Preserved Sheet Dimitri Tzavaras Ishmael

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Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
the cursed village of DARGAVS
Qadir Sultanate
Roleplay Guilds

by @Patsie


by @PonyoWantHam
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Dimitri "Dima" Pelagios Souleymane Tzavaras Ishmael.
    • Goes by the name and persona of Devaraj Yusoufzai.
    • دیما سلیمان اسماعیل
    • Δήμα Πελάγιος Σουλεϊμάν Τζαβάρας Ισμαήλ.
  • Age: 16.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Half Songaskia, half Ailor of Etosian descent.
  • Main Ambition: Fame, knowledge, honor, leaving a legacy behind. The boy is young but he knows exactly what he wants to be, aiming to study hard and attend college in due time.
    • Secondary ambitions:
      • Find love.
      • Prove to the world that he will be a capable count regardless of his racial heritage.
  • Religion: Shama-Abdala, though this is practiced in secret and when asked, Dima will insist he is a Unionist. You probably won't see him in a church, though.
  • Dima has lived in Regalia for a few years, but spends a lot of his time traveling abroad.
  • Dima was born the first son of Apollonia Tzavaras, the Grand Duchess of Kavosikion, and Kaleel Ishmael. He enjoyed a lavish childhood in Vixhall for the time his mother studied there. He has five full siblings, Soraya, Mirwen, Idris, Athena, and Meseret.

Basic Information
  • School: Martial Nicoloan Fighting, ghost grip magic.
  • Level: Alumno level Nicoloan Fighting, caster level ghost grip.
  • Source: Nicoloan was taught by mother via private lessons, and ghost grip was found in a tome.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown and green.
  • Hair Color: Light brown.
  • Hair Style: Formerly a curly afro, now short and straight.
  • Skin Color: Caramel.
  • Clothing: Trousers and an elegant buttoned up blouse.
  • Height: 6'1.
  • Weight: 152 lbs.
  • Body Build: Slim, yet agile with slight muscle definition.
  • Weapon of Choice: Brass knuckles, Martial Nicoloan Fighting (Alumno level).
  • Dima's face is round and somewhat chubby due to leftover baby fat, and is mostly clear aside from the freckles that speckle his face. The man possesses wavy jet black hair that is maintained in a curly afro, and almost constantly pampered. Interestingly enough, it differentiates from the auburn hues of his mother and the white hair of his father. He does, however, have the same brown eyes as Apollonia. Furthermore, he wears eyeliner akin to the styles of Mansurya Qadir.
  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, weight, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
  • Dima possesses the Iallach of the Eldrarl, with some scattered and tiny pockmarks around his neck. They're barely noticeable and he does what he can to cover them.
  • Perhaps from his upbringing and exposure to multiple cultures, Dima does not sound Etosian nor Qadiriq. Instead, the boy possesses an accent akin to an incredibly posh child from Great Britain, though he may switch up his accent if the situation dictates that he should. He is somewhat monotone unless actively trying to not be, and speaks at an average pace. As of right now, he is fluent in Etosian and common, and learning D'Ithanie and Qadiriq.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Neutral trait 1 - Precocious: His advanced vocabulary, posh demeanor and overall behavior can be owed to Dima's isolation and preference for spending a majority of his time studying or practicing ballet. In almost any circumstance, the boy feels much more comfortable and at ease around adults, thus allowing his academic knowledge to develop at a faster rate than what is considered normal for children his age.
  • Neutral trait 2 - Reserved: Often times Dima is more composed than his excitable family. Rather than acting on impulse, the boy relies on careful social analysis to shape his behavior. Is what I plan to do acceptable in the eyes of the noble populace? Unlike many children around his age and younger, Dima hardly ever expresses strong emotions when in public. While he does not necessarily believe they make a person weak, he thinks it's just better to keep your feelings quiet as to not cause a disturbance. Gentlemen, he claims, do not allow their instincts and emotions get the better of them, but at the same time still recognize their value in the world. They will refrain from raising their voice and never, under any circumstances, use vulgarity.
  • Positive trait 1 - Virtuous: Dima prides himself on having what he considers excellent morals, which he feels cannot be bent in any way whatsoever. The boy is not easily swayed by monetary or material offers, but that's also probably because he's sixteen years old and does not exactly need alcohol or money. He makes an honest attempt at being as impartial as possible and typically refrains from making racist remarks, but in other regards he is quite conservative. People should not be allowed to get away with their sins, and must face punishment rather than rehabilitation.
  • Positive trait 2 - Chivalrous: Dima is a self proclaimed gentleman, and for the most part abides by its universal expectations. He is more of a listener than a talker, but speaks with elegance and charm when the time is right. Women are to be treated with the utmost respect; there are few sins greater than defacing the womb in which you came from. The boy addresses his elders by their proper titles, and ma'am or sir if he doesn't know them.
  • Negative trait 1 - Direct: Strangers tend to view Dima as disrespectful, and his own relatives think him to be callous and harsh when he corrects someone. This is awfully confusing to the boy as he simply does not see his words as anything but polite. Not once will he raise his voice or really express any irritation or anger, but his scathing criticism of debauchery can leave a poor impression on others. For instance, Dima will not hesitate to inform his own stepfather that public displays of affection towards his girlfriend are inappropriate for someone of his stature, regardless of whether or not the girlfriend is present. He really means no ill, seeing it as his duty to guide people towards the light and help them become better.
  • Negative trait 2 - Ignorant: Like many children of noble status, Dima is well educated. However, though he may know quite a bit about culture and the world, the boy does not possess the life experience and wisdom to understand most things from a deeper and less superficial angle. Comparable to a studious Shendar, Dima has the book smarts but not the street smarts.
  • Negative trait 3 - Unforgiving: For Dima, it is difficult if not impossible to see the world as more than black and white. As a result, his moral code is incredibly strict and he has little to no patience or forgiveness. While he believes everyone should not be judged prior to being thoroughly assessed, the boy is not one for second chances. Anyone who does something that is cruel, even if it is unintentional, is automatically either evil or incredibly ignorant in his eyes. It is ironic, however, that Dima maintains such an opinion as he himself is prone to harming others without intentionally doing so. Perhaps he sees himself as exempt from that law?
  • Imitation: Dima is a very observant individual, and he channels that ability into emulating other people. This can manifest in various forms, from dance to social interaction. When he is talking to other people, they typically find him to be a charming, precocious young boy with impeccable manners. However, his tacit code of what it takes to be a classic man only recently became what Dima instinctively adhered to when it came to his behavior. Being a classic man is not a natural ability for Dima. It is an ability which he had cultivated over a long period of time, using various noble gentlemen as role models of sorts.
  • Composed: Rarely if ever will Dima express strong emotions in public. Even at home among servants and family members, the boy still does what he can to maintain the air of a dignified, proper nobleman. This occasionally leaves the impression that Dima is cold and unfeeling, something that the boy has yet to understand. In the midst of intense drama and chaos, when 99% of his relatives are losing their heads, Dima typically retains a sense of pragmatism. One must not abide by instinct or feeling in times of crisis -- as counterintuitive such a sentiment is widely perceived, Dima follows it like law. And it's safe to say that he's not gotten into too many sticky situations.
  • Endurance: What Dima lacks in the muscle category can be made up for in his endurance. His genetics perhaps contribute to such, as he's able to stay physically active for longer than average without tiring out. This comes in handy when he finds himself needing to run away from a possible attacker, as he is able to stay somewhat energized.
  • Ghost grip: His interest in magical pursuits and the unknown caused Dima to desire to learn magic, and ghost grip was by far the most alluring. Due to some connections to the black market, Dimitri was able to get his hands on a tome, and secretly began learning from it. At this point one could deem him at the level of a caster. He is able to hang from walls or beams at ease, though to say he can necessarily climb walls is somewhat of a stretch. Due to the nature of this sub school, Dimitri is able to retain his relative physical prowess in traditional combat.
  • Understanding Social Cues: Generally speaking, Dima has trouble with understanding social cues and socializing in less structured settings. He tends to give off an air of overabundant formality due to his reliance on rigid behavioral rules, mainly because Dima has such a weak sense of spontaneity and intuition. Throughout his life he's been the last to get the punchline of jokes, something he finds incredibly frustrating when around his flamboyant family members. It's tough to be a self-described introvert when practically everyone you associate with is loud and gregarious; Dima would much rather go to a museum than one of those typical Etosian family reunions. However, the boy is more than happy to have a one sided, long lasting discussion with an adult on a topic thought to be unconventional in casual conversation. He is often unaware of whether or not they are even interested and if he suspects it, such things are disregarded. It's hard to get a word in during one of Dima's monologues, especially as he is prone to go off on a tangent without any prior warning. Overall, Dima's social issues cause him to feel alienated.
  • Sensory Sensitivity: As a result of having what would today be diagnosed as Asperger's Syndrome, Dima is rather sensitive to things like sound and touch. The boy is prone to outbursts of anxiety and panic if he is exposed to stressors for an extended period of time. The most notable stressors include, but are not limited to: loud noises (such as screaming or too many people chatting in the same room), bright lights, and being hugged for more than ten seconds. More or less, a nightclub would cause the sweet precious flower to faint.
  • Slow Reaction Time: In the midst of combat, Dima struggles with processing his surroundings merely because so much occurs in such a small amount of time. As a result, the boy is especially vulnerable to attacks since he will likely not be able to react in time to deflect a punch or a slice at him. Any form of spontaneity is difficult for poor Dima to understand whether dangerous or benign, as his reflexes are substantially slower than the average bloke. However, he's been able to recently
  • Cavalier attitude: Dima has a tendency to avoid his problems at all costs, something that can be attributed to his Songaskia heritage. This can make him seem like quite the escapist; instead of facing his fears or troubles, the boy will focus on his dance to an almost concerning extent (rather than indulging in sinful debauchery to distract himself). Occasionally, if negative feelings are overwhelmingly present, Dima will resort to opium or alcohol to relax rather than confronting and stopping the source of such negativity.
  • Good at nothing, alright sometimes: Because Dima has so much going on for a sixteen year old, he's incredibly scattered. He's sort of good at Nicoloan Fighting, sort of good at ghost grip magic. Sort of good at alchemy (though in all honesty he only joined because he fancied a girl in the Edelweiss Order). The only thing that Dima is not just sort of good at, but great at would be dance.
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Ballet: While not quite a prodigy, it is clear that Dima is more proficient at ballet than his peers.
  • The arts
  • Magic
  • Culture
  • Extravagance
  • The Occult
    • vampirism.
    • demonology.
  • Ithania
  • Debauchery: Despite the fact that those whom Dima surrounds himself with are generally liberal, the boy values propriety above almost all else. However, while Dima thoroughly loathes debauchery and places like the Hidden Dragon, it should be noted that he does not necessarily dislike the people who choose to indulge in such sinful activities. They're merely ignorant, right? Who can blame someone for that?
  • Physical Contact: Overall, Dima tries to avoid physical contact with others unless absolutely necessary, or if he is doing ballet. And he strongly prefers when people are courteous enough to let him know that they plan to do something like hug him so that he may either brace himself for it, or politely decline their offer. Dima's own family -- even his mother -- are not exceptions. This is partially because of his own opinions about how public displays of affection are uncouth, but his sensory sensitivity also plays into it. While he deems affection behind closed doors is appropriate, it quite frankly makes Dima uncomfortable and something he'd much rather avoid.
  • Discourtesy: Dima's upbringing has strongly influenced his views of how people should behave, and he believes he is a gentleman to the core. Gentlemen are always well mannered and have good intentions, too. Vulgarity is something the young man despises.

Life Story
Dimitri Pelagios Souleymane Tzavaras Ishmael was born to Apollonia Tzavaras and Kaleel Ishmael in Hassan, Al-Alus. He had a twin sister named Soraya. For the first few years of his childhood, up until age seven, Dima lived in Qardhba with the rest of his family for the sake of avoiding the racism that would occur within the Regalian Empire.

The boy had a very strict upbringing that consisted mostly of tutoring and ballet lessons. Nevertheless, Dima fell in love with dance and continued taking lessons for years. He wanted to do something worthwhile, something that would make his mother proud of him. The pressure placed on his shoulders for being the heir to a county made Dima obsessed with success and leaving a legacy behind. After all, he's the first half-Songaskia to be in that position.

When his father went off to fight in Caliphene indefinitely, Dima and his siblings moved to Kavosikion while his mother sort of ditched them to go to Regalia, due to severe depression and feelings of abandonment. Thankfully, he was raised for a year and a half by his paternal grandmother, Zahra Ngozi Ishmael. Difficulties came from living in an Ailor dominated land, obviously, and many of his peers were not above calling him racial slurs. As a result, Dima slowly resorted to isolating himself, not wanting to deal with the cruel words of other people.

When he was nine, Dima's mother finally returned, bringing two unexpected guests: Kaleel and a peculiar, unfamiliar teenager who was named Kaoruko -- and was Apollonia's ward that sort of came with a property she had purchased in Regalia. After this, Dima and his parents and siblings remained in Kavosikion up until the Eleventh Creed was implemented.

At age fourteen, the boy moved from the Duchy of Kavosikion to Regalia along with the rest of his family thanks to the new creed dictating that he was a full fledged citizen. Due to the fact that most of the Tzavari were barely tolerable for him, Dima stayed with his posh Anglian butler Jenkins. This was when he began taking Nicoloan Fighting lessons at the behest of his mother.

Around a little over a year ago, Dima acquired a ghost grip tome and tried to secretly study from it. With his overbearing mother, Dimitri knew it was only a matter of time before he was inevitably caught. However, even though it was abundantly clear to anyone knowledgable of the magic that he was a practitioner, Dimitri's parents remained oblivious. Once in a while, his overbearing mother would yell at him for never taking off his "glass bracelets," and call him a loser, too, but nothing more. He is desensitized at this point, and has learned not to take his mother's disparaging comments to heart.
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  • Xanthippe Tzavaras nee Estomneona ["She's calm and collected. I like that."]
    • Dima quite likes Xanthippe (who he refers to as Xan), as over the years she's come to relax a bit and not be so aloof, something that Dima's mother fails to see. He wishes that Xanthippe and Apollonia would reconcile and is saddened by the lack of a relationship between them and spite the countess has for her mother.
  • Theodosia Tzavaras ["Yiayia is fabulous."]
    • insert relationship
  • Apollonia Tzavaras Istrarescu ["I admire my mother and respect her."]
    • Unlike most noble children, Dima's mother took a very hands on approach to parenting. Perhaps too hands on, as Apollonia put so much pressure on him and his other siblings to be absolutely perfect. Dima somewhat accepts it, aware that she only means well and is probably right. While he'd never outwardly express such sentiments, he occasionally wishes she'd go easier on his younger siblings to avoid breaking them.
  • Kaleel Tzavaras Ishmael ["We have our differences, but I respect this man and find him inspiring."]
Romantic Interests
  • Kaja Bjørnhilda Santorski ["She's someone I want to keep for myself."]
    • It is not an exaggeration when Dima proclaims his love for the Santorski. He's absolutely head over heels for her, although they hardly ever see each other.
  • Cecile Durant ["I certainly wish she and my father weren't rivals."]
    • Dima has fluctuated between wanting to gain Cecile's complete trust, and absolutely given up. At this stage, he's quite alright with her. On many levels, he pities the young countess for her crippling loneliness, and wants to be there to make her happy. However, his feelings for Bjornhilda Santorski -- certainly the more stable one of the two -- dictate that he not make too many advances.
  • Alatariel Telrunya ["She pays me quite well. I like her."]
    • After being temporarily kicked out of his house, Dima felt compelled to use this opportunity to acquire a legitimate job under the identity Lisandro Jenkins. Sure enough, he found working at the Jolly Dove to be the best option for him, so Dima applied for a job and currently works as a clerk/bartender, as well as an amateur alchemist.
  • Seraj Foroostan ["I was kind of terrified of her. Still am."]
    • Dima has a weird sense of reverence for Madam Foroostan, his former music instructor. She was strict, but not the overbearing warden type like his mother. However, Seraj made it very clear that she felt Soraya was the best student of hers, and made her constant comparisons to Dima's sister got under his skin. It probably shouldn't have; Dima was used to his mother doing it all the time. For the sake of evading any possible awkwardness, Dima more or less actively avoided his former teacher when he dropped playing the viola in favor of pursuing dance. For he certainly did disappoint her, and much like a Songaskia, does not want to face that reality.
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Hello! Here's my review, @daughtermelon
  • Add at least one side goal, either in the expansion or in a sub-point beneath his main ambition.
  • Being at least slightly ignorant is a given for any young character, and thus I wouldn't think it's necessary to have. Since you already have over the minimum of personality traits, you don't have to replace it.
The boy is not easily swayed by monetary or material offers, but that's also probably because he's eight years old and does not exactly need alcohol or money.
  • Given that he's 16 now, this should be edited.
  • I don't feel as if the weakness 'Slow reaction time' will ever be used in roleplay. Replace this with another weakness; it doesn't have to be a combat weakness.
  • Reading through the Life Story, I feel as if you seemed to have forgotten that half-breeds are not taken kindly to, no matter their noble stance. Make light of at least one incident in his Life Story that came to be because he is not a full Ailor or full Songaskia.
  • Overall, Dima's character concept is nicely put together, and as is the app! Make the edits in a different colour and tag me when you're done.
  • Given all of his current strengths in primal magic and his recent training in nicoloan combat, I'd like you to add another weakness of any sort.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!
So dima... Why are you a giant now...

The app is well balanced and well laid out, though I expect nothing less from a veteran player! My only concern is that you mentioned Dima learning Ghost Grip magic in secret, which is hard to do considering he has watchful parents, alongside the fact that Ghost Grip tendrils are always active. As such, I'd recommend you go into a bit more depth regarding how Dima manages to keep this particular magic hidden from others, namely his parents. Do so as a continuation of where you added the mention of Ghost Grip tendrils to the Life Story.

Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @Manatee_ !~

The app is well balanced and well laid out, though I expect nothing less from a veteran player! My only concern is that you mentioned Dima learning Ghost Grip magic in secret, which is hard to do considering he has watchful parents, alongside the fact that Ghost Grip tendrils are always active. As such, I'd recommend you go into a bit more depth regarding how Dima manages to keep this particular magic hidden from others, namely his parents. Do so as a continuation of where you added the mention of Ghost Grip tendrils to the Life Story.

Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @Manatee_ !~
oMG thank you!!! <333
yes, edits completed. I also boosted his level to caster if that's okay.