Archived Diseases

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
We all know what it's like to be sick. It sucks. It happens to often. They. Never. Want. To. Go. Away. They are annoying as all void, and they are a real issue. It makes it hard to do things. So why not bring it to Massivecraft? Spice things up. Make things interesting. Make you think twice.

Now, this may sound like it would be annoying. Well, yes. But, it would also be useful. Hear me out.

With massive mobs, mobs can give you effects they normally couldn't. Now, I would imagine that if you fight a zombie, or get bitten by spider or bug, or inhale creeper fumes, you would get sick. And if other people are around you, they would get sick too.

Imagine this. A spider attacks you, and you have a 1/100 chance of contracting a disease. Let's say a stomach flu. So, after some time, you have a minor nausea effect and a very, /very/ minor hunger effect. However, to benefit and not make it all bad, you also have regeneration. You have the choice of either running into your enemy faction and getting some of them sick from fighting you, or you can drink a healing potion or "sleep" in a bed. And you will be healed. The disease will last for a couple of ingame days if left uncured. This will give healing potions a purpose for those who don't PVP. I never use them. It would also put doctors in a job. Some diseases may have different cures. It would make those who know the cures be able to make money.

I know this idea may sound annoying, and many of you will not like it and disagree, but it is just my suggestion to add realism and some more challenge to the game. Plus, it's like Skyrim. Think Vampirism. It will last three or so ingame days until the effects wear off. Unlike Vampirism, the effects wear off entirely, and you are left like before. The positive effects are to give a decent reason to not hate being sick as much.

Just a suggestion. Leave your (probably negative) feedback below!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Would be a nice addition for some more negative traits.
I like it. There would have to be worked a lot for it to happen though. I also hope it can integrate with the traits plugin in some way.
I don't really get sick IRL, but this would be awesome to have!
[[Can we make those affects similar but also a bit different to that of someone turning into a vampire when theyre really not? :D <Like fools gold making people thinking its real when its really not > And make it easily spreadable and curable so people freak out? hue hue hue (chuckle) ]]

