Archived Different F Homes For Different Faction Ranks!

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King of Desolation, Emperor of the Isolated Empire
Jun 27, 2014
Reaction score
I was thinking it would be really cool if we could set multiple f homes for different ranks (recruit, member, officer and leader). This would make offline recruiting simpler as well as officers not having to go through room after room of introduction. Please vote up or down!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
What is say is merely my own opinion. I am not taking any final decisions, so what I say is by no means set in stone.

I have a hard time seeing this being implemented. It will be harder to manage and probably confuse some people. It will also add extra complexity to the commands.
Some more complexity can be okay, we can probably cope with that. But the extra complexity should only be added if it also adds extra value.

I can't see how this gives more value. F home is implemented so you can easily get to your faction without much hassle. That purpose it serves really well. From there you can have portals to different locations or bases in other worlds. You can even ut the portals behind locked doors, to make it only for a specified group of people. So a single faction home is actually all you need.

Why should your officers walk through an introduction? That doesn't sound like proper usage of a faction home. You could from your faction home make a portal to an introduction, or give a personal introduction to your recruits. But how you introduce your recruits is none of my business.
I agree with what Madus said to an extent. But despite some arguments that i don't agree with him in, I'd also like for this propose not to see the light of day.

That simply because of the fact that you could abuse these f homes to teleport to different places, just by downranking yourself or another person as officer fx. This might not seem like a huge thing for big and well thought factions, but for small 4-10 people factions, where they could simply change the faction flags to allow recruits and members to rank themselves up. This could mean that massiveportals could become obsolete in these situations, and therefor costs some premium donations in the long end.
but for small 4-10 people factions, where they could simply change the faction flags to allow recruits and members to rank themselves up
There is no permission. Officers can promote recruits to members. And only leaders can promote people to officer. That is just the default setting that cannot be changed
There is no permission. Officers can promote recruits to members. And only leaders can promote people to officer. That is just the default setting that cannot be changed
Well, that still does not change the fact that if your small faction where everyone knows eachother on an irl friend basis, then the leader, and to an extent the officers, can and probably will help out in doing this act
Well, that still does not change the fact that if your small faction where everyone knows eachother on an irl friend basis, then the leader, and to an extent the officers, can and probably will help out in doing this act
I would just think that a leader would be able to teleport to any of the f homes. And officers can teleport to all below them. And so on
I would just think that a leader would be able to teleport to any of the f homes. And officers can teleport to all below them. And so on

Well that would be even more of a misuse of the commands... It'll mean that a small faction that doesn't need more portals than there are ranks in the faction (normal f home, DR, PvP hideout fx. something that a small faction could have).
This would mean that the faction members wouldn't even need to discover the loophole, this would simply make a lot of massiveportals not needed.
Well that would be even more of a misuse of the commands... It'll mean that a small faction that doesn't need more portals than there are ranks in the faction (normal f home, DR, PvP hideout fx. something that a small faction could have).
This would mean that the faction members wouldn't even need to discover the loophole, this would simply make a lot of massiveportals not needed.
Right but what if you want more people to be able to /tp there than the people who would have access to the portal. Allies to a warzone for example
Right but what if you want more people to be able to /tp there than the people who would have access to the portal. Allies to a warzone for example

Well in that case I would redirect this conversation over in the direction of making locks on doors you put in front of portals, faction rank baseable... if that word makes sense xD... I fact i would redirect you into your own idea from one an a half month ago at:
Well in that case I would redirect this conversation over in the direction of making locks on doors you put in front of portals, faction rank baseable... if that word makes sense xD... I fact i would redirect you into your own idea from one an a half month ago at:
AND if i remember correctly i do remember saying that the ranks are stackable. Officer can open doors intended for recruit and member and member can open doors meant for recruit and so on. I think that would be a great idea. I understand that its probably not possible since LWC isnt a massive plugin. But do realize that we might be getting some of the features found in the Factions Plus plugin rather soon as MarkehMe is a techstaff on Massive now. So the faction warps might be an actual feature soon