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Discoveries In The Fundamental Build Of Reality

I, Goodwin Tridor, present to the people of the Empire my latest theory. For many years now, Ailors and other races alike have presume there to be just 4 elements of life:
Water, Earth, Fire, Air.
These are vastly accepted as the make up of all reality. A leaf contains the make up of both Water and Earth Elements, indeed. However, in recent times I have been theorising and investigating a new form of elements.

It was only 2 weeks ago that I was having my nightcap and began to wonder about the cheese knife within my hand. "Surely it cannot be Water, Earth, Fire or Air?" I pondered. I thought that perhaps metals my be seen as an Element and I have been researching ever since...

Here I present to you, the Tridor Elements:


Basic Explanation:
As you can see, I have expanded upon the four basic Elements, creating three more:
Metallium, Forming metals
Stonium, Forming Gemstones and Stones
Crystalite, Forming Crystals

I have also theorised that, for there to be variation in the size of an Element, there must be an unseen amount of existing matter that varies depending on the volume. Therefore, I have deduced that elements are not what we see, but instead are tiny pieces that all form together to create a certain amount of the physical element. I have named these tiny pieces "Particles", sprouting from the word particula (meaning 'little part'). With the four fundamental elements, the amount of elemental particles effects the mass and volume of the physical element. A lake with more Water Element Particles becomes an ocean.
As explained on the diagram, I have grouped the three new elements as 'Materianumero Elements' (meaning numerical material elements) due to the nature of the particles. Unlike the fundamental elements, Materianumeros can create different materials depending on the amount of particles formed. Now, you my question this logic, stating 'that fundamental elements can form different materials, you even gave the example of the leaf'. Yes, of course fundamental elements form different materials, but this is due to a mix of particles, not the amount of one type of particle. Water particles will always form water, no matter how much you add. It is only when you add Earth particles that a leaf is formed.

But I digress. Different materials are formed from Materianumeros when the sum of particles changes. I have come to the logical conclusion that the more particles within an object, the stronger or heavier it would be. Think of a farmer's cart: The more pigs you add to it, the harder it is to pull. So tough materials, like Black Iron, carry more particles per gram than Galena, a weaker material.

Element Transformation:
"How does Black Iron become Blacksteel?", you may ask. This I have also thought of. As Blacksteel is a stronger material, there must be more particles. These particles do not come from anywhere, however, I have theorised that when Black Iron is placed within a furnace to be refined, the Fire Element Particles slowly change into Metallium Particles. How they do this, however, is currently unknown. I have reached a halt in my research and need funding. So, if any member of Nobility happens to read this, please contact myself.

To finish, here are the materials sorted by Materiannumero particle:
- Assena
- Black Iron
- Blacksteel
- Bluesteel
- Bronze
- Cinnochra
- Copper
- Ferr-Iron
- Galena
- Gold
- Hermatite
- Lead
- Magnetite
- Manicite
- Mercury
- Metalitra
- Nelfinite
- Pyrignis
- Silver
- Starris
- Steel
- Tin

- Achate
- Aetyton
- Amberite
- Carnelian
- Charroc
- Coal
- Diamond
- Emerald
- Flowerite
- Jade
- Kadite
- Kaolinite
- Redstanite
- Ruby
- Salpeter

- Sapphire
- Seraphalo
- Solacrox
- Sphalerite
- Sulfur
- Topaz
- Volicror

- Amethyst
- Chrysete
- Dragoncite
- Lazurite
- Malachite
- Quartz

All the best and spirits blessing,
Goodwin Tridor
Philosopher and Mathematician

- OOC -
Of course the science is not 100% accurate, because this is medieval times duuuuh. I wanted to do a theory and post it to get all the scholar characters debating over it. Thought it would be fun. Expect more from Goodwin Tridor in the future.
"You gotta' train" - Nathaniel Bigge
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Wait. What? That's stupid. What if I have two materials of the same strength? And the fire... What? Even I know that there is some sort of process to make iron steel. Did he even speak to a blacksmith? Has he ever? I've never seen fire do anything but disappear, not transform into metal! And no, Blacksteel must'nt have more particles. It could have stronger particles or better connected particles, or a mix of particles. He has no reason to make this assumption. The entire idea that he's developed is pure conjecture, with no base in evidence! Pitiful!

