Archived Disease's

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Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
I think we should have a disease. Were if you live in a certain continent like Inthania and you have a farm. If its near a new mob "bug" or the Chisle Bug for a name. If it infects you're field and you don't exterminate them with poison by throwing it on them or you're crops it infects them with the Lokia disease. It makes you dizzy, after awhile you lost two hearts and it says you puke up blood. Soon after that it starts to drain hearts and the screen says you are dyeing. This could unlock a bigger RP aspect and also give ideas for more disease's!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
this idea sounds bad. how are you going to know if the bug is in ur crops. also do u know what the techs would have to do? they would have to work their butts off coding and figureing out how to do this...
This seems, not a good plan.
Naga are supposedly immune to most things.
How does one infect Undead?
Would the disease affect humans, and would it be transmittable to other races?
How does one infect Vampires?
Plus, I don't even want to image the nightmare that anyone trying to create that from scratch would have to go through.
There already was a request for something similar to this. I would try to keep to the original aspect.
Dear god. I hope the Black Plague doesn't happen.
Problem is. Is if the disease manages to kill you, does that mean that your rp character dies?
I think we should have a disease. Were if you live in a certain continent like Inthania and you have a farm. If its near a new mob "bug" or the Chisle Bug for a name. If it infects you're field and you don't exterminate them with poison by throwing it on them or you're crops it infects them with the Lokia disease. It makes you dizzy, after awhile you lost two hearts and it says you puke up blood. Soon after that it starts to drain hearts and the screen says you are dyeing. This could unlock a bigger RP aspect and also give ideas for more disease's!

I don't know about the bugs but I like the idea of regular player diseases.
At least a Black Plague would kill off all of those pesky plebs...oh wait, I'm a pleb :S
Whoops, i apologise; i just posted a reply to the wrong thread. heh.
Perhaps a few diseases that give debuffs that are given by mob encounters like the Elder Scrolls series (yes I know we want to break away from that pattern, but they have a good system.)

It definitely would be nice to add to an RP aspect. Though I'm not sure if it would be able to be made as a plugin, and whether or not Cayorion would want to take on something like that.

So for me... If you want to be sick, just RP it. This is another thing that would be nice, but we can handle it for now in player-to-player interaction.
Dr. Fong travels to many lands;
anywhere he pleases.
And he always remembers to wash his hands;
so he don't get no diseases.
I like to think that this is an expansion of my previous idea suggestion: illness

This thread is just ew
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