Preserved Sheet Djanira Ascara

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purveyor of milfs
Sep 4, 2016
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Birth name: Djanira Ascara
    • Moniker: Titania
    • Titles: Scion (by her Attendant), Warden (by the Yolteotl,) and Ordvaan.
  • Race: Half-Maquixtl (Xieloth, Ailor)
  • Age: 37.
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Eye Color: Silver with a blue limbus.
Core Concept
  • Titania's faith is one of her greatest sources of motivation. She is a devout follower of Estellon. Titania feels strongly aligned to the diety Aseia. Her ties to her Maquitlxl heritage are strained, and Titania resents being half-blooded.
  • A person who wishes to live a wholesome life but struggles secretly with cruel and deceitful urges.
Proficiency (14+ 4 Commutable Points)

Artificer Branch: Steamtech

Commutable 4 (Active)

  • Rogue Parkour Pack
  • Rogue Disguise Pack
  • Artificer Tussling Pack
  • Artificer Barricade Pack
Custom Kit 3
Exist Mage

Strength 1

Athletic Comrade Pack

Charisma 1

Demonology Anchoring Pack
Wisdom 1
Artificer Cover Pack
Scholarly Mineral Pack

Magic (Exist) 7
Spell Displacing
Spell Illusion
Spell Disruption
Spell Casting
Spell Mimicry
Spell Enchanting
Spell Breaking

Greater Mage Casting
Greater Mage Disruption
Greater Mage Illusion


  1. Scan Sight: The user can scan handheld objects, and create cross-section projections, as well as floorplans of areas they have been to before or retrieved memories of.
  2. Surfwalking: The user may walk on liquid surfaces that would otherwise cause them to sink, such as water, though it does not grant them protection from heat or freezing temperatures.
  3. Airwalking: The user may walk on air, causing them to hover one foot above the ground. They may also use the trait Jump 2 in Regalia to reach places reachable without stepping on leaf blocks.
  4. Sparkwalking: The user may, out of combat or a chase, move near instantly like a bolt of lighting short distances as if they are rapidly blinking from one place to another without losing focus.
  5. Dressage Cleanse: The user may target either their own clothing or that of another person, using Magic to instantly clean them of any dirt, stains, grime, or liquid that has appeared on them.
  6. Armor Cleanse: The user may target either their own armor or that of another person, using Magic to instantly clean them of any dirt and dents or scratches, though not destruction damage.
  7. Sanctum Vessel: The user may force their corporal form into an object, causing it to glow and buzz with Magic, but still allowing them to speak. If the item is broken, the user is forcibly ejected.
  8. Self Control: The user can change their general Body Shape, Height, Weight, Sex, Body & Top Hair, and Eye Color at will, but this can never function as a Disguise Mechanic.
  9. Health Call: The user may bond with any number of people, and they will always be able to tell if they are healthy or wounded, but never where they are, nor can they communicate.
  10. Dream Element: The user is able to enter a trance state next to a person in a coma or in a dream, invading their dream. They cannot affect the dream, but they can speak to the person.
  11. Rune Smithing: The user can apply aesthetic runes to objects like weapons, applying aesthetic elements to them like a sword that can self ignite. No element gives additional functions.
  12. Emote Infuse: The user may infuse jewelry or other consumables with emotional feeling, causing anyone who wear/consume them to experience this feeling like a constant effect.
  13. Life Wall: The user may, with direct touch, prevent a person who is about to die from dying, keeping them in a state of protection from death so long as they can keep touching them.
  14. Prison Break: The user may, using Magic, smash the gate of a prison cell either in the Prison or a private kidnapping situation. Remember, prison break is a crime punishable by death!
  15. Chain Break: The user may, while chained or restrained by ropes, cause these restraints to melt off of them. Remember that escaping arrest is a severe crime with more severe punishments!
  16. Memory Break: The user may choose to wipe specific memories from their own recollection, whether whole days, mere minutes, etc. Only the Void or Estellon Gods can grant them back.
  17. Decay Element: The user is able to alter dead organic matter like animal parts or cut off limbs with their hands, also preventing it from rotting and being able to be attached onto armor or weapons.
  18. Blood Element: The user is able to manipulate any blood, able to bend it through the air, congeal, liquify, change its color or absorb and expel it from their own body. They can also drink blood without issue.
  19. Shadow Element: user is able to manipulate their own and other people's shadows, making it change shape, disappear, re-appear, or move independently from the user.
  20. Dark Element: The user is able to coat themselves or items they are holding in inky clouds of shadow, giving off wisps and absorbing light. This can never count as a Disguise.
  21. Light Element: The user is able to coat themselves or items they are holding in glowing light, giving off a radiant glow, and casting away mundane darkness. This cannot count as a Disguise.
  • Common (Free)
  • Daen (Native)
Appearance Information
  • With intense use of magic, Titania's hair goes a pure white color.
  • She has a mole below her left eyebrow and one to the upper right end of her mouth.
  • Titania is a woman of tall stature (5'9") with long voluminous hair that reaches the small of her black. She has a dark complexion and a wispy frame (125lbs). She occasionally uses magic to change her appearance. Titania frequently looks sickly or injured, with bloodshot eyes and frail skin.
Cahalic Form
  • A cherub-like creature enshrouded in mist.
Life Story
  • Djanira Cynarith was born to Vimara Cynarith and Compassion. The Demon was masquerading as an impoverished young woman when Vimara was living in a hostel on the coastline of Catalon. Vimara made the grave mistake of trusting their lover. When the child was born with silver eyes, Vimara fled with the infant, confused and fearing retribution.
  • Djanira lived a nomadic lifestyle where she had many experiences but rested little and made few friends. Approaching her adolescence, Vimara caught word of their brother's illness, so they went to see him on his deathbed in Daenshore. Djanira and Vimara lived here for many years, taking care of his modest estate.
  • Djanira began exploring magic in any way she could but was often met with resistance by the locals. As a girl, she felt out of place and irritated with being settled after constantly moving for her entire life. She left as soon as she came of age.
  • Djanira starts a life in Regalia. Years of poor decisions, dangerous curiosity, and blind service under State Ministries changes Djanira for the worst. After leaving and returning to the Crown City several times, she has since fell in with a cult of Exist fanatics through her desire for a sense of family. They offer what she considers to be a clear path to redemption for her past, and she has since been deathly loyal to their cause.
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@Caelamus Hey Cae, got a point cost for my kit so I moved my profs around. It's highlighted in blue, thank you!
@Caelamus Made a decision on what my Commutable points. Not sure if I'm supposed to mark for re-review, but better safe than sorry!