The following would be pinned to the statements made by Tridor:


~A Butcher!~
Kz'K Pl'Th'Klk

This is an absolute abomination to research and study! Good sir, I must request you denounce this idiocy. There is no proof for any of the statements you've made.

Making a statement like this purely based in guesses and assumptions is an insult to the intelligence to the fine prople of Regalia. Absolutely pitiful. Unless you suddenly have proof for the assumptions you've made, know that you should stick to basic children's maths and talking about the morality of sanguinism, or some other philosophical waste of time and effort.

A paper would be pinned to the notice:

"Although I don't understand why you believe the fire and black iron particle thing... You have peaked my interest, and I am willing to fund your research, please contact me privately. -Count Johnathan Birkwood of Mountumbria"
Nadina Haaven paused before the tavern noticeboard, the table of elements catching her eye as she made the journey for her daily cup of Kaffee. As she scanned the page with technical efficiency, the scholarly Yanar brought a hand up to her chin. "So it's like alchemy, but with particles?" She questioned to nobody in particular. With a thoughtful hum, Nadina unsheathed her pocket notebook to jot down a few key notes from the study; before tearing off a small portion of parchment and pinning it beneath the notice.​


The Yanar then carried on her merry way, somewhat perplexed-- and yet ignited with questions.​
tearing off a small portion of parchment and pinning it beneath the notice.​

Whitlock Carswell took keynote that it was Nadina who made the pin, and it caused his head to do nothing more but tilt. On the inside, however; within the black box of his physical essence, he considered the information... Before taking up a quill to edit her comment:

Niantha's Note.png
Before taking up a quill to edit her comment:

The Northman trudged over to the note as he surfed through its contents. With a basic understanding of what it was about, he read more, noticing Nadina and Whitlock's note which confused him even more. While he didn't seem to dislike the topic of whatever this Goodwin Tridor spoke about, he wanted to know more. And so, Nadina's note was edited even more.


Niantha's Note - Valbrand Edition.png
Nadina's note was edited even more.

Whitlock couldn't very well leave the poor fellow in the dark, so as to illuminate or spark conversation, the Nelfin edited the parchment once more:
Niantha's Note.png

And he left it at that... The Nelfin then waited; staring down the noticeboard for any who might appear to make further edits.
-= || Gabriel Van Rudiger || =-
"What?" Gabriel turns a copy of the post over several times in his fireside armchair after a servant brings it in for his amusement "A greater piece of utter non-sense I have not seen in a decade. if you ask me the world is made up of three elements respectively!" he holds out three fingers and counts them off one by one "Form, matter, and enlightened self interest." he gives a scoff and turns back to liveried footman "Put that on the fire will you?"
Shen saw the notice and decided to include his own addition in a small envelope
"A fascinating theory, however while I do believe fire id a fundamental, it is not a physical substance. More so it is the concept of energy. Fire produces energy such as warmth. We know this is energy because steam engines are powered by heat to degree. In my perception, energy in food that we ingest give us the energy to move. Therefore fire is an element not to be found, but rather exists in everything to a degree. It is also my hypothesis, to the previous lady's query, that magical essence exists in all places, but in various shapes. Fire mages draw power from the essence stored in flammable things around us. The more fire essence stored in an object, the more flammable it will be. So wood is a good example of a high potency of fire essence. These are of course only my personal thoughts, and are open to intepretation. I will however say that all those who take intrest in the influence of magic on alchemy and vice versa, should contact me at earliest convenience. I have an offer for you."