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Dishonourable Deeds


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia

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Passed mainly through fliers all the way from the depths of the under city, a rather plain message is carried forth within it and spread
Stamped at the top in block capital letters is the title "Dishonourable Deeds"

To those whom the concern of honour is most paramount,

Two days prior to this day, an honourable duel was had between the honourable Sun Heishan and Osira
Live-weaponry was agreed upon to be banned during this duel
This duel was held to demonstrate religious grief that the honourable Sun Heishan held against Osira
Allies of each were invited to be in attendance for support and aid once the duel had come to an end
Much to the grief of the honourable Sun Heishan, Archon such as Ailred and his hired mercenary allies had conspired to seize this opportunity to dishonourably strike at Osira whilst she was weakened after claiming victory

May these individuals with no respect for honour be judged accordingly

@Lizmun @rimacutem @War_pig @Anseran
A small ship of Velheim design was slowly entering Regalian harbor, carrying a varied crew and cargo. Some boxes full of highly desired material like amber Velheim gathered or metals mined by dwarves, accompanied by merchants who sought to sell them, few Velheim migrants seeking to escape dangers of Ellador and a particularly oddly heavily armed grouping - a grouping of Fornoss pilgrims, who have traveled to Rammuur, fighting for months or years to hopefully stall Dakkar advance. Amongst them stood a dwarf, his heavy armour bearing symbol of a bloody shield with swords and arrows stuck in it, proclaiming his allegiance. As he looked at the city he was born in and has not seen in 10 months, he got lost in thought, wondering about what has happened in the city in his abscence, only for this happening to reveal itself, as he saw a flier carried by wind, jumping to grab it from air

He read the flier, his companion pilgrims seeing his expression become more and more grim. Disregarding ancient laws of dueling, laws that have existed since before a written word could record them. Disregarding rules of hospitality, proving that to invite them to somebody's dwelling was a recipe to be stabbed to death while asleep. He crumbled the paper, throwing it into the sea, filled with a determination to get to the bottom of this