Ahem on a more serious matter, I think this would be nice. I mean yeah Aloria has diseases already but for more disease to take place and actually affect you would give it a more realistic feel owo this kitten approves this delicious idea~
Those are all for roleplay. This suggestion is to implement something that would affect gameplay.
These are just for Lore, they do nothing IG.
๖ۣۜWhy not make those plagues part of the disease? After all, it could become interesting in that way.
The only issue I have with @indyfan98 's idea is the nausea. It will last several IG days? An IG day is 20-24 minutes. I don't think I can last that long with the nausea effect.
๖ۣۜWhy not make those plagues part of the disease? After all, it could become interesting in that way.
The only issue I have with @indyfan98 's idea is the nausea. It will last several IG days? An IG day is 20-24 minutes. I don't think I can last that long with the nausea effect.
It would be really mild. Like, less then nausea 1. And each one would last different amounts of time. That one would probably last shorter. But it was just an example.
-Predicts- ...If this passes, I forsee a large number of whiny people complaining their strict darkrooming schedule is being affected and should repeal it immediately. ..Hey, just a prediction.
Why not have the lore illnesses that are all lore compliant, and make THEM do the ill effects of nausea and ect.? People then like nobles then actually WOULD have a reason not to interact with common rabble which, in the time, were usually riddled with disease, and also sort of have quarantine areas, like with the Fahlien Vampire outbreak. Plus in a Pvp sense, it could be used as a sort of not-really-but-I-have-no-better-term-for-it Biological/Chemical warfare by just sending all these disease ridden people with nothing on them to be murderlized by massive PVPers, so that they get a case of the sniffo's.
It would be really mild. Like, less then nausea 1. And each one would last different amounts of time. That one would probably last shorter. But it was just an example.
๖ۣۜI'm hoping so. I can't have that nausea stuff on the screen for too long, I get dizzy just by having Nausea for 2 minutes from tavern drinks... Otherwise, I absolutely love the idea.
I am surprised at all of the positive feedback. I thought everyone would hate it.
While I would say that it would make gameplay annoying, it will guaranteed bring RP disease into, well, RP, because let's face it. Excepting vampirisim, no one ever get's sick RP wise on massivecraft (Or at least, to my knowledge).
I like the idea, but it could also be really annoying. Say your RPing normally then a sick person who doesn't RP walks into the tavern and dry humps you until your infected, knowing their job is done they move to the next poor soul.
I like the idea, but it could also be really annoying. Say your RPing normally then a sick person who doesn't RP walks into the tavern and dry humps you until your infected, knowing their job is done they move to the next poor soul.
My idea would for it to be transmitted through melee combat. If they attack you or you attack them. And it's only a chance. Usually, in a raid, many people will run out and kill the attackers. Either the people who's job it is, or loyal members no matter how weak. (Bless their souls.)
My idea would for it to be transmitted through melee combat. If they attack you or you attack them. And it's only a chance. Usually, in a raid, many people will run out and kill the attackers. Either the people who's job it is, or loyal members no matter how weak. (Bless their souls.)
But.. Then it wouldn't be as fun, because you could be 'sick' and casually walk into the tavern, or some other densely populated area, and it wouldn't matter because they won't get infected unless in combat.
But.. Then it wouldn't be as fun, because you could be 'sick' and casually walk into the tavern, or some other densely populated area, and it wouldn't matter because they won't get infected unless in combat.
Yeh, Dry humping sounds like a better idea.
I don't think this is worth the time and effort required by staff to implement. Unless this plays into a larger plugin that is innovative, immersive and conducive to the atmosphere of MassiveCraft, I can't see this being introduce.
I think this is a great idea. I am aware that there are RP diseases already, but it makes it more immersive to have an actual effect in-game. For example, take the drinks served at the tavern. They give you Nausea to simulate drinking a real drink. This makes RP more immersive for those involved. Also, I have seen many people RPing as doctors (looking at you, @k9birdy), and as you mentioned, this would give them a job and put them even with merchants that can actually conduct their RP business for actual Regals.

No life threatening diseases that are hard to cure though. The ability to die of plague without approving it could ruin the diseases for everyone.

To the person who mentioned that it would be hard to implement: It wouldn't be that hard. MineZ already has a similar plugin for their Zombie disease.
Yes, because I want the person who plays a 9 year old that can wield a two handed samaurai sword and shoots fire and water from his hands to play a doctor for my character.
Last time I checked, he/she was playing a 16 year old girl that was shy and deathly afraid of people with gold eyes, and apparently wasn't that good at combat. I think that was the IGN but i can't remember for sure. What do I know? All I know is that she healed my cousin (Shadowthil Glenwood) when he fell on his face in the tavern.
๖ۣۜWell, from what I know and can assume, disease don't just go away if you heal them in any way, even with magic. It might be one of the things magic can't actually stop, as even healing just warps skin on top of what is missing. Otherwise, to keep in mind anything they touch is contaminated and so many healers would be diseased. In the times of the plague, one of the most to get it were the doctors and barbers because of unsanitary surgery and treatment. And if someone says they have a clean character doctor; No. Germs probably haven't even been discovered, nor that touch and body fluid is the one transfer with germs. Of all things, it should be common that your doctor is dirty, keeps dirty, and doesn't use alcohol as a cleaner. People of the time thought alcohol was more of burning than cleaning, so they didn't use it. Their strategy to cure people was lancing. They poked a hole in their flesh, depending on the disease pressed a frog against it and awaiting for it to explode or die, and kept doing it until they stopped exploding or dying. Leeches were also a cure.. In such times, people who got ill were considered sinful or kissing a sinful person. As long as they didn't touch their lips, even sharing glasses doesn't count as lip touching and are very kind, they were called 'safe'. Now this detail should be noted; Health Potions in RP are a super-pain killer. Not a disease prevention. Unless your character specifically bought a medicine, usually holding silver, mint and leech water, it's probably not gonna help. I'm not bullshitting anything I am saying by the way; they were all actual treatments of the medieval ages. I study them a ton and used it for one of my doctor characters.

