amulet worn in the hand.
    • Theme: Sun/Astral Flame
      • Spell Shot
      • Beam Focus
      • Magic Nova
  • Roguery: [6 pts]
    • Wall Climb 3
    • Rogue Gift 4
  • Marken Details:
    • Condition: Djibril is experienced with his curse and possesses a level of mastery. He is aware of his triggers and knows when and how to avert a disaster, but always fears being pushed. With the capability to transform on command, his grip on control is limited and considering doing so would have him think twice. The closer a transformation looms (within days), the more noticeably anxious Djibril becomes.
    • Marken Form: Djibril is a Scaled Marken who has been cursed by Shambala. There are no traits he has outside of the ordinary for this variant and he is entirely black scaled with no patterning.
    • Triggers:
      • Full Moon (Judged OOC)
      • Grievous Bodily Harm
      • Negative Emotional Extremes
      • Solar Eclipse | "When Shambala cannot see."
      • Lack of Sunlight Exposure (1 Week or More) | "WHERE IS THE SUN?"
    • Pacifiers: Never full proof antidotes, but they help Djibril keep himself together.
      • Nostalgic Aromas | "Precious thoughts."
      • Exhaustion
  • Sofaal | A first language for living in the Masayan sands. [Regional]
  • Common | An easily learned necessity. [Free]
Visual Information:
  • Mutations/Oddities: Djibril hosts no mutations or outstanding scars.
  • Overall Appearance: Masculine presenting and ripped in build. Djibril has black dreadlocks which extend to his lower back and wears short facial hair. He has deeply toned skin with ritualistic Shambala tattoos encircling his neck like a choker. They glow gold on command. He usually wears his black-scaled tail and has horns which branch off to become two-pronged at the end. He is 6'4".
Life Story:
  • Upbringing | Korbamakora, Farah'deen | Djibril is born the last of four between two mothers in a comfortable military household. Claiming heritage in Askaisyam, he struggled against his older siblings in frequent contests of capability. From the beginning, the boy is seasoned as a future soldier and is enrolled within the Oussafalin Academy Songay.
  • Graduation | By the time Djibril is an adult, he leaves this academy as a Melaak warrior. Though, his time defending the Masayan coasts from brutal Ashal corsairs taught him to have grander ambitions and he enrolled in a naval academy with saved up funds. With another investment of time, he becomes proficient as an admiral and is hired.
  • Curse | His time overseeing the actions of a small fleet is stressful, but Djibril finds his job important and worthwhile. He stood to gain much from his position and did, as greed found a comfortable home beneath his scales. Never especially faithful, in exchange for coin from shady benefactors, he knowingly damns traveling members of the Songaskian Priesthood to their watery deaths in silence. He goes home that day and is astonished to be visited by a speaking sun disk. He's read his sins and is afflicted on the spot.
  • Unsure, the admiral spends his days wreaking havoc with no recollection. Somehow avoiding his own demise, he is instead ousted from the city and from there develops familiarity with his God Curse. Djibril is determined not to let his or the lives of others be ruined, so seeks out a cure while managing his condition.
  • Regalia | It wasn't until he came upon the Holy City, exhausted, that Djibril sought out help from a member of the Shambala Priesthood - Masirielith Maani, soon after the First Songaskian War. She counsuls him on his journey toward repentance.
  • Progression Talents:
    • Warrior Lvl. 2
    • Admiral Lvl. 1
Last edited:
I will be taking this app for Aspirant Review!
  • Specify what Proficiencies go into Physical Stat calculation.
Make changes in Green and tag me when finished.
  • You are 3 points over your 50 Proficiency maximum, change this accordingly.
Make edits in a different color of choice and tag me when finished.
@KrakenLord01 Character has been converted to Rokhaal and points have been shuffled some.
Needing a new reviewer!
Claimed for review! Expect a reply shortly.
This app is being placed back under review for the following reason:
  • Vampire broods cannot be infected with Rokhaalism.
Please correct this and you'll be good to go again.
And re-approved as discussed in ticket.
@Acosmism Rewritten entirely. Marken jazz!