Archived Different Time Periods

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
(I had this idea for a bit and it was just sitting in my writing program, I was board so I put it here)
I have been thinking, why don't we have more than one time period? Like modern, futuristic, piratic, or prehistoric times. I honestly don;t know what you'll say, but maybe we make more roleplay/faction worlds for this. And before you comment going "I hate this idiotic idea." Think. Are you just overcome by nostalgia?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Honestly I was just board and put this on... So please don't be too harsh
I love it! American Prosperity, Asia Development, and Europian Industrial should be a thing!
wait, just adding this on! Space age planets, space ships, and whole other worlds like maybe planets filled with one race? And humans invade it... Like maybe a fire torn world as the dakkar and maybe orc world, and a earth-like world with more land for the yanar and elves
I would love a Wild Western world made by MassiveCraft. I think it's such a rich and deep era that definitely has tons of RP potential. Imagine factions being gangs, nobles being mayors or sheriffs, and evil or tough PVPers being feared bandits. RPers would have an entire new spectrum of character opportunities and tons of new lives that they can take on. I would personally love a wild west server done by massive craft.
I've thought of this for awhile. The Futuristic Era and the Modern Era on the server would be quite nice.
Finally...I came to this conclusion...
The server would not be able to run two different worlds at two different time eras. Each needs it's own form of Lore and it's own form of World creation. Also, people's interests are different. The Medieval Era would probably be used more than the Modern Era as most of the interests of the populous would probably be circulated around some medieval anime or series.

In conclusion, one of these worlds would drop in population till it's no longer used by the populous, thus the staff would have to remove it. So...keep it to only Medieval.
Sci fi-
Crassans would be terraformers for planets
Yup Shayin gotta produce another heir
As awesome as it would be having multiple choices for what to rp, it would spread the players out over different eras and suddenly no matter what era you are on you can't find anyone to rp with.
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