I'm starting to feel like the illnesses really oughta just be RP'd. @Mostlyhuman is quite right...
It would be really mild. Like, less then nausea 1. And each one would last different amounts of time. That one would probably last shorter. But it was just an example.
Not possible. You can not make it less than nausea 1 without client side modifications.
Why not have the lore illnesses that are all lore compliant, and make THEM do the ill effects of nausea and ect.? People then like nobles then actually WOULD have a reason not to interact with common rabble which, in the time, were usually riddled with disease, and also sort of have quarantine areas, like with the Fahlien Vampire outbreak. Plus in a Pvp sense, it could be used as a sort of not-really-but-I-have-no-better-term-for-it Biological/Chemical warfare by just sending all these disease ridden people with nothing on them to be murderlized by massive PVPers, so that they get a case of the sniffo's.
One person could be a noble and still darkroom OOC. Which means the nobles could just as easily get sick.
I don't think this is worth the time and effort required by staff to implement. Unless this plays into a larger plugin that is innovative, immersive and conducive to the atmosphere of MassiveCraft, I can't see this being introduce.
If it is well planned and thought through it could be almost as gameplay affecting as the traits.
๖ۣۜWell, from what I know and can assume, disease don't just go away if you heal them in any way, even with magic. It might be one of the things magic can't actually stop, as even healing just warps skin on top of what is missing. Otherwise, to keep in mind anything they touch is contaminated and so many healers would be diseased. In the times of the plague, one of the most to get it were the doctors and barbers because of unsanitary surgery and treatment. And if someone says they have a clean character doctor; No. Germs probably haven't even been discovered, nor that touch and body fluid is the one transfer with germs. Of all things, it should be common that your doctor is dirty, keeps dirty, and doesn't use alcohol as a cleaner. People of the time thought alcohol was more of burning than cleaning, so they didn't use it. Their strategy to cure people was lancing. They poked a hole in their flesh, depending on the disease pressed a frog against it and awaiting for it to explode or die, and kept doing it until they stopped exploding or dying. Leeches were also a cure.. In such times, people who got ill were considered sinful or kissing a sinful person. As long as they didn't touch their lips, even sharing glasses doesn't count as lip touching and are very kind, they were called 'safe'. Now this detail should be noted; Health Potions in RP are a super-pain killer. Not a disease prevention. Unless your character specifically bought a medicine, usually holding silver, mint and leech water, it's probably not gonna help. I'm not bullshitting anything I am saying by the way; they were all actual treatments of the medieval ages. I study them a ton and used it for one of my doctor characters.

I'm starting to feel like the illnesses really oughta just be RP'd. @Mostlyhuman is quite right...
Ok but I would still love it in real gameplay.
Not possible. You can not make it less than nausea 1 without client side modifications.

One person could be a noble and still darkroom OOC. Which means the nobles could just as easily get sick.

If it is well planned and thought through it could be almost as gameplay affecting as the traits.

Ok but I would still love it in real gameplay.

Being well thought through doesn't make it any anymore necessary over long term projects that are still in development.
Being well thought through doesn't make it any anymore necessary over long term projects that are still in development.
I would like to know which projects you think of, depending on what these projects is. Different plugins will be important to different people. I only know of 3 plugin projects.
Further development of MassiveMobs. I do like MassiveMobs, but I am unsure about all the things it actually does however darkroom ing is much more fun.
A magic plugin, which has been in the works for quite some time, I've never been fan of magic plugins but I think Cayorion will change that.
MassiveItems. New custom items that can affect the economy. I don't know about the actual items but I hope it adds a new depth to gameplay.

I just said it could effect gameplay a lot and in a better way if done well. I do agree with you that MassiveCraft probably is working on projects we would like to see. I am not in a position where I can tell which projects would be best to focus on, I just stated that I think this plugin could be awesome.
I would like to know which projects you think of, depending on what these projects is. Different plugins will be important to different people. I only know of 3 plugin projects.
Further development of MassiveMobs. I do like MassiveMobs, but I am unsure about all the things it actually does however darkroom ing is much more fun.
A magic plugin, which has been in the works for quite some time, I've never been fan of magic plugins but I think Cayorion will change that.
MassiveItems. New custom items that can affect the economy. I don't know about the actual items but I hope it adds a new depth to gameplay.

I just said it could effect gameplay a lot and in a better way if done well. I do agree with you that MassiveCraft probably is working on projects we would like to see. I am not in a position where I can tell which projects would be best to focus on, I just stated that I think this plugin could be awesome.

The projects you mentioned are very specific custom plugins that contribute to MassiveCraft's server identity. Diseases are overdone, and as discussed currently would be superficial to the MassiveCraft experience.
Yes, because I want the person who plays a 9 year old that can wield a two handed samaurai sword and shoots fire and water from his hands to play a doctor for my character.
Spish, is a way better doctor, plus she makes stews out of flowers which taste good and heal!
Personally I would love having real IG diseases, and it would be great if it worked like this.

-A new disease is designed by the staff, and a transmission vector is created. This means that one or more types of hostile mobs are capable of transmitting this disease. Maybe only zombies can, or maybe skeletons, or you can even be more specific with Massivemobs! When a player is hit by one of these mobs, he/she will have a chance of catching this disease. It could be a 0.1% chance, or it could be a 90% chance!
- The disease will have a sleeper period, where there are no visible effects. During this time, it is possible for the player to transmit the disease unknowingly through physical contact, aka, pvp. Each strike can have a chance of passing the disease onto other players.
-After the sleeper period expires, negative effects will emerge. Some diseases will remain minor, giving a hunger, blindness, or slowness effect. Others will progress into more serious symptoms, possibly killing the player!
-However, there is a cure to the disease! Problem is, no one but the admins know what it is! The only thing left to the playerbase is to simply test every single consumable item, in hopes of finding the cure. This could easily lead into interesting situations, where the identity of a cure become a valuable trade commodity. Different types or strains of disease have different cures, and the admins could even cause a disease to "mutate" over time, making an old cure ineffective!
-If a player by any chance happens to die while infected with a disease, various things can happen. A Massivemob may spawn in his place, signifying that IC the character has gone insane or become hostile, if the player was killed by the disease, anyway. The Massivemob could have a much higher chance of infected other players through physical contact, further spreading the disease. The player's death could simply act as a virus bomb, infected all other players within a certain amount of space. This makes biological warfare a possibility in pvp, something that could become very interesting.
Personally I would love having real IG diseases, and it would be great if it worked like this.

-A new disease is designed by the staff, and a transmission vector is created. This means that one or more types of hostile mobs are capable of transmitting this disease. Maybe only zombies can, or maybe skeletons, or you can even be more specific with Massivemobs! When a player is hit by one of these mobs, he/she will have a chance of catching this disease. It could be a 0.1% chance, or it could be a 90% chance!
- The disease will have a sleeper period, where there are no visible effects. During this time, it is possible for the player to transmit the disease unknowingly through physical contact, aka, pvp. Each strike can have a chance of passing the disease onto other players.
-After the sleeper period expires, negative effects will emerge. Some diseases will remain minor, giving a hunger, blindness, or slowness effect. Others will progress into more serious symptoms, possibly killing the player!
-However, there is a cure to the disease! Problem is, no one but the admins know what it is! The only thing left to the playerbase is to simply test every single consumable item, in hopes of finding the cure. This could easily lead into interesting situations, where the identity of a cure become a valuable trade commodity. Different types or strains of disease have different cures, and the admins could even cause a disease to "mutate" over time, making an old cure ineffective!
-If a player by any chance happens to die while infected with a disease, various things can happen. A Massivemob may spawn in his place, signifying that IC the character has gone insane or become hostile, if the player was killed by the disease, anyway. The Massivemob could have a much higher chance of infected other players through physical contact, further spreading the disease. The player's death could simply act as a virus bomb, infected all other players within a certain amount of space. This makes biological warfare a possibility in pvp, something that could become very interesting.
My thoughts exactly! ;)