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Ernst Haeckel, Lake Singkarak, circa. 1901
Music for your reading.

[A hopeful declaration]





Digmaan Bahtera is an Allar and Hadaria-themed Digmaan (sometimes including Slizzar things!). It crosses the line between a house/family, and an organization/interest group. Marquis Bahtera is interested in seeing the further integration of the Allar into Regalia, akin to what the Ithanians hold. Marquis Bahtera is also interested in seeing that the Allar make their mark upon the Crown Isle and Regalia, in the unique way they can. This means planning progressions in the wider world, exploring things that interest Allar and their allies, and also having a presence in roleplay on the ground. Most importantly though, Digmaan Bahtera exists as a landing zone for Allar. Allar are by no means the easiest race to play, and it is good to have reptilian friends to interact with.

[A history]   

The history of Digmaan Bahtera stretches into a past long forgotten. Emerging from the mists following the flight to Hadar, the line of Bahtera likely began not long after initial settlement. It was in 52 A.C. that the first written records containing the Bahtera name emerge in the grand records of the Perpustakaan Besar. Records tell of this Digmaan existing on the shores of the modern day Chazr Republic, taking up maritime operations as its key power base, from trading far and wide, to privateering, to shipbuilding. Digmaan Bahtera, if nothing else, were local warlords.

When the Essa Empire began to unite Hadar, Digmaan Bahtera was an early supporter of the Empress Mananya-Manya and their goal. Ostensibly with the hope-filled desire to unite Hadar under peaceful rule, detractors and enemies upon the island of Chazr portrayed the Digmaan as nothing more than a Digmaan of mercenaries. Unfortunately for the Digmaan itself, this accusation would live far into the future. 

Life under the Slizzar Empress was the height of Bahtera. The Digmaan funded alchemical research in the Chazr Watergardens to later be exported by Bahtera trading ports and trade fleets. It was in this era that Digmaan Diah rose to power after securing their position in Juara. Paranoid, they ruled with an iron grip. This policy would backfire when the Chrysant War began. Sensing an opportunity, many Diwa-Digmaan who had sworn fealty to Bahtera murdered Digmaan Diah claiming they were to sell out to the Regalians. Dissolving the realm into civil war, it ended the age-old hold of Bahtera on this small region of Chazr.

But all was not lost. Harta Diahcinta Bahtera, Pawiro, and a number of loyalists gathered remnants of the trading fleet, and fled Hadar in order to regroup and continue the fight against the Regalians. With the end of the war however, Bahtera returned to its maritime ways, if vastly diminished. Eventually, the remainder would slowly splinter, and slip away. Harta, the last of the direct Bahtera line, now resides in Regalia proper alongside his partner, Saranamual. Attempting to use the position as a Regalian noble, he hopes for and seeks another era of peace in Hadar, and the further integration in the Regalian world order.

[Basic info]

Namasarang: Bahtera

Origins: Coasts of the Chazr Republic 

Culture: Hadrian with Regal influence

Racial Makeup: Allar, and 'Allar'

Colors: These colors

Motto: In service of hope, for it to bloom and grow forever.

Religion: Keyakinan

Trade: Naval-military, maritime trade, and administrative.


  • Vassalized Mark of Nekhehezzet, Nagal
  • Vassalized Barony of Rubh-Fazaït, Nagal
    • An arid island and Qadir-Hadritya barony under the Morathes Fold.
  • The Longmaw Company
    • The Hadarian-Allar mercenary company, founded in early 310 A.C and approved under the Regalian Mercenary Office, with a focus on providing support and safety to Hadarians of the Regalian Capital. Undergoing reorganization, currently inactive.

[Ranks, positions]

The ranks and positions of Digmaan Bahtera differ little from the organization of any other Digmaan, acting not dissimilar from the court of a Regalian Noble House, with the added consideration of the Hadarian caste system. However, the influence of metropolitan life and the Regal influence of Digmaan Bahtera himself have allowed a slight deviation. Those with a place under the Digmaan are expected to act in accordance with their caste, but with the reality of metropolitan life, they are allowed freedom from direct control not seen by those in Hadar proper. They are expected to support the Digmaan's will, but are not bound into servitude.

  • Digmaan of Bahtera
    • Current Digmaan:
      • Marquis-Digmaan Harta Diahcinta Bahtera ( [USER=6065]@ezalB[/USER] )
  • Pemisah
    • Current Pemisah: 
      • Baroq Saranamual ([USER=14931]@slurmancer[/USER] )
  • Diwa-Digmaan
    • Current Diwa-Digmaan:
      • N/A
  • Ahli
    • Current Ahli:
      • Siralli Aribu Kuning (Ahli of Alchemy) ([USER=12147]@Ceilidhe[/USER] )
      • Citra Daramibu Pedagang (Ahli of Information) ([USER=20346]@HoaxHoodwink[/USER] )
      • Teguh Sasicinta (Ahli of Archaeology) ([USER=7529]@SilentRuination[/USER] )
  • Pengawal
    • Current Pengawal:
      • N/A
  • Pengikut
    • Current Pengikut:
      • Gesang Hirakacinta ([USER=9426]@KrakenLord01[/USER] )
      • Roro Kartikibu ([USER=11318]@Malir_Bromtor[/USER] )

[Role  explanations]


  • Digmaan of Bahtera
    •  The Digmaan acts as the patriarch/matriarch of Bahtera, as well as a pseudo-monarch. Whilst they have ultimate authority, the Digmaan is still under the command of Regalian Law, and the will of the Qar-Digmaan. This role is exclusively Rama.
  • Pemisah
    • The Digmaan's representative, arbiter, judge and magistrate. They act as a role above the Diwa-Digmaan, and below the Digmaan, balancing out the authoritarian power of the Diwa-Digmaan with their own, non-Rama mindset. They are expected to act on the Digmaan's behalf when the Digmaan is not present, and supersede caste authority to do so. This role is exclusively Nang, Kyat, or Slizzar bar Makara.
  • Diwa-Digmaan
    • The Rama who have been granted a modicum of respect under the reign of Bahtera are the Diwa-Digmaan. These Rama, whilst traditionally small time landholders, often do not hold such land or power in Regalia proper. However, they still command respect from all those who find their role below them. Oftentimes, the Digmaan will assign special areas of leadership to the Diwa-Digmaan, such as Diwa-Digmaan of the Pengawal. This role is exclusively Rama, or Slizzar bar Makara
  • Ahli
    • The experts and specialists in their field, the Ahli are appointed by the Digmaan or Pemisah, or when appropriate and under their field, the Diwa-Digmaan. From medicine, to espionage, diplomacy, economics and shopkeeping, hunting to anything else. These individuals are of any caste, those most often Kyat, Nang, Kuat, or Slizzar.
  • Pengawal
    • Literally translating to 'shield', or 'bodyguard', the role of Pengawal serves more often in Hadar proper, where the military of a Digmaan often take roles front and center. In Regalia, the role is mostly ceremonial, designed as a group which travels with the Digmaan to present displays of power and leadership. Oftentimes, the Pengawal will accompany the Digmaan on a journey beyond the capital, from Hadar to Carrhen and beyond. This role is most often Ksat or Sang, but is not exclusive to those castes, even Makara Slizzar- but never Rama.
  • Pengikut
    • The Pengikut are everything from the followers, to supporters, and the citizens of Digmaan Bahtera. These individuals support the Digmaan, and respect its authority, yet do not necessarily subscribe in full to the Digmaan's whims, local guidance, nor do they offer anything particular in service beyond their presence in a crowd. Even non-Allar may be Pengikut.


[Direct blood and kin]


Much of the Bahtera bloodline was wiped out during the Chrysant War, and the subsequent chaos found in the period after the initial establishment of the Chazr Republic. This extends to the deep family records once kept in the Bahtera Digragga. This does not mean that all of the family was wiped out and forgotten, and there remain a few members worthy and of note, some living, some not. There has been rumor of even more who survived the war and now live amongst the diaspora, but only the ones below are known by name.

  • Living Family
    • Main line
      • Digmaan Harta Diahcinta Bahtera, Rama-Nang
    • Secondary line
      • Sibling of Harta, Ksat. Guard for Digmaan Diah, stayed with Harta until he left for schooling.
      • Cousin of Harta, child of aunt, Rama-Kuat. A Diwa-Digmaan just off the main Bahtera line.
      • Aunt of Harta, sister of Diah, Rama. A military commander. Served as the head general under Diah before their assassination.
      • Great-grandfather of Harta, on father's side, Nang-???. Cranky, maybe a little bit crazy, old fish guy. 
    • Tertiary line
      • Saranamual, Nang-Rama.
        • N/A
  • Notable Deceased Family
    • Main line
      • Digmaan Diah Jokoayah Bahtera, Rama. The last Bahtera to rule in Chazr, a harsh, and unredeemable tyrant. Yet their harsh rule could be said to have been good for those non-Rama, as exploitation of the other castes was at a minimum under their reign.
      • Bulan Candraibu Bahteraa, Rama. Ardent Essa supporter, she brought Bahtera into service under the Slizzar Empress. Yet, strangely , they frequently turned away open Slizzar from their court.
      • [X] Bahtera, Rama. Little is known of this legendary founder, save for their Namasarang. It is said that the founder lived to be ancient, and grew up in the depths of Sendras in the old capital of Soor in the Cacallen River.
    • Secondary line
      • Pawiro Ranucinta Dasarlaut, Nang. The heir to a large alchemical merchant company, the partnership between Diah and Pawiro was both loving and political. Pawiro lived until long after the Chrysant War, perishing in a freak accident at sea.
      • Bayu Ndaribu, Nang. The great-grandmother of Harta, on his father's side. She was the crazy equal of [Great-grandfather name]. Unfortunately, her old age caught up to her, and she passed peacefully in 306 A.C. in the Barazzt Digragga, loved and adored by the local Digmaan's court.
    • Tertiary line
      • N/A


[Applications for family, followers]

To apply for Digmaan Bahtera there are two different paths. 

For membership (a role, ie Pengikut), we ask that you find us in-character, and see what role you may have with the Digmaan! That, or if you have a pre-existing relationship with Harta, please contact Ezalb via DMs and I will see where things fit.

Please either DM via the forums or Discord, @slurmancer (.*♡ ᓚᘏᗢ ⭒.#3610) for characters related to Saranmual, and @ezalB (Ezalb#1047) if you have interest in playing a family member of Harta. However, slots are extremely limited. You may always suggest a new design, but these characters are here to be selected from. If you wish to play a Slizzar, please DM Ezalb.