Archived Disarming At Koth

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Professional Potion Bouncer
Jun 9, 2013
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Roleplay Guilds
Bongo Squad
So there's been 2 koths in the past 2 days and they were very un-enjoyable, mainly because disarming is enabled at koth, but dropping items on death is not, therefore everyone just came in with no weapons and were punching eachother, picking up the weapons and then the disarmed person has no way of getting the item back. It's honestly really stupid

Staff should either change it so you cant pick up the disarmed weapons at koth or enable dropping items on death

Edit: staff should also remove punch/kb at koth, people just run in with no pots and just a boomstick or staff of exile and manage to knock the person off
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Getting knock back and punch disabled in the Koth world would also be nice, so that you can't just go in and knock cap by hitting someone twice without pots.
Getting knock back and punch disabled in the Koth world would also be nice, so that you can't just go in and knock cap by hitting someone twice without pots.
yeah this would be nice too because people dont even go in seriously, they just run in with no pots and a boom stick and try and knock people off, takes the fun out of it
yeah this would be nice too because people dont even go in seriously, they just run in with no pots and a boom stick and try and knock people off, takes the fun out of it
And there are always those people who make the KOTH last forever by waiting til its one or two minutes left before they run in with the boomstick
And there are always those people who make the KOTH last forever by waiting til its one or two minutes left before they run in with the boomstick
yeah like honestly it shouldnt be possible for 1 guy with a boomstick to run in and knock when there's 6 people defending it
So there's been 2 koths in the past 2 days and they were very un-enjoyable, mainly because disarming is enabled at koth, but dropping items on death is not, therefore everyone just came in with no weapons and were punching eachother, picking up the weapons and then the disarmed person has no way of getting the item back. It's honestly really stupid

Staff should either change it so you cant pick up the disarmed weapons at koth or enable dropping items on death

putting items drop on death will stop a lot of ppl from going to koth and then there would be no need for koth anymore i can look in to turning off disarm

Edit: staff should also remove punch/kb at koth, people just run in with no pots and just a boomstick or staff of exile and manage to knock the person off
cant be done right now as it would take a bit of coding to make this happen
putting items drop on death will stop a lot of ppl from going to koth and then there would be no need for koth anymore i can look in to turning off disarm
I mean that's kinda the point of people dropping items. Right now the koth has been going on for an hour and 50 minutes, and there's literally been one person who's knocked every single time. If you actually lose stuff when you die, it'll discourage people coming every 30 seconds to knock without pots/whatever.
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