Preserved Sheet Dimitri Decius

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step off cuzzo
Jun 7, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Character Name: Dimitri Decius
  • Age: 60
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half Avanthar (Clipped Ears)
  • Religion: Unionist
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Flail

Skill Information
Proficiency Points: (60)
  • +20 Blunt (+20 from Proficiency Points)
  • +10 Heavy Bow (+5 from Proficiency Points, +5 from Anglian Ailor parent)
  • +10 Religious Knowledge (+10 from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Athletic Training (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • +15 Blades (+15 from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Axes (+5 from Avanthar parent)
  • +5 Light Bow (+5 from Proficiency Points)
Body Shape:
  • +60 Physical Stat (+20 from Blunt, +5 from Heavy Bow, +5(2) from Athletic Training, +15 from Blades, +5 from Light Bow)
  • Body Shape: Strongman
  • Body Fat: Built
  • Common (Fluent/Literate)
  • Anglian (Fluent/Literate)
  • Plains Elvish (Fluent/Literate)

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Blue.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Dread afro.
  • Skin Color: Tan.
  • Height: 6'5

Personality and Abilities
Experiencing fear: Dimitri would try to be brave and face fear head on, despite the likely outcome. However, most of the time he tends to keep his mouth shut and not do anything that'd put his life or the lives of others in jeopardy. While he will defend what he holds dear until his last breath, under different circumstances he would opt for cooperation and such. He practices prevention, trying to not end up in these situations in the first place.

Experiencing stress: He grows silent, and works toward relieving himself of stress. Dimitri may grow a little irritated, and it may show in conversation with him. Once again, he will exercise prevention, to take away any chance of
any situation that may trouble him so.

Feeling happy: Dimitri tries to always be in a positive mood, and when he is happy he will make it quite obvious. Smile and laugh and joke and all of that. He isn't one to be stern and hide this out of fear of losing any sort of respect. He finds having a positive attitude and expressing your happiness is important in life.

Law and authorities: Regalian law, according to Dimitri, must be enforced and obeyed at all times. Because of this, he sees Regalian authorities as a great help to the Empire for enforcing the Empire's laws and keeping the Emperor's peace. However from his time in the Divine Militia, they have butt heads with the Regalian guard, but that has not changed his view on the authorities of the Empire all that much.

Other Races: Dimitri is not one to oppress any races, nor does he really have the right; he is half Avanthar, and it's a bit hypocritical to oppress Elves, or the Gorr races. He doesn't care for it either. He's not one to be racist anyways, unless of course we're dealing with Kathar, in which case, he will undermine their existence. For the most part, he doesn't focus on race all too much, instead diverting his attention to one's religion.

Religion: Unionism is the only faith Dimitri will ever really accept, being from Anglia and being a Thousand Blade knight, and having served under the Synod. He despises void worshipers, wishing to see them eradicated from the world. He doesn't appreciate the practices of the Isldar, or those who would worship Estel or the Old Gods, but he won't go so far as to persecute the former two.

Magic: Most of the mages Dimitri has encountered were those of either void worship, Isldar faith or the faith of Estel. These factors fuel his desire for Unionist expansion and worship. He sees magic as heresy, and wishes to see it's practitioners punished accordingly. Though, he does realize not all magic is inherently evil, and he does see that it depends on who is casting the spell, rather than the spell itself.

Family: Family is one of the core pillars of his life. He greatly loves respects both of his parents, and wishes to create a lasting legacy for them. He feels all should have the same level of respect that he has for his loved ones, and that all should cherish their families.

Insecurity: Dimitri feels that Unionism is in competition with the faiths of others, such as Estel or the Oldt Fayth. To see these religions prosper and their practitioners find support irritates him quite a bit, sometimes even infuriating him. He can't stand those of other faiths finding success within the borders of the Empire.

Proudest moments: His status as a knight of the Thousand Blade Monastery brings Dimitri great pride, as well as his service within the Regalian military. He takes pride in his servitude under the Synod in the Divine Militia. It brings him great pride that he has served the Empire in more ways than one.

Motivation: Dimitri is motivated in life to better the Synod, better the State, and better himself. He wishes to create a lasting legacy for himself and his family, and to better the position of the Synod in the world, by expanding its influence and its following, as well as undermining the faiths of others.

Biggest fear: The biggest fear for Dimitri is to fail the Empire, the Synod, and himself. To see the Empire and Synod capitulate to those who would see it fail. He wishes to always be able to defend his beliefs, and to either betray them or allow them to be destroyed is his biggest fear in life.

