Preserved Sheet Dionsio Of Grenitan

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As Useless As SupremeCripple's Legs
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
New Zealand
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Dionsio Ordensa (Goes by his tribe name, the Grenitan
  • Age: 43
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Avanthar
  • Main Ambition: To make an honest living for himself in Regalia.
Skill Information

Proficiency Points:43

  • +20 Horse Riding (+10 from Race Bonus, +10 from School of Avant)
  • +25 Avanthar Axe (+10 from Race Bonus, +10 from School of Avant, +5 from points)
  • +20 Arcol Elven Recurve Bow (+10 from School of Avant, +10 from points)
  • +5 Battle Command (+5 from points)
  • +13 Syndicate Contacts (+13 from points)
Cultural Points: 43
  • +20 Bodycare (+10 from Race Bonus, +10 from points)
  • +10 Husbandry (+10 from points)
  • +20 Instrumental Music (+20 from points)
  • +3 Dancing (+3 from points)
  • Common (fluent)
  • Modern Elven (fluent)
  • Daendroque (fluent)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Blue
  • Hair Color: Dionsio's hair is a light auburn when not imprinted, but changes to a different colour depending on his imprint.
  • Hair Style: Dionsio's hair is a large amount of curls, which fall back over his shoulders and back. His facial hair is a thick beard, without a moustache. In it is tied a single bead.
  • Skin Color: Dionsio's skin is a simple Avanthar olive tan. He also has many tattoos depicting angry suns and Avanthar styled korus.
  • Clothing: Due to his military sort of nature, Dionsio wears light leather armour over his chest, with a small amount of steel plate on one of his shoulders. Most of his clothing is revealing to an extent.
  • Height: 6'5
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Avanthar Axes and Elven Recurve Bow
Personality and Abilities
  • To the People: To the public, Dionsio can be considered as a laidback, yet secluded and territorial man. However with those he can relate to he can show friendliness and be quite down to earth. He's also known to be very self centered and possessive, showing arrogance and often stepping out of line. To fellow Avanthar, Dionsio is highly respected due to his position as a Prota'll.
  • His Inner Thoughts: Inside, Dionsio sees himself as a hard working man who is capable of great things. As an Prota'll, he has a grave fear of making a fool of himself or failure in his tasks. With an inability to participate in politics, he finds them boring and not worth while and actively avoids him, enjoying a military life instead.
  • Around His Friends: Around people, Dionsio treats most as a stranger, even friends he has known well. A true friend to him is someone who shows mutual respect, who has a deep care for him or a lover. He regularly avoids skin touch with others, with quite a large personal space bubble. Dion still has family living back in the Hordelands, yet has no intention of returning to see him as of yet. Instead, he considers his closest friends his family and is normally quite open around them. He's also over protective of those he would refer to as a lover.
  • His Morals: Morally, Dionsio is true neutral. While he is capable of good deeds, he is also capable of doing shadier acts for his own desires and needs. His faith in his actions are always justified in his mind. Due to recent dealings with the guard, he sees them as corrupt brutes who'll attack without reason.
  • His World View: Due to his upbringing in Avanthar tribes, Dionsio worships the Elven Pantheon and recognises the Arken and Estel as his gods. Dionsio recognises the aristocracy of Regalia as a prissy group who squabble over pointless matters, who overrule the common people who work hard for their living. He sees his place in society as a hard working soul who deserves better than what he has.
Life Story

Birth and Childhood
  • Dionsio was born in the year 262AC in the tent city of Alarenes.
  • He was brought up alongside other small children, but not roaming far from the watchful eye of his overprotective mother.
  • Dionsio tended to stay in a close relationship with his father. His father was one of the raiders in the Grenitan tribe, and sometimes let Dion ride small ponies for entertainment.
Combat Training
  • When Dionsio turned twelve, he was selected by the Prota'll mentor to begin his combat training. He began by properly learning to ride a horse, which he learned with ease due to riding in his youth. He'd follow this up by participating in vigorous exercise to train his body for horseback and combat.
  • He'd begin to learn about the Avant Shortbow and how to work it. He would learn how to properly aim and fire the bow, with added complexity with moving targets. He'd begin to wrestle with the other students, learning how to properly fight another person and improve his hand eye coordination. After a few more years of training, Dionsio finally finished his training at the age of eighteen in both schools, and would soon join the raids.
  • Dionsio was taken under the wing of the Grenitan tribe, they would become his raiding party. Over the next ten years he would venture out with the tribe to raid Orc, Altalar and Ailor settlements to the south of the Hordelands for gain. He enjoyed being on horseback more often than not and began to form a special relationship with his horse. He also began to learn the whooping and screaming of the Avanthar to command smaller groups of people. The raids became a part of his life, making a reputation for himself by bringing loot back to the Tent City. The Regalia-Elven States war proved very useful for him as he went in after battles to scavenge anything expensive left behind or battle Altalar and Ailor patrols. This was the twenty year point of his raiding life and his excellent aim from horseback earned him the title of Prota'll.
The Wild Union and Regalia
  • With the alliance of the Avanthar and the Cielothar known as the Wild Union and the Hronta declared, the Grenitan tribe moved south to invade the major Altalar cities. There was a lot of looting and pillaging within the tribe, but what struck out to Dionsio was the lack of Elven artifacts and cultural items, slowly being phased out by the Ailor. These goods interested Dion and he made the idea to leave his tribe for the time being and see what raiding the Regalian's would do for him. He and his stallion took to Daenshore and quickly arrived in the Holy City.
  • During his first year in the city, Dionsio joined a mercenary guild and quickly rose to the top of it, having leadership of the band for a few days before surrendering it to the mercenary commander. He also tried to become the Emperor's consort, but failed to his acquaintance Nathan Deceren. He and his friends Dulio and Noa spent most time in the slums, where Dionsio managed to create contacts for later use. Dionsio plans to re enter the spotlight, as news of the Avanthar tribes at home being slaughtered by a dragon enters his ears.
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I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Does Dionsio have any remaining family? How does he feel when he does become close to someone? Does he ever divulge his inner feelings, or is he completely closed off? Expand upon this a bit in the third personality paragraph!
  • The fourth personality paragraph is a bit short at present! What is Dionsio's relation with the law like? What would cause him to do shadier acts? Does he act on self-preservation, selfish wants, or the needs of many? What does he value?
  • Please add at least one more sentence to the Charismatic talent to bring it in line with the minimum. Where did he learn the gift of the gab, for example?
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
Great job!

☼ Approved! ☼
Remember to register your special permission here.
This application needs to be re-reviewed for the proficiency update.
OOPSIE DAISY. I am claiming application this for re-review!

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Everything looks kosher to me! Well done!
☼ Approved! ☼