Life Story

Ages 1-14: Dimitri Decius was born in 246 A.C from a father, an Avanthar immigrant seeking better living, and an Anglian mother working as a cook at small inn in Axford. The two both worked seperate jobs, and earned enough money to move onto a small farm a good distance away from Axford. They raised a small amount of livestock; cows, pigs, etc. During this time, he was taught farm work and Unionism. He went to local mass many times with his family and friends. He always had a bit of an adventurous side to him, and he often explored the local fields, clusters of trees, streams, and so on. He asked his father and mother many times to receive combat training. His father showed him some things with a sword, and Dimitri enjoyed it. After mass one day, Dimitri ran into a Knight of the Thousand Blade Monastery. Dimitri was intrigued, and the knight told him all about the order. With discussion occuring between the knight and Dimitri's parents, they decided to allow Dimitri to learn from the order.

Ages 14-26: Throughout this period of his life, Dimitri would be training and maturing with the Thousand Blade Order, in the hopes of forging himself a path of service to the Empire. Growing up in Anglia in his early childhood, Dimitri grew to be a big Kade supporter. So when the opportunity came, he wanted to serve not only the Unionist faith, but to also support House Kade and become a Knight of the Thousand Blade Monastery. He soon found out that the knights don't actually train in the Thousand Blade Monastery, but in Berthold's Monastery. He was relatively excited at the fact that he got to go to Axford. Too young to remember his infancy there, he marveled at the amount of people in one decent sized city. Throughout his training, some letters would be sent back and forth to his parents, and they would tell him about new things on the farm, and he would tell them about his training and such. He ultimately graduated from the school at age twenty four, and returned home for a bit. It was then he learned his mother was sick from a serious fever. She eventually died, four days after his return, and he had a rough time coping with it, as did his father. He soon left Anglia, for the first time, and went to the capital.

Ages 26-60: Dimitri matured all throughout this thirty four year period, in which he moved to the capital, Regalia, and took up jobs such as guarding noblemen, mercenary work, and military experience. In 286, he left his mercenary job and joined the Regalian Army in the Chrysant War. For five years he fought Allar and Slizarr alike, until the war ended in a Regalian victory in 291 A.C. After the war, he began to ponder on the nature of Humanum. It's need for warfare, it's faith, etc. So, he set out for Basta, to seek the teachings of Unionism from the specific region. It's because of this his faith has become a bit radicalized. He returned to Regalia and reenlisted in the Regalian Army for the First Songaskian War in 302 A.C. He fought for a little over a year until it ended in 303 A.C. He went back to Anglia in 304 A.C, just before the Lo Occupation, and stayed there until it's end in 305 A.C. He stayed in Anglia for the remainder of the year, working with the Thousand Blade Order in Axford, receiving more education on his duties and skills, and paying visits to his family's farm until the year 306 A.C, where he returned to Regalia to better his experience.
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Claimed for aspirant review.
  • Skill Information:
    • Please add the Half-Elf Bonus.
    • Per your character working on a farm, they are permitted an extra +10 to spiked flail. This is an optional edit.
  • Personality:
    • Add one more sentence to the first sentence.
  • Life Story:
    • Your character needs to be 14 to enter a school. You currently have it set at 12. As a result, you will also graduate at 24 instead of 22. Please adjust this.

Make the edits required in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
@Vegemiite Edits I made for Hallowblood stuff. I added +10 to Spiked Flail for the loyal code thing, added hallowblood abilities, switched eye color to blue, I changed up the personality thing to accommodate Hallowblood, and I added the backstory to it in Life Story. Requesting re-review
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@Tiber_ If the current Synod page is fully up to date, that would put you as the High Reverend, and as such, please confirm that @Pellaeon has begun to become a Hallowblood.
Unarmed Combat in the brackets is marked as 10 while the actual skill is marked at 5. Fix this.
Your physical stat is only 55 not 65, please adjust this number.

Make these edits and tag me once done.
Changed combat proficiencies around, need re review

Also need new reviewer
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Sorry for the ultra slow response to this!
I am claiming this character application for re-review.
Expect a response within 24 hours.
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Modern Elvish should be changed to Plains Elven under languages due to a recent update!
  • I'd like to see a bit more about Dimitri's personality in the first personality paragraph. At the moment, the only real defining factor there is that he is "normal". Is he quiet? Talkative? Friendly? Shut-off? Try and add some more information about how he is perceived.
  • Similarly, the third personality paragraph doesn't actually say much about how he acts towards friends and family. This is necessary, and also helps to flesh out a character. Try replacing some of the info with how he acts or is perceived by these groups.
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!
Due to inactivity I will need to reject this app! Feel free to repost it with the above changes made when you're ready for a re-review.
Heavy weapons give you x2 so it'd be 10x2 for you prof stats
Application Rejected.
@SupremeCripple @HydraLana sorry for the long delay, I thought I made all the edits two days ago but it seems I had a system error. In any case, I updated the app to the new format and updated physical attributes. Changes other than the personality are marked like this.
  • Change the '(+5 from proficiency points)' in Blades to match the +15 you have assigned to the combat skill.
  • Your physical stat is 60. Heavy bow is is double the points invested.
Make these changes and tag me